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Spencer 1

Diamond Spencer
Philosophy of Education
Education is an essential tool in the progression of a people. Education opens doors that
you might not have known how to open, otherwise. When I decided I wanted to become a
teacher, my only thought was of the children whose lives I could impact. In the 21st century,
many children are being raised by reality television and video games. I feel like my contribution
to the field of education could be one stitch that helps to hold the world together. My passion for
knowledge, how knowledge is most effectively delivered to others, and my overall love for
children will definitely aid in my mission to teach children.
After studying numerous educational methods, theories, and theorists, I have come to the
conclusion that no two people learn the same. Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligences
and Maria Montessoris Montessori Method are the main premise of my theory of education.
Children should be given, within certain limits, the choice of how the will learn a lesson. My
classroom will feature different learning centers so my students can access information in their
preferred learning style, but at the same time can become familiar with other learning styles.
My classroom will be a place where everyone is required to respect the thoughts, ideas,
and expressions of others. I will be a high school English teacher, so our class discussions might
lead us into any field of human endeavor, through our reading of literature. I will always
encourage respectful dialog amongst my students. While engaged in dialogue, I will use the
Socratic Method. After a series of questions and dialogue, I will hope that my students have a
better understanding of what was discussed that day.
Diversity in my classroom will be highly encouraged. Differences among my students
will be used to help show similarities in people from various ethnicities, socioeconomic classes,
religions, and lifestyles. I will design an assignment that asks two students to work together on a
research paper. I will assign two students to work together on this assignment who come from
two seemingly different backgrounds. This interaction will hopefully allow them to learn about
another culture. I will do a self- reflective statement; it will address how the assignment went, in
my opinion and what I could amend for the next time I do it.

Spencer 2
The thought of being in my own classroom teaching children, excites me to no end. I
anticipate the reward I will get from satisfying my hunger to teach young people, but I also
anticipate the struggle that might occur. I understand that many of my students would rather be
anywhere else, but I will do everything I can to show them the benefits of educating oneself. I
will acknowledge that many of them will come from homes that wont have any food in the
refrigerator, and I will show them that those obstacles can be overcome through education. I
strongly believe in the philosophy of Educational philosopher, Paulo Freire, and especially on his
thoughts of education as a liberation practice when used by oppressed people.
Education is the noblest profession one can dedicate their life to. The shaping of minds is
a hard task, and while Ive heard that it is often thankless, I cannot wait to be an instrument that
is used to inspire and challenge the minds of generations behind me. I will bring strategies to my
classroom that promote higher thinking, global awareness and hope.

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