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David Waxman

Waxman 1

Mrs. Henry
ELA/Reading 2/6
19 September 2016

Decisions, Decisions

Many experiments around the world use humans, but is it ethical? Using Humans for
experiments is unethical. It is dangerous for a human to be experimented on. Although, you can
never know if the experiment works for sure if you dont try. Medical experiments can mot
guarantee a positive outcome. Im forgetting things that I learned recently. (Keyes 80) Charlie
is losing a lot of his intelligence. Things he once knew are things that he now doesnt know. The
experiments are life threatening since it is in fact an unknown surgery. Algernon died two days
ago. (80) Some experiments will seem fine and then suddenly not work, you can be in a worse
position the before with unexpected side effects. My coordination is bad. I feel that I am
moving slower and slower.(81) Charlie kept getting worse and worse. It wouldnt be long
before his death. Therefore, it is unethical to use humans for medical experimentation because it
is dangerous and unsafe.

Waxman 2

Works Cited
Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon. Common Core Literature, Pearson. 2015, pp. 52-86.

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