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You are speaking with the PCV by phone on Sunday, 1 May, at 10:30 AM.
On Saturday morning I woke up in the house of a guy I had met the night before. When I
looked first opened my eyes didnt really know where I was so I kind of started to panic. I
grabbed my clothes and got dressed and went home. I dont remember what we had been
doing before that and I dont really remember how I got there. I dont know what he might
have done to me and I feel really bad about it because I have a steady boyfriend back in
America. Im really embarrassed. I dont want anyone else to know and I dont want to go to
the police.

You are speaking with the PCV in your office on Monday, 2 May, at 9:00 AM.
On Friday night, I was with a bunch of other PCVs at a bar in a town a couple of hours away
from my site. We had all decided to meet there for the weekend to celebrate Allisons birthday
even though none of us were supposed to be out of site. I met this guy and we were dancing
and talking. I thought he was kind of cute and he was very nice to me. I kind of lost track of
time and before I knew it, all of my friends were gone. He invited me back to his place and I
think I passed out because I dont really remember anything after I got there. I think he may
have had sex with me while I was passed out because there is no way I would have agreed to
have sex with him if I had been sober. I have a steady boyfriend back in America and I have
never cheated on him.

You are speaking with the PCV in your office on Tuesday, 3 May, at 1:15 PM.
I dont want anyone else to know this, but after I left the bar with this guy and went back to his
apartment, we were kissing and making out on his bed. Things got pretty heavy and we both
took off our clothes but I know we didnt have sex before I passed out. But when I woke up the
next morning I knew that he had had sex with me. Im really embarrassed by what I did
because I have a steady boyfriend back in America and I have never cheated on him. Ive
thought about this a lot and what he did to me was wrong. I want to know more about
reporting to the police.

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