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Lesson plan unit 4

September 10, 2016

Learning objetives: learn vocabulary for clothing items , about colors, see
possessives in context, practice possessives adjectives I n context and
possessives adjectives and pronouns, practice possessives with names. Learn
vocabulary for the weather and seasons. And see present continuous in
T- shows to Ss a poster about clothes, Ss take notes. Then elicits them to signs
someone else and describes the clothes that he or she sees into the classroom.
2. Ss- will listen and practice the colors on pag e23 and the conversation Its
a disaster And asks them to do a role play and chooses three pairs of them
3. T- explains the Possessives adjectives by saying This is My book . Then
indicates a students book and says This is YOUR book. Then focus Ss
attention on the Possessive Pronouns in the second column of grammar focus
box. This English book is MINE. Then T- signs another book and says This
yellow book is YOURS. Also points out that names are made possessives by
adding S.
4. T- asks to ss to work with their activities from Ss book at page 24
5. T- gives to Ss an extra sheet of task for practicing more about these
Possessive Adjectives and pronouns
6. T- elicits to Ss ideas about Weather and Seasons, and writes these questions
on the board. Whats your favorite season?, what season is it now?, whats
the weather like today? And asks to SS stand up from their seats and write on
the board. Then, sticks up on the board a poster about it, and Ss take notes.
7. T- around the classroom sticks up pictures about weather, and the other side
puts on a table the wordcards Stormy, cloudy. And asks to Ss to match the
picture with the correct wordcard.And practice the vocabulary
8. T- Ss- will do a review about the English test and clarify some doubts or
correct some mistakes

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