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edo ASSO UST ARC Mong CAP dhemrateS! Bareasing, Annoying, and “Bag Guy" Identitying Chemicals 2. type of Btfort:s a T 3. Proposed by: Weight Laboratozy 4. Capability Sought and Uses to wnten re oy tices or classes of hemicals that can ba sp: tration routes used by = weapon are proposed: {si Category #2: chemicaly that attract ansoying Sha saascige SS eneBy position and mace the creatures aggressive and annoying. ‘Stinging and biting bugs, sodence, mad ger snimais would be candidates to be drawn’ ta the enemy positions. {) Category #2: Chenicais thar make Lasting mas non igthal markings on the personnel . fa) Those that were ‘exposed to the chenicala during Shane! oO tefiltvation routes or fren being sprayed waile ic che SRSMY Cap Could he eagily idencizied (oy ametl or appeacarces TORS inter. making ic tmpossible for than so blend with the eocee Pomelanion. “the chemtcal marting should aiso be annoying to the esesed individuals and to thos€ arcund him/her Spray (Pytbrent could be used aw part cf a perimeter defense systen (A Gecontamination tor Triendly forces ie available). & ib) A yaxiation on the thane would be that va would fava the countevaccing treatmenc, and @erected < Bava [o Some to us fox whe treatment. This version woctd be . Sepecially suitable for use against mixtures of anemy forces and The Eombabents. Civilians would come co us for ereavment, and che enemy ferces that did uct seek treatment could be identified (¢) A more subtle version would be same laating Gfemical marker that was not obvious to humsas, bur wolle be Obvious to trained dogs or special deteccing equinmare, These ghgpicale could be sprayed oh inti:eracion routed” Masked Andividuals would uot know they ware marked, and would soc snow how che dogs/equipnent identified than. (2) These chemiaais could alec Be used as part guéiey system (ror civilian or EoD uge) tar igh vale Stoxed items, being released when che buslding yas beaker into. (2) gmail désyeusers or the chemical could bo stolen! banks 88 an alternative co axploding ced dye for marking SeoiS8 Roney and marking the wobbex. Unlike cod die, cho soos Woere nor know ne was being marked and wauld Se eacior co identisy, S15 woes Bors GO ior seg Gabesery #3: Chemicals that effect aumes yp. 89 that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely etfected, One distasteful mit completely sou-lerhal example coated eatezONe aphrodisiacs, especially setae chemical algo cnae eg demosenual behavior, ‘another extmpla ceusn eee chemical Fuac made personnel very sensitive to oatrene: Bone ehMcal Description; objectives, Approach, what Wnt Be Done: Mae renceeOry th Chemicale, taencify an¢/or develop chemicals agguessianct BmBovisg or injurious creatures and woke them asgrgsetve. (Sex atzractant chemicals for base es ee candidare. to gues Stumble: A ‘sting me/atcack mo” cneei eas that causes bees Begattacs Would be especially efteccive soc infiltration rouces. peett,8 section of trsil with ens cuasscal ane position maltipie bes hives a Short way doy B. Category #2 Chemicatg: (Pi 2byieus ad annoying chemicele: tdentisy and/ox develop chemicals chat create Lasting markings (smell or gpeearanca) on exposed personzel. The eheieee mariage shoul ae ee antoying Lo exposed ard adjacent posses age He cule SeeauROssizle to renove. One example develop a Low toxicity Seek eng gL MMMNNNND. Shs atill retaing tus cexvacre hy creating (eevers and lasting halitosis) for gect® exposed to small coneentvari ons, Counteractiag or Secontainating treatments ehoald be devise mares chemicals 7}, ,Bigden Marking chemicals: Idestizy and/or develop chemicals that can create lasting bur not. obvie:s acent maskiags on geopie, Develop equipment ow train dogs to decooe tae gcanz. lor Sea 7oy 24, Chemicalu; Solas: types of pergonnel behavior cnanges/ettecta desised’ crear oe test chemicals, ey/tneicits Ehowvais: conaucr tases to decemnine deren {tomiedty fox humans, then condone stele txtals to Seg°mmine initial and lascing erfectivesess re various climates toons gatistcns. “Modify existing dels ezy systems /applicarion fechniques as needed (apray tants on ‘Azerat:, artillery shells, SES’ f° Sbely the chemitais, os Srenee Specialized dispensere. Gre cxample: Spray equipment ond’ associated detection equipment Seoie Woula bs positioned pesida iariiens: and would *eply fvesh chemicals co the tradi anew Perzcanel approached. &. Risks and Limdcations: Rosy: Attractant chenicale Zor maxy bugs eng S24 SEORE Bra Jmown and widely send cmpcunds axe imown to cause Shai oe TOSENS, DUC Quam cOmpounds eed Many chenicsig ars mown chat ciuse Ste ES ae Sis weserwstae aus Chee we SPYSEt EeRSesme2 to scink bedly. Application eputnmest needed A’ low tach, stato-ef- sare. Belew Discoveries Needed: uentcals that attzect bees and SCEIS EBSD testing wouad peed ‘to be ddeneurten SE eogt Bg AggEsctecs ssemicade tor other bcos of interest veula mare, to be AGsutifSed of creaced. “Non-coxte soapousis SF Que ott Bese to be develepes fume cil enaced? Various chemicals! fiat created 2a6:1ag arc Stee {ares and/or nppeazence) on perscanel would need to ke AGeuultied of qreacct. then teased, Decertanisacise procedures wousd alge read to te crested, sravarasiy treaceenes ise eee BOE Be Obtained tron auyors bit our forsee, Check sats seas Serasreuapeks"Qubey Siegteaa'mtenitve ou germane’ elule gued co be developed, Gloag with the tetecricn equcrese ta Lacsciae attected periounel: “Speciad icy ccaisise pesezan say eres be gecces, | Glemicaa that cfteccnd finan bendvise Im wiv tae would be disruptive to unit sorele aad atfactivencer fevia ceed $u,ep cegatas. |, Manutacrurioy cacmsiques need sees cee developad for chenicaln aecded in alge quart ieee Cin Obezettonal simitatioas and susceptibility to Semtemesouses: Sone chess should only be uve on oneny foyoes, while others could be yued on alntures of eoeny’ pereeanel and civilians, Deccatamnaticn would be the courtermensures, @. 7 Project stan: (aemute aeste date 1 ocr 94) AcoeStgR 2: Gelect/assten Dep organizations with excertive © Eifpanticipata in che develomenc prognea- Farcinepeetny ceganseations should provide mowleige short medicine: chetcal sanafecturing, and weapons ayglication/ine. Somplarion = res ge p. Step 2: Select types /categories of chanicale to be Seygioeed. Completion i May'ss) “then, have various companies Sevelop chemicals ani conduct inberataty cases. Completed Gee 97 4. Step 3: Condigs #iete slimaies/conditions with oh toxicity te determin: eifes Bechalgues/proceaures. Cosel in atsterent jeaie Known co have acceptable sad best applicaries Sep 93 2: :S8°R 4 Produce ettective and aafe chamtcals én lange Geaptietes and conauce cperacional evaluations, eo peccase fuclude selected use during actual nostilisies, Camlete t Sep 00 4. Froject cose: Eye RY8¢ wey tyaa evap p09 S00K 00K ook © SODK 2500K 208k Sensi’; SMM ey? vr, stag 268, 2079 senes secece, | |! WEAFE OH 65653-7502, DeN Tesvorae, SAX (13) G76 gave = ‘

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