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To get the instance owner

ps -ef | grep pmon | grep -i jdenad83
sorting as per the disk usage
du -sk * | sort -n
Creating Soft link
ln -s source file name destination file name
eg:-> ln -s /oraback/PDDB0198/PDDB0198_temparc/PDDB0198_1_31390_777279151.arc
Moving the files
mv source file name destination file name
eg:--> mv PDDB0198_1_31502_777279151.arc /oraback/PDDB0198/PDDB0198_temparc
sorting as per the disk usage in reverse order
du -sk * | sort -nr
to see the last full backup
cd logs/RMAN
ls -ltr full*
To set Environment
. oraenv
Oracle base
cat /etc/oratab
NOTE: bdf . gives the disk utilization of present directory.
select name,open_mode,host_name,to_char(startup_time,'HH24:MI DD-MON YY') "STAR
T-UP TIME" from v$database,v$instance;
In case of Linux server to get the size of the file sysytem
df directory name.
df -h .
df -k DBNAME
To start a Database ==>> startup
to start listener= start listener name as start LSNR_JJCAPPD92_01
If alert logs are not found in bdump, Follow the Below step
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)go to oracle home/dbs
(ii)look for initBDNAME.ora file or spfileDBNAME.ora
(iii) more initBDNAME.ora or spfileDBNAME.ora
(iv) look for .backgroung_dump_dest="/path will will be given EG=.background_dum

(v) go to the path given, here alert log will be ther like alert_dbname.log
to check the full backup in RMAN==list backup of database;
## to check whether the enivironment is set ?? === env | grep ORA
#### if sqlplus is not found in the library
trying export

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