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Rachel Thompson

March 4, 2016
BCOM 3310.007
Creating, Formatting, and Modifying a Table for the Exam 77-420 Excel 2013
Specialist Exam
1. Click top left cell with your first word or words when the pointer is white,
drag it across the rest of the cells
2. In the home tab click the Format as Table tab select the color you like
3. To expand the table drag the corner of it
4. To space your cells click the cell labeled with a letter move it back or
forth with the arrow.
5. To insert cells, find home tab Find the insert button click the arrow
press insert cells
6. To delete cells select the cell range you wish to delete find delete
button in the home tab click it
7. To change it to a range click the design tab find item labeled covert to
range and click it
8. To undo click the undo arrow at the top left of the excel document
9. For a certain style click the table tools design tab click quick styles
choose a design
10. To remove a design click the quick styles button click none
11.To band columns click the table tools design tab look for table style
options click to either band columns or rows
12.To insert a total row click on total row in the table tools design tab in
the table style options to remove it, click the bow once more
13.To filter click on the column heading click on the data tab and make
sure the filter tab is on to turn off the filter click it
14.Click drop down arrow on the appropriate column to set your options
15.To see only one set click the select all box to remove all options click the
one you want seen
16.When finished with a filter click clear in the data tab
17.To sort data click on the data tab click the sort button
18.Choose number of levels and values change the order from A to Z, or Z to
A, or by area
19.Sort by clicking a column click one of the two other buttons in the sort and
filter group
20.To remove duplicate select the table click the data tab then the
remove duplicates in the tools group
21.Select where you wish to remove duplicates press okay.

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