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a) problem statement leadership

Pedagogical beliefs refer to preferred ways of teaching by teachers; these beliefs

are generally categorized into the knowledge transmission view or knowledge
creation view (Teo et al., 2008; Wong et al., 2009). Teacher who embrace the
knowledge transmission view are motivated to prepare and conduct lessons in a
teacher-centered and content-oriented manner. Our education systems, which were
designed for more passive lecture-style delivery, may be employed to support more
active approaches to learning by adding support for real-time communication, selftest, and annotation by student and teacher. This is a major problem because the
lesson delivered did not sufficiently engage students and relied on a more passive
lecture format of content delivery. Students must be given living lessons so it will
allow students to discuss and co-author online lessons. Their contributions become
additional materials for subsequent students. A variety of active learning methods are
possible including group learning, student centered exploration and self-paced
study. Moreover, students do act as passive recipients for the content knowledge. By
comparison to the knowledge construction view advocates that students should
actively make sense of their learning experiences while teachers design meaningful
learning experiences and scaffold students-centered activities that facilitate students
knowledge construction through active self-reflection, peer interaction, and meaningmaking process (Wong et al., 2009; Chan & Elliott, 2004).

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