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‘April 2012 Bluecope Lysaght Vietnam Tm lap LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK* a loa tim lop mal mdi nl dng s6ng cao, duge ghép ndi mép co hoc nhs é thé chiu mo digu kin th tit va ching tc gid higu qua. He thdng mai LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® tao a su ty do v6 thiét ké va cung cp su [ua chon vé iti php cho cdc yéu cu kign tric hign di. Tim lop LYSAGHT? ZIPDEK® phi hgp él cc tba nha cng céng, cic cng trnh thuong mai va cing nghigp. Tm lop LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® cé niu lal fch ngodl céc Kha nang kién tric phong phii hé thing dai kep &n dugc thigt KE dc bit, khong cin vit. Bigu nay tang Kha nang c6 thé chiu digu kin thoi tiét kh nghiét va ching tc 16. Nh& méi nd cima, cic ke nep c6 thé dugc bat chat tren mi ndt inh hinh, gp vig Kp dt tm igp phan len thdng mi hod thign duoc d& dang, He théng cb thé dugc kp dt nhanh chéng vi cic tim Ip LYSAGHT? ZAPDEK® dugcn6i tai ché dé tao rachigu di yeu céu ma khéng cin pha ni cng, Vigc lip dt dan gin va nhanh chéng nh tm lop dug ép vio he thdng da kep, sau d6 né dugc néi tai ch Hé thing mat LYSAGHT® da dugc thi nghiém bai NATA — Trung tam Thi rnghiém nghién cduva Phat trién uy tintai Australia. Vi cic gli php vé mai va vich LYSAGHT®, cic ki tricsu va nha tit kéc6 thé an tim quy dinh tm lgp LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® da duc thi nghigm toan dign va hé to bt doi 1ngi kj thugt BlueS cope Lysaght, He théng mai LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® dugc san xuat tu thép Clean COLORBOND®, cong nghé thép ma mau déc quyén cia BlueScope Steel. Thép Clean COLORBOND® c6 cutng a va hiéu sudt ting dung vugt tdi so v6l cdc vat libu kc. Loa thép ny con c6 nhiéu mau sc hp dn vi 6 bén mau cao, Tham khio thong tn chi tét trong ti igu sn phém Clean COLORBOND™ ‘Tamm lop LYSAGHT? ZIPDEK® c6 chiéu ring tiéu chun 415mm, v6i a day va mau sdcvat liguda dang Dactinh vatly SONG LYSAGHTSZIPDEK® LYSAGHTSZIPDEK® PROFILE Chigu diy thép nén (BM) Base Metal Thickness (BMT) Téng Chigu day sau ma (TCT) Total Coated Thickness (TCT) Téng chiéu day sau son (APT) After paint thickness (APT) Chiu ring hit dung | Effective Cover Width (Chiu cao sing ton Rib Depth {96 déc mai nhé nat khuyén nghi Minimum Recommended Roof Pitch/ Slope Curing 66 thép (MPa) Grade of Steel (MPa) Dung sai Tolerances Chiu cat catty chinh Custom Cut Lengths ma (61 thiéu) Coating Class (min) Physical Properties TIEU CHUAN. Standard 0.55mmé 0.60mm= Thép Clean COLORBOND® XRW 635mm Clean COLORBOND® XRW steel Thép Clean COLORBOND® XPD 0.635 mm Clean COLORBOND® XPO stee Thép Clean Pearlescent COLORBOND® XPD 0.635 mm Clean COLORBOND® XPD Pearlescent stel ‘Thép Clean COLORBOND® ULTRA 065mm Clean COLORBOND® ULTRA steel 415mm 6mm Chigu dai tim lop khéng c6 msi n6ichéng mt Sheet length without end lap Chigu dai tim lgp c6 méi n6i chéng mi Sheet lenght with end lap chi: Tg cig aura (TCT) cho th Clean COLORBOND ULTRA 6mm, 4 LYSAGHTZPDEK® cn OTT 0.9mm 0mm pitch. Vuong én BlueScope {ysaght Vit Mam a bit thém Tacicknu we anh v.95, tit. ‘hit cho dn cy thé. ADO: “rong ung kip ma 150a/m? tr chai mst (55% hap kim nm 43,5%6kém 8 1.5% SHicon) ‘2200: “eng tng ip ma 200g/n? rn hai mt (55% hop kim nh, 35% km 1.5% Sion) Lal thép Finishes ‘lean COLOBOND® ULTRAL steel (0.65mm) Apri 2012BlveScope Lysagh Vietnam 8 thE ug gm 1h 6 HE 6 ny ph thu ve tinh ton. Vi ling in be BlueScopeysaght it Nam dit thé chit 8 cc giiphsp Notes: Khoang Tin 29 2(1 in 29 approx.) Khoang in 20 3°(1 in 20 approx.) ZINCALUME®G300 Steel (Gi han chdy 300N/mm?) ZINCALUME® 300 Steel (300N/mm: yield strength) (Chigu dai +0,75mm Chigu ng +0,5mm Length + 0.75mm Width + 0.5mm 6 di bith chigu divin chuyén ti da Any measurement ta maximum trasportable length ZINCALUME® AZ150 steel (150g/m?) «Total Caled Thicness (TCT) for Clean COLORBOND* ULTRA steel is0.61mm, i LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® Profile i also available in BMT of 0.9mun and 1 Onmm Aluminium as ron-standard product. Please refer to BueScope Lysaght Viet Nam for mare information. ple Note: At edge and corer zones, the span may ave tobe reduced by a factor. Tis factor depends onthe design pressure, Please consult BlueScope Lysaght Vitam for specific project design solutions. AZIS0: AZ200: Coating Mass of190/m?on both side (55% Aluminimum, 43,5% Zinc and 15% Silicon) Coating Mass of209/n? on both side (55% Aluminimum, 43,5% Zinc and 15% Silicon) Mass & Coverage Trong lugng tren don v din tch (ko/m) rong nang tendon vi chi dt (kom) 6 bao phi (tn) Mass per Unit Area Tiéu chun | Standard Thép Clean COLORBOND® XRW (0,635mm) 652 Clean COLOBOND® XRW steel (0.635mm) ‘Thép Clean COLORBOND® Pearlescent XPD (0,635mm) 652 lean COLOBOND® XPD Pearlescent steel (0.635mm) Thép Clean COLORBOND® ULTRA Steel (0,65mm) 659 Mass per Unit Lenght Coverage Tidu chun | Standard Tibu chun | Standard an 15337 20 15337 274 151.75 90 DOC CUA MAI Thigt ké mang phing réng va lin két dn di gitip cho tém lop LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK®tréthanh sulya chon hodn hio cho mai c6 a déc nhd nhst. Cin chi 3 kh thigt ké ton bg| mai vi cc chi tit tht ké Kc c6 thé a nha t6 gid han trong viéc quy dinh 6 déc.Xem thém Bang 1 cus dy Ue Ronc neee Carpe make it the perfect choice for oofs with minimum fall Careful attention en ee ea er Deo e eee ars ee ee ec ae em a Bang 1: D9 déc nhé nhit cho ton LYSAGHT° ZIPDEK® ‘Dp décmai nh nat | Minimum Roof Pitch 09 de |Slope Loi msi | Roof Type P 1B ‘Tim LYSAGHT ZIPDEK chay tit inh dén ria mai Ridge to eave LYSAGHT ® ZIPDEK ® Ni chéng mi va liga Két vit End lap sealed and stitched G66 ma xuyén mai valién ket vit Penetration sealed and stitched Chi: rs £6; vl msi dc dui 3, ben trong mdi phi cht uty mastic te ea EO Cee acu Décmai [ae ‘D6 dc mai | Degrees of Roof Slope Tyle eer WIND UPLIFT CAPACITIES OF LYSAGHT° A a Oa ese ha @.\ ae 7b) KHA NANG CHONG TOC GI6 CUA TAM LOP LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® - NHIP TIEU BIEU Bang 2: Khodng céch don tay ti da Table 2: Maximum Support Spacings ‘Tém lop LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® | LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® Profile ‘6 dy thép nén (BMT) Vattiu Base Metal Thickness (BMT) ‘Material 055 Thép Nip teu bigu cho tng LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK? ti0,9m dén 1,2m wi cigu gn thit inh thud Steel Thetypical pan range for LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® system is 0. to 1.2m considering normal design conditions. Chiij ried Sen ee ee a Mca depends on the design pressure Please consult BlueScopelysaght, see eas + Taicdc ving canh va g6c nip 6 thé usc gtm bai 1 he sé Hé sé nay phy thud vao dp luc tinh todn, 88 bit thém cic oii php tht kécho dy én cu thé, vui long lién hé BlueScope Lysaght Viét Nam. ‘+ LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® cling c6 thanh phén nhOm véi bé day thép nén 0,9mm va Tm. 0 bit them chit. vung fin he BlueScope Lysaght Vit Nam OS Sa eee ane Dea Thickness ( BMT) of 0.9mm and 1.0mm. Please refer to BlueScope Lysaght Dee UNC ea SPO eed ec TE inners bern J (menus itseou b (one emanate omen) fore} 4 r nee Trinh tulgp ton chy ‘86 nghi in he BlueScope Lysaght VietNam d@ dugc tu vn chi tet cdc ni chOng Khe. SIEM BAN VIT Khu vc ban vit c6 thé duc at du tm diém che khe nt hoc ta tm ton lop ben dud (a) Under high end flashing (a) Dutitém che the not April 2012 BlueScope Lysaght Vietnam Note: Please consult BlueScope Lysaght Viet Nam fo alternative end lap detail PAN OF FIXING POINT Pan of sheet fixed can be located at ether under high end flashing or at nderiap sheet of end lap. Vita dep Weer Head Screw Atundetlap sheet of end lap (6) Taitém tontgp dui THI CONG CUON MEP TON MAY CUGN MEP TON He théng mi LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® duoc gp ni mép trén hé théng kep bang céch sit dung phuiong phép gép mép tén co hoc. May gép mép ton «gém 2 con lan kep trén ton LYSAGHT ZIPDEK® va b6 phan dn hudng 4 Dinh nam ekim bo dat duce chiéu cao chinh xd. DUNG CY CUGN MEP TON Kong 200-300 khi bat dd seam my pha duge gp mép bing tay 48 ddim bao may gp mép duackep tén tm ton, chay da séng ton. Dung cu tay dugc si dung bing cic sit cht tay ci hung vao trong gén mot 9p. ‘CUON MEP TON LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® Trudc khi gdp mép, phai dim bao thiét bi danh cho ding loai vat ligu va ting 6 ciy, Mot s6 tit bi #3 duac dinhcG, trong kh cic tiétbikhdc cin digu chinh bing tay. Sauds, cin kiém sost d8 dim bao Gat dugc ich thud thé hign trong Bang s. May gp mép dugckep trén phan sng ngay vi tri di duc gp mép bing tay 200-300mm. Thiét bi dude siét chat va an nt. May gap mép khi 46 chay trén sng n6ichéng va gdp mép. Chic6 tam ton dugc gp mép chinh xacméi cé 46 kin nud cing nhurchéng gi6 b6c va chiu dp luc tir chan di chuyén trén mal. Bang 5: ich thuée gap mép tan Vat igu 6 diy ich thudicméi gap Thep 055 200mm Nm 0.90 2.0mm 1.00 25mm hig ‘abit them chit v bien php lip At, meolp dt, xin tha khio” Bain hj tht ca BlueScope ysaght Vig Na Searing ols Conlin j \ aenteas Banh din hung chi igi antodn trong quétrinh Lip dit nh Atti tong tap trung vao mat dgm tn thung ling ton. MBighép phi duac “tw i i alten msi. Khong cich gia cc im trong métchutrinh dude quy inh bin sn must Sh diffe S35 Bay Ce Mec UC ce EN See ‘cal seaming process, The seamer consists of two seaming rollers that are ‘damped onto the LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® panel, and four wheel quide to Ces Een POSS a8 The first 200-300mm should be hand crimped to enable the seamer to be clamped onto the sheet, running along the ribs. The hand tools used by squeezing the handles inward to close the seam ‘SEAMING LYSAGHT® ZIPDEK® ROOF SHEETS Prior toseaming, ensure the unitis set up forthe correct material type and thickness. Some units have calibrated settings, while others require manual adjustment. For the later, careful contol should ensure thatthe eee ee ee The seamer is camped onto the end of the rib which has previous been hand cimped 200-300mm. The unit tightened and the button pressed Tame Rc Se ecu Te Only correctly seamed sheets will provide water-tghtness properties as Poem te en conte BES any Material Thickness Seam Size Dimension Steel 0.55 2.0mm Aluminium 0.90 2.0mm 1.00 25mm Note: Pease refer to" BlueScope Lysaght Vietnam Technical Stas for detailed information on instalation method, tips for inspection and compatibility notes Rec es Avoid excessive concentrated point loads on the pan ofthe panel. The seams must be Be aS et a nea ce ad Brest ects 12 ©hpril 2012BlueScope ysaght Vietnam CACVAT LIEU KHAC NHOM: ‘Mai nhdm ding cho di kién moi trung 6 tinh an mon cao, 66 cc kim Joaikhac khong thé la giai phap tat nhat, Gc truang hyp dign hin nh khu ‘ye hla nud, mai truéng cng nghiép cé tinh non va Khu vue gin bin ‘nok ma sun mon a mat vin 8, va vie that bal cla gil php lla mot van <8 kn hon, Vig tang kha nang chiu nhigt cia nhom nén dugccén nhéc trong cc diéukign ten. THEP KHONG Gi: ‘Thép khéng al két hap tinh ching én mon va cng a6 thép. Thép khong gi ‘hit hop cho moi truéng 6 tinh &n mon cao. Thép khdng gi phi hop cho vigc si-dung tai mai trudng bign hoc moi tring é tinh an man Kh. ZERO HORM choy! Néu ban lam vigc tai d9 cao 1.8m hdc trén 1.8m, ban phai mic bio hd lao «dong vi day boo kép bud vao day cau sinh hoacmotdiém neo Noa ra, Ausmesh 300 duc Khuyén nghi si dung dé chéng rl trong qua tri lop ton, Blue Scope Lysaght Vet Nam khuyén nghi si dung he ma an toan LYSAGHT® trong qué tinh kip dit mai Xn én he BlueScope Lysaght Vit Nam Abit thém chit THUONG HIEU LON, VAT LIEU CHAT LUGNG CAO San phim LYSAGHT® dugc sén xuat ti thép ZINCALUME® chat lugng cao va ‘thép Clean COLORBOND®, hai thuong hiéu din du trong nganh. Cac sin pham nay dugc sti dung bai cac nha kién triic ndi tiéng nham tao ra céc thiét ké moi ntti phong cach 6 én dén hign dai cho cic dn nha 6. April 2012 BlueScope Lysaght Vietnam OTHER MATERIALS ALUMINIUM: The princibal application of aluminium roofs is for highly aggressive environments where other material may not offer the best solution. Typical applications include water storage, aggressive industial environments and near coastal application where corrosion is a concer and/or failure is of ‘major consequence. Increased thermal movement of aluminium should be carefully considered when detailing such project. STAINLESS STEEL: Stainless steel combines good corrosion resistance and strength of steel Stainless steel ssutable for highly aggressive environments where design considerations require the strength for longer spans. Stainless steel is suitable fr use in coastal or other corrosive environments Reminder! Ifyou are working at height 2 metres and above, you must wear a safety hamess witha shock absorbing twin tal lanyard attached to either a lifeline ora anchorage point. In addition, the use of Ausmesh 300 is recommended to assist in the prevention of falls during roof sheet laying. BlueScope lysaght Viet Nam recommends LYSAGHT® safe roof system to be incorporate during the installation of rof system, Contact BlueScope Viet Nam for more informa- tion STRONG BRANDS, QUALITY MATERIALS LYSAGHT® products are manufactured from high quality ZINCALUME® steel and Clean COLORBOND® steel, which ate leading architects to create the latest in modern building designs, through to classic roofing styles for residential projects. pril 2012 BlueScope lysaght Vietnam

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