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Non-Communicable Diseases and Physical Activity

Non-Communicable Diseases is a medical condition or disease that is non-infectious

and non-transmissible among people.
The World Health Organization reported that the main causes of NCDs are known:
unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and tobacco use.
Elimination of these modifiable risk factors would prevent 80% of premature disease, 80%
of premature stroke, 80% of type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancer. Furthermore physical inactivity
is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality.
To reduce the burden of NCDs on global health, current public health actions stress the
importance of preventing, detecting and correcting modifiable risk factor. In particular, physical
activity participation in regular has been shown to reduce the risk.

Ways in preventing NCDs

1. Exercise every day. Physical activity removes disease-causing toxins through sweat. It also
prevents cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems and reduces the risk of cancer and
diabetes. It is recommended to perform at least 30 minutes of exercise.
2. Eat foods high in lecithin. Lecithin is a potent substance that regulates cell nutrients. It also
helps you maintain an ideal body weight and helps prevent your body from accumulating
unnecessary fat. Foods rich in lecithin include soybeans, grains, legumes and peanuts.
3. Consume foods high in antioxidants. The active ingredients of antioxidants are called
flavonoids. These substances keep the brain healthy and prevent cancer and other noncommunicable diseases. Foods rich in antioxidants include cranberries, dried prunes, plums and
pinto beans.
4. Train the brain. Playing video games and solving crossword puzzles everyday can help exercise
the brain and prevent memory loss and deterioration. Performing these activities on a daily basis
will improve all of the regions of the brain.
5. Do yoga every day. Yoga strengthens the mind and body. It prevents lifestyle diseases,
especially cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. Yoga can also relieve symptoms of diseases
once they manifest. One hour of yoga is recommended.

Non-Communicable Diseases

Breast Cancer
Coronary Heart Disease
Colon Cancer

Heart Failure
Heart Attack
High Blood

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