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By: Emily Wrenn, Kaylee Michael, Kristin

Herrick, Lindsey Harris, Mackenzie Wolk, Megan
Miller, Zoe Martin

Incorporating art in math helps students
learn about patterns and shapes by using
the right hemisphere of the brain.

Discover the relationship between instruments and the sound they make. Teach a
lesson about the inner ear, pitch & volume, and sound waves. Teach students how
sound goes from their homemade instruments to the sounds they hear! Art and
science are intrinsically linked; the essence of art and science is discovery (Alberts,
2008, p. 1). Help students discover the wonders of sound through both art and music!

Relationship between nature and the basic
essentials of life.

Food, water, sunlight, oxygen, carbon

Teach a lesson about the importance of the
cycle of carbon dioxide we give off and the
oxygen from plants.

Social Studies

Relationships between different communities and the people that live within them.
Incorporating art into social studies to see visuals on what different communities entail.
You can have students make pop-up cities to represent the different communities.
Having students make & play the Oregon Trail game so they can see the different
relationships between the people that journeyed on the trail.
Make balloon globes and your students can see the the relationships between countries
and where they are compared to each other

According to Burton (1980), visual
images are tools of expression formed in
response to childrens immediate needs
and their interactions with people and
objects in their environment (Burton,
Writing/Reading: Write a short letter or
a note to someone you care about
Art: Add illustrations and drawings of
the person you are writing to
Burton, J. (1980). Visual Events. School Arts,

Bring It On Home
Through art, students are able to discover what they are capable
of feeling (Eisner, 2002). Students understand these feelings
because the arts teach children to make good judgements about
qualitative relationships (Eisner, 2002).
Our relationships help us develop empathy. Empathy is, the
ability to imagine yourself in someone elses position and to intuit
what that person is feeling (Pink, 2006, p.159). Pink (2006) says
empathy is, A universal language that connects us beyond
country or culture (p.165).

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