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I was leader of Mechanical Engineering committee which organized the two football
championships: "El Mundialito" and "Mundialito 2.0", with participation of the entire
University. I was also one of the referees. Once I was the referee of the final.

In June 2016, I participated in a volunteer campaign for poor adolescents from Trujillo. I
provided vocational guidance on Mechanical Engineering. In addition, as a member of
the youth volunteering I could perform many campaigns to benefit children.
Why do you want to volunteer for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Volunteer
Programme? *
Yo nac en 1994. Ese ao, Brasil fue el campen del mundial. De pequeo mi dolo era
Ronaldo (el brasileo), amaba ver los partidos del fenmeno. Ronaldo fue
nuevamente campen del mundial en Corea Japn 2002. Mi hermana naci ese ao.
Muchas veces cuando Per juega las clasificatorias lloro de emocin. El ftbol es mi
pasin Por qu quiero ser voluntario en Rusia 2018? Porque no imagino un mejor
tiempo y lugar en el mundo por el que no solo pueda vivir el ftbol sino tambin ser
parte la organizacin de este magnfico evento.
I was born in 1994. That year, Brazil was the world champion. When I was a kid, my
idol was Ronaldo (the Brazilian guy). I loved to watch the matches of the
"phenomenon". Ronaldo was again champion of the world in Korea-Japan 2002. My
sister was born that year. Many times, when Peru plays the qualifiers, I cry because of
the emotion. Football is my passion. Why do I want to volunteer in Russia 2018?
Because I cannot imagine a better time and place in the world to not only live football,
but also be part of the organization of this magnificent event.

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