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Doping in sports

-My work is about one of the most serious problems in sport: doping.
In our days doping is a problema that afects the health of athletes.
Im going to talk about, what is doping, its methods, techniques and
drugs that are used.
My purpose is to reflect why athletes do it and why is not corect to
use techniques doping.

What is doping?
- Doping, is an english word and it means drugs or substances that
increase the phisical capacities of sports athletes. It can also be
considered as the use of certain techniques or methodes that
change the physical state to increase the athletic performance.
The practise of doping is quite old.
In 1904 Thomas Hicks won the maratho using huge doses of brandy
and strychnine. (imagem)
This technique was developed intensely from the moment that
began the major sporting events.
One of the most shocking case of doping was in 1960, hen the
danish ciclists Knut jensen.
After this event, the International Olympic Comittee, decided to
adopt techiniques have developed quickly but unfrtunatly, atlhetes
know very well the procedures.

The various practises of doping?

- From a wide range of drugs and substances we can divided them

- Steroids anabolic
- Stimulants
- Analgesics

The steroids anabolic are the most commonly used drgs in elite
sport, that require, great physical strenght.

As you can see, the steroids anabolic develop muscle mass. This
image is an extreme case of using steroids.
Prolonged use of steroids leads to severe cardiac and liver

Doping correct or incorrect ?

-Using doping as as way to obtain results, is correct?Simply not.
-Doping is against the maximum of short that is the most important
is to participate, not to win
-The use of doping gives an unfair advantage to those that are using
it. What it has to be valued in competion is not the athlete with more
doping but the best athlete in a particular sport.

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