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This chapter presents about the description of research methodology which
is used in the analysis including research design, data source , subject and object
of study instrumentation, data collection, data analysis.
3.1 The Research Design
Research design is the strategy used by the researchers to arrange the
background of research in order to get validity data based on characteristic and the
goal of research ( Hornby , 1995:1996 ). According to Nana (2008 : 94 ),
Qualitative research has a purpose to understand social phenomena from
participant perspective. Participants are people who are invited to interview,
observation, give the data, idea , thinking , and perception .
This research is classified as descriptive qualitative approach since the data is
a descriptive data in from of word. Moreover, this research concern with process
rather than outcomes. The goal this research is a deep understanding rather that
numeric analysis of data. Furthermore, the data descriptively analyzed based on
Grices maxims.
3.2 Data Source and Data
3.3 Instrument
As previously noted, this study is qualitative, so in conducting this study, the
main instrument of this study is the researcher himself because he is the one who
observed the objects, obtained and analyzed the data. A human instrument is used
in this study because only human who has capability to understand the real
condition of the research subject ( Meleong, 2005:9 )
3.4 Data collection
Data collection is the process of gathering data needed for study ( Puspita,
2007: 21). Related to the literature , this study is descriptive qualitative research.
And the steps of collection the data of this study are as follow :
1. The researcher search and read the advertisement in JP
3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher then studies the data which are
taken from lot of of resources. The researcher begins to analyze the data. The steps
of the analysis are as follows :
1. Analyzing the data based on the classification and the characteristic of flouting
maxims in the advertisement in the Jakarta Post newspaper.
2. Classifying the kinds of flouting maxims used in each advertisement.
3. Describe the meaning of analysis flouting maxims found in advertisement in the
JP newspaper.
4.Finally, conclude the result of analysis flouting maxims found in Adverstment in JP

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