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En anlisis textual y anlisis del discurso, una idea es el contenido cognitivo o

comprensin intuitiva que tiene un individuo de un tema, asunto o estado de hechos. En un

texto, hay dos tipos de ideas, las ideas principales y las ideas secundarias.

Idea principal
Es el contenido del prrafo y anuncia el pensamiento que se dice en el texto en general. La
idea principal se puede encontrar en un prrafo del texto, tambin se puede encontrar en la
primera lnea de un prrafo o incluso puede estar de manera implcita en las tcnicas que el
autor utilice.

Expresa la afirmacin ms general; esto es, la que abarca y da sentido a las dems
ideas del prrafo

Afirma lo ms importante e imprescindible; si se suprime esta idea, el prrafo queda


A veces, se indica explcitamente que es la idea principal, con expresiones como:

Lo ms importante, Lo principal, Destaquemos, Concluyendo,
En resumen, etc.

Idea secundaria o complementaria

Se encuentran ligadas a la idea principal puesto que depende de ella, y ayudan a matizar el
pensamiento que se va a desarrollar. Generalmente son detalles descriptivos, ejemplos,
circunstancias de tiempo, lugares o apoyos que sirven para reforzar, justificar o precisar la
idea principal. Las ideas secundarias expresan detalles o aspectos derivados del tema
principal. A menudo, estas ideas sirven para ampliar, demostrar o ejemplificar una idea
Las ideas secundarias, en cambio, dependen de una idea principal, que amplan,
ejemplifican o demuestran.

Como identificar ideas principales y secundarias:

Para poder identificar cul es la idea principal de un prrafo, hay que entender
a cabalidad todo el texto que se analiza o se lee, pues si no corremos el riesgo
de centrarnos en un aspecto parcial del mensaje del autor.

Cuando un autor escribe sus planteamientos, pretende que los lectores

compartan con l su punto de vista. Por eso se esmera en comunicar en el texto
con la mayor claridad sus ideas. Pero no todos los enunciados son esenciales
para entender lo que dice; algunos tan slo acompaan el enunciado principal
para: ampliarlo, ilustrarlo, repetirlo y ejemplificarlo .

Estrategias para identificar las ideas principales en un

La comprensin de un texto acadmico depende, por un lado, de la forma en la que este
est estructurado, y por otro, de la manera en la que el lector interpreta e identifica las ideas
principales y las estructuras argumentativas de dicho texto.
En cuanto a la forma o estructura que tiene un texto, es importante reconocer que esta
proviene de la historia de produccin de los tipos de texto a los que pertenece.

Multiple Sclerosis could be reversed with calorie-restricted diet,

study suggests
by Sarah Knapton,
May 28, 2016

A calorie-restricted diet which mimics the effects of fasting may reverse the
symptoms of multiple sclerosis and help repair the damage caused by the

Scientists are so excited about the finding that they are moving to large human
trials and are already recommending it for very ill patients who cannot wait.
The regime simply involves cutting normal calorie counts in half for three days
in every seven.

Although it is unclear what causes MS, it is thought the immune system attacks
the protective coating on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to
inflammation and pain, disability and in severe cases, death.

But scientists from the University of Southern California showed that, in mice,
the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) significantly lowered the percentage of
damaging immune cells, while allowing the protective coating to regrow.

Human MS patients who were put on the diet to check that it was not harmful
to their health, also reported improved quality of life and scored better on the
Extended Disability Status Scale (EDSS) which assesses movement, tremors,
speech and swallowing.

Prof Walter Longo, the studys lead author and professor who directs the USC
Longevity Institute said: The effect on humans was improvements for both
quality of life and EDSS, which is remarkable because we only did a single cycle
of the FMD for humans and tested them three and six months after.

Since the pilot human trial was small, now we are setting up a large multicenter clinical trial. However, because we have already tested this and similar
diets on hundreds of patients with various diseases, I believe this can be tried
now by MS patients who cannot wait.

These latest findings follow studies by the same USC lab that the diet, can
entirely reboot the immune system

We started thinking: If it kills a lot of immune cells and turns on the stem cells,
is it possible that maybe it will kill the bad ones and then generate new good
ones? added Prof Longo said. Thats why we started this study.

During the fasting-mimicking diet, cortisone is produced and that initiates a

killing of autoimmune cells. This process also leads to the production of new
healthy cells.

For the first part of the study, researchers put a group of mice with
autoimmune disease on a fasting-mimicking diet for three days, every seven
days for three cycles, with a control group on a standard diet for comparison.

Results showed that the fasting-mimicking diet reduced disease symptoms in

all the mice and cured 20 per cent completely.

They also saw a reduction in the inflammation-causing cytokines proteins that

order other cells to repair sites of trauma, infection or other pain. And they
found that white blood T cells, responsible for immunity were boosted.

Finally, the researchers found that the fasting-mimicking diet promotes

regeneration of the myelin the sheath of proteins and fats that insulate nerve
fibers in the spine and brain that is damaged by the autoimmunity.

The research was published in the journal Cell Reports.

Idea principal:

Una dieta baja en caloras que imita los efectos del ayuno, podra revertir los
sntomas de la Esclerosis Mltiple y reparar el dao causado por esta

Ideas secundarias:
-Cientficos de la Universidad de Southern California (USC) demostraron que, en
ratones, la Dieta Imitadora de Ayuno (FMD por sus siglas en ingls), disminuyo
significativamente el porcentaje de dao en las clulas del sistema inmune,
permitiendo, a su vez, que la capa protectora de estas clulas vuelva a crecer.

-Pacientes humanos con Esclerosis Mltiple fueron puestos a dieta para

verificar que esta no era salina para su salud y reportaron mejoras en su
calidad de vida.

-En hallazgos recientes realizados por la misma universidad, refieren que esta
dieta puede reiniciar completamente el sistema inmune.

- A su vez, los investigadores descubrieron que la FMD promueve la

regeneracin de la capa de mielina del tejido nervioso afectado por la

The dark side of creativity

Psychologists have been fascinated by the potential link for decades. The
earliest and most rudimentary studies examined eminent people across fields
including literature and the arts.
These studies found that creatives had an unusually high number of mood
disorders. Charles Dickens, Tennessee Williams, and Eugene O'Neill all
appeared to suffer from clinical depression. So too did Ernest Hemingway, Leo
Tolstoy and Virginia Woolf. Sylvia Plath famously took her own life by sticking
her head in an oven while her two children slept.
American poet Edgar Allan Poe wrote works of dark and tragic beauty, which
reflected his lifelong battle with depression. He is rumored to have suffered
from alcoholism, and his tortured characters seem to have resembled his own
persona. The circumstances of his death remain mysterious - he was found in a
delirious state on a Baltimore street.

The famed American artist Jackson Pollock suffered from depression and
alcoholism. His inner turmoil was reflected in his broad, sometimes disturbing
canvasses, such as "Circumcision".
Critics rightly pointed out that these studies focused on very specific groups of
high-achievers, and that they relied on anecdotal evidence.
Subsequent studies have cast the net wider. Simon Kyaga led a team of
researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institute.
Using a registry of psychiatric patients, they tracked nearly 1.2 million Swedes
and their relatives. The patients demonstrated conditions ranging from
schizophrenia and depression to ADHD and anxiety syndromes.

They found that people working in creative fields, including dancers,

photographers and authors, were 8% more likely to live with bipolar disorder.
Writers were a staggering 121% more likely to suffer from the condition, and
nearly 50% more likely to commit suicide than the general population.
They also found that people in creative professions were more likely to have
relatives with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anorexia and autism.
That is significant. Earlier studies on families have suggested that there could
be an inherited trait that gives rise to both creativity and mental illness.
Some people may inherit a form of the trait that fosters creativity without the
burden of mental illness, while others may inherit an amped-up version that
stokes anxiety, depression and hallucinations.
There is anecdotal evidence supporting the connection. Albert Einstein's son
lived with schizophrenia, as did James Joyce's daughter.
Keri Szaboles, a psychiatrist at Semmelweis University in Hungary, has studied
the role genes may play more directly.
Szaboles gave 128 participants a creativity test followed by a blood test. He
found that those who demonstrated the greatest creativity carried a gene
associated with severe mental disorders.

Idea principal:
Estudios antiguos han descubierto que las personas creativas usualmente
tienen un inusual elevado nmero de trastornos del estado de nimo.

Ideas secundarias:
-Simon Kyaga dirigi un equipo de investigadores en el Instituto Karolinska de
Suecia, los cuales dieron seguimiento a cerca de 1,2 millones de suecos y sus
familiares. Descubrieron que las personas que trabajan en campos creativos
presentaban altos porcentajes de sufrir trastornos mentales, siendo ms
propensos los escritores.

-Tambin descubrieron que las personas con profesiones en el campo creativo

tienen mas probabilidades de tener familiares con esquizofrenia, trastorno
bipolar, anorexia y autismo.

-Otros estudios sugieren que podra haber un rasgo hereditario que da lugar a
la creatividad y a trastornos mentales.

-Algunas personas pueden heredar una forma del rasgo que fomenta la
creatividad sin la carga de la enfermedad mental , mientras que otros pueden
heredar una versin amplificada que alimenta la ansiedad , la depresin y

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