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Hofmann 1

Abby Hofmann
Ms. Henry
ELA/Reading 2/5
19 September 2016
Decisions, Decisions
Throughout history, advancements in the medical field have assisted in keeping individuals
alive and well. In fact, testing on subjects has led to such successes. Human experimentation is
able to lend scientists better ideas regarding new medical techniques, and therefore it is ethical to
experiment on humans. Although people may die due to experimental failure, their deaths
contribute to scientific studies. People agree to partake in their investigation, so it is ultimately
their responsibility in knowing the possible outcomes. But, human experimentation can expand
researchers current knowledge bases of humans. In Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys, the
central character, Charlie, underwent an unsuccessful operation, though scientists still learned
from it (p. 78-80). Charlie told the doctors, I here add to the knowledge of the function of the
human mind (p. 78). The scientists discovered flaws in the experiment, and they were able to
use the results to shape future test. With, all trials conducted, discoveries can be found and
applied to further research. In addition, by using humans for testing, scientists have the
opportunity to change people in society for the better. On page 67, Charlie stated, then maybe
Ill be like everyone else and people will like me and be friendly. Charlies self-esteem
increased, and his results became the foundation for further testing. The community is able to be
improved and benefitted when experimentation on humans occurs. Human experimentation has
also contributed to many lifesaving treatments. Infant mortality has decreased by 75 percent,

Hofmann 2
human lifespan has increased, and cures have been developed for fatal diseases, such as smallpox
and yellow fever (CITATION). Without human testing, the world would not have some of the
most needed and used medical advancements which exist today. So, by using humans for
experimentation, scientists have been able to better society and learn more about the human
species. With all the great opportunities and possible outcomes, it is ethical to use humans in
medical experiments.

Hofmann 1
Abby Hofmann
Ms. Henry
ELA/Reading 2/5
19 September 2016

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