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Which Asian ethnicity

- Korean
2. Name 2 factors for the high rate of Korean self-employment
- Solidarity
- Language barriers
- Human capital, 30% with college degrees
- Access to capital
- avoid the stigma of the secondary labor market
3. According to Lee what is not a reason for why Koreans locate in poor black neighborhoods
- Blacks prefer Korean goods
4. According to the reading, what are 2 factors that explain the abundance of Filipina nurses?
- cultural exchange program
5. US sponsored nursing programs
6. What is remittance and give an example?
- Things you give back to your community; Filipino nurses give back to family
7. Which 2 Asian groups were granted benefits under the Agricultural Research, Extension, and
Education Reform Act of 1998?
- Hmong and Laotians
8. Bush signed 2002 Farm Bill
9. Is Prop 8 an Amendment or a Revision of the CA constitution?
- Amendment
10. What is the procedural requirement for a revision for the CA constitution?
- Vote by state legislature
11. Which of the following was not a concern Parents expressed when learning that their child
was gay or a lesbian according to the Hom article?
- Disappointment
12. What is false about Kims analysis of the black-white paradigm?
- Fails to five a rich understanding of the relationship between race-based domination and
13. According to Min Zhou, which group is most likely to adopt API panethnicity?
- US Born middle class Asians
14. What percentage of Asian Americans claim a multiracial background?
- 12.4%

15. What did Project Race advocate for?

Push the OMB to stop adopt a multiracial category for the census
16. Hapa Issues Forum was founded at:
- Berkeley
17. What state has the highest % of multiracial persons?
- Hawaii
18. According to R. Lee, what was NOT the contest for making the Model minority myth?
- US news article on the poverty of SE Asians
19. Volpps categories of full citizenship
- Political Engagement
- Legal Status
20. Which company makes this shirt?
- A&F
21. Who is this person and why is he famous?
- John Yu; Professor @ Cal, torture is good
22. Who is this person?
23. Who is this guy?

Review Week
- Take-home essay 3 pages double spaced
I. Economy & Work
What are the underlying reasons for occupational niches in the Asian American communities?
What are some of the reasons (global and local) for immigrants to choose such niche
employment? What are some of the ramifications and social costs positive and negative for such
choices? Compare 2 Asian American groups and their occupational choices.
- Sweatshops
- Korean entrepreneurship
- Remittance
- Filipino nurses
- Ethnic enclaves

- Subcontractors
- Glass ceiling
- Human capital
- Transnational Families

- Solidarity, capital, language, barriers, lack of resources

- Limited skills and capital, high demand for certain jobs, networking
- Difficulty assimilating, work labor issues, build strong communities (limited to race), racialized
by other groups, stereotypes
- Korean self-employment
II. Race & Identity
Min Zhou notes that many Americans of Asian ancestry are ambivalent about the term Asian
Americans, preferring instead to identify themselves (typically) by their parents country of
origin. Why do you think they identify themselves in this manner? What effect do class
background, education, and immigrant status have on this phenomenon? Under what
circumstances do members of Asian-origin groups (Korean American, Filipino American, etc),
embrace a pan-Asian American identity? Under what circumstances do Asian Americans build
coalitions with other ethnic and racial groups (including whites?)
- Black-white paradigm
- Assimilation
- Sexuality
- Model Minority
- Sexuality
- Asian Americans are seen as foreign by the rest of America, and in turn often associate
themselves with their parents country of origin. (They have no place in black white paradigm)
- Assimilation is largely effected by class background / education. Well assimilated Asian
Americans tend to more strongly identify themselves as Asian Americans
- Asian Americans come together under Pan-ethnic identity. When there is a common interest or
issue or a need for numbers (ie. The queer within Asian American community)

III. Confronting Adversity: Anti- Asian Violence:

When the Vincent Chin murder occurred, the general public found it difficult to believe that hate
crimes were an issue affecting Asian Americans. Why? What lessons can we learn about the
context for hate crimes? How did the video: Who killed Vincent Chin? and readings explore
the context for the murder and the failure to get justice for Vincent?
- Black-white paradigm
- Hate crime
- Nativism
- Economic Scapegoating
- Jason Williams basketball player
- Model minority myth made the assumption that all Asians are well off economically at that
- Lesson: The economy can intensify racial conflicts
- Social justice is hard to come by
IV. Confronting Adversity: Racism in Popular Culture
What are some stereotypical representations of Asian Americans in popular culture such as TV
and film? How far have Asian Americans gone in gaining fait representation? Pw does this
compare with other racial groups? Why do you think there are discrepancies and why do the
negative portrayals persist? What are some of the problems that can result from negative
portrayals and stereotypical representations?
- Stereotypes:
- Perpetual foreigners
-Model minority/nerds
- Effeminate males
- Dragon lady
- Sexploitation of Asian females
- Kung Fu
- Identity:
- Lack of role models
- Diverse roles
- Resolution:
- Asians in neutral race roles
- Directors and cast directors
- Heroes, Sandra Oh, Better Luck Tomorrow, Survivor

V. Behind the Model Minority Thesis

Discuss the origins of the model minority thesis and the reasons for its emergence during the
Cold War and civil rights movement. How was it used then and how would you compare its uses
today? Is it an attack on Asian Americans, a complement or both? What type of ramifications
foes it have?
- Civil Rights movement
- 1960s Peterson coined the term
- causes racial stereotyping
- Disregard the failures of many Asian groups
- Glass ceiling
- Accommodation
- Clumping
- SE Asian refugees
- Black white paradigm

- Median Income
- Bifubricated Classes (split in classes)
- Pressure on youth
- Racial Stereotyping

- Hides, Flight of new immigrants

- Jealousy among minorities
- Reinforced through media depictions
- How this is used: scape-goating AA; put communities against each other
VI. Future of Race Relations
Discuss the causes for the LA Riots and how Korean American merchants became embroiled in
the conflict? What was the overall background with regards to black-white as well as Koreanblack race relations? What were the different dimensions of this conflict? Have relations
improved and is there the basis for another conflagration> How helpful is the black-white
paradigm helpful in analyzing this event?
- Korean-black conflict
- Rodney King
- Latasha Harlem
- Cultural differences
- Boycott
- Race relations got better with the Black Korean alliance
- Causes:
- Anger and frustration about insitutonal racism
- Anger from black community after Rodney King beating and acquittal of white officers
(racist / racial profiling)
- Stores in black community
- Blacks felt Koreans looked down on them (didnt say thank you, no eye contact, etc)
- Korean grocery shot black customer

- Sources:
- Helen Zia
- Wet Sands
- Min Zhou reader

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