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1. Alfino Jazmiki (11150788)
2. Faizal Fazli (11152171)
3. Junius (11150661)
4. Muhammad Ripaldi (11151570)
5. Setiyo Nugroho (11151871)

A. Issue Background................................................................................... 1
B. Purpose.................................................................................................... 2
C. Writing method....................................................................................... 2


Steganography........................................................................................ 3
History of steganography........................................................................ 3
Techniques of Steganography................................................................. 4
Steganography work system................................................................... 6
Utilization of Steganography..................................................................8


A. Technological implications steganography.............................................. 9
B. Conclusion.............................................................................................. 9
C. Suggestion............................................................................................... 9

A. Issue Background
Worldwide, internet (network interconnection) has developed into one of the media
data communication is very popular. Ease of use and comprehensive facilities the advantages
possessed by the internet, and not be a secret anymore in the community of Internet users at
the present time. However, along with the development of Internet media and applications
that use the Internet is also growing crime in information systems. With a variety of
techniques of information retrieval illegally growing, many are trying to access information
that is not right. To that end, in line with the development of very fast internet media must
also be followed by the development of security in information systems that are in the
internet media.
Various kinds of techniques used to protect confidential information from
unauthorized people have been carried out in an effort to secure an important data, one of
which is Steganography can hide confidential data. This technique is often used to avoid
suspicion and avoid the desire to know the contents of the secret message. How to hide secret
information in a reservoir container can be shaped different types of digital multimedia files
such as text, image, audio, video. Currently in internet media we can imagine a sea of ??
information that we can access. Most nothing has been protected by an information security
techniques commonly used, one of which uses cryptographic security techniques which are
still insufficient to secure the information that runs on Internet traffic.
Based on the assumption that data security is the goal of information technology in
this regard. Steganography is the technique solution of the problems mentioned above. Due to
the use of such techniques, the data can we hide information in a media

B. Purpose

This article discusses and describes steganography steganography as one way of

growing in maintaining the security of the information, which aims to increase knowledge
and be useful to us all.
Goals to be achieved in this task are:
Provide information about how the steganographic techniques can be applied at the file /

Make application concealment of information into a single media by providing alternative

methods of steganography.
Manipulate Medya which there is confidential information that is confidential message can
not be known to exist and are invisible no change in the media manipulation of the results.

C. Writing method

In this paper we use the network method that is by looking for sites related to
steganography on the internet.

A. Steganography
Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages in a message. In antiquity
told by Herodotus that the ancient Greeks hide messages by making a tattoo on the head
carrier Dibotaki news and wait until the hair grows. Surely this way is not suitable to transmit
news quickly.
Another way to hide the message is to use invisible ink (ink that is not visible). A
paper written by using invisible ink can only be read when the paper placed on the lights (or
directed to the sun). When the First World War, the Germans hide messages in the form of
microdots, ie small dots. Agents can make a picture and to reduce it to the smallest point in
writing the book. This book could then be carried, without being suspicious that marks the
point in writing the book contains messages or images.

B. History of Steganography
The first records of steganography written by a Greek historian, Herodotus, when
Histaeus a cruel Greek king was imprisoned by King Darius in Susa the 5th century BC.
Histaeus should send a secret message to his son, Aristagoras, at mellitus. Histaeus write a
message by way of a message tattooed on the scalp of a slave and the slave when the hair
begins to grow, Histaeus send it to Militus slave to send the message on his scalp to
Another story about steganography comes also from the Greek historian, Herodotus,
that is by writing a message on a wooden board covered with wax. Demeratus, a Greek who
will spread the news to the Spartans that Xerxes intended to invade Greece. So that parties
unknown Xerxes, Demaratus write a message by filling the tube timber with candles and
write messages in a way engraved on the bottom of the timber, then the wooden planks of
wood inserted into the tube, then the tube closed timber with wax.
In the 20th century, steganography is really experiencing growth. During the course of
the Boer war, Lord Boden Powell (founder of the scouting movement), which served to make
the sign of the target position Boer army artillery base. For security reasons, Boden Powell
drew maps of enemy positions on the wings of a butterfly that image - a picture map of the
target is camouflaged.
World War II was a period of development of new techniques of steganography. At the
beginning of World War II, although still used invisible ink technique, but new techniques
were developed such as writing secret messages into another sentence that does not relate
directly to the contents of the secret message, then technical writing secret messages into
carbon correction tape machine type, and also techniques using hollow pins to mark the

selected phrase is used in the message, the last technique is microdots which was developed
by the German army at the end of World War II.
From the examples of conventional steganography can be seen that all conventional
steganographic techniques of communication in a way trying to conceal or camouflage to
hide the message message.
Along with the development of computerized technology, especially technology,
steganography is also venturing into digital media, although steganography can be said to
have a close relationship with cryptography, but both methods are very different.

C. Techniques of Steganography
1. Traditional Technique
a. Writing a secret message using invisible ink
b. Hidden messages on messenger's body
For example :
Herodotus tells the story of a message tattooed on a slave's shaved head, hidden by the
of his hair, and exposed by shaving his head again.
The message allegedly carried a warning to Greece about Persian invasion plans.
This method has obvious drawbacks:
It is impossible to send a message as quickly as the slave can travel, because it takes
months to grow hair.
A slave can only be used once for this purpose. (This is why slaves were used: they were
considered expendable).
2. Modern Technique
In computer era, steganography can be done by inserting a secret document into other
document. Any document can be used as a media, for example text file, picture file, or
multimedia file such as mp3 or video file.

D. Steganography work system

Currently, steganography is still rarely used for commercial purposes, the technique is
still in the research stage. However, steganography can be used in the DVD industry, and
other industries associated with the multimedia data to be protected. You can imagine, if an
identifiable data camouflaged in the data we want to protect (in this case the data-carrier), it
will be very difficult for others to know where the data is stored in a data-carrier.
1. Using Program Steganography.exe
Using executable file that can be obtained from the directory Steganography / or
Steganography Debug / Release after his zip file you extract.

To insert text data into bitmap files, can perform the following steps:
Open the bitmap file from the menu File | Open.
Type or copy the text to be inserted into the text box / edit box. Any bitmap image has certain
limits to the data inserted text, if this limit is exceeded, for example threshold value is too
strange or number input text in excessive enter, there will be significant changes in the
images that make steganography technique is not working as expected.
Type a threshold value in the text box / edit box at the bottom of the program, next to the label
threshold. The threshold values range between 0.2 s / d 0.4 (typing using numeric format
English / USA), if typing another value, an abnormality is likely to occur during the program
run. If you do not type anything, it will use the default value of 0.3. If typing characters other
than numbers and dots (.) There will be an error, and the program should be turned off. we
have not had time to incorporate error handling for this section, because this program is a
program quick'n dirty, just as an illustration.
Click the encode button, and the process of encoding (data insertion) will be performed. Once
completed, it will display the message "encoding finished". This step will insert text data into
a buffer bitmap file is opened (in memory) and will make map.txt file in the directory where
the bitmap file is opened. This file contains the data required to retrieve text data from this
bitmap image.
To save the data that has been changed, it can be put on the menu File | SaveAs. To date, this
program has not been able to save changes directly to the bitmap file that is currently open,
this is a bug that is not fixed, so the menu File | Save and toolbar buttons to save not working
properly. Note that this program will create a map file (map.txt) in the directory where bitmap
files that are in the open now.
To retrieve text data, perform the following steps:
Open the bitmap file from the file menu | open.
Click the button decode, then you will see the Open dialog, then must choose a file folder for
bitmap data are now in the open, this file is a file folder map.txt generated when performing
the encoding process. If you select the wrong file folder, then the result is unpredictable, it
could be the text that came out wrong or even chaotic program halfway. Need to be careful.
The result of this decoding process (the text in the image) is displayed on the edit box / text
box on the right part of the display image.
2. Algorithms and the application of steganography
Steganography using image data based on the nature of the image data it self by human
perception, can imagine if a pixel in an image with a resolution of 24 bit RGB, changed one
bit, respectively on the Red, Green and Blue-its, whether the eyes people can tell the
difference? certainly very difficult. Another important thing that is characteristic of the image
data is, the higher the "complexity" of the picture, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish
between images that have been inserted and other data that has not been inserted.

"Complexity" is measured by comparing the changes between the bits RGB value of adjacent
pixels in the image, or with a simple language, how drastic change in color of one pixel to
pixel next to them, or how random distribution of colors in an image.

E. Utilization of Steganography
Steganography is a double-edged knife, it can be used for good reasons, but it can also
be used as a means of crime. Steganography can also be used as one method of image
watermarking for copyright protection, as well as digital watermarking (fingerprinting). And
most importantly, as mentioned previously, steganography can be used to hide secret
information, to protect it from theft and from people who are not entitled to know.
Steganography can also be used by terrorists to communicate with each other.
In connection with the security of information systems, steganography is only one of
many ways you can do to hide secret messages. Steganography is more suitable to be used in
conjunction with other methods to create a layered security. As an example of steganography
can be used in conjunction with encryption.


A. Technological implications steganography
In the future (or even today), a technology that utilizes this technique will be
increasingly difficult for people who are not responsible for who likes to do piracy on
multimedia products.
Perhaps also this technology will make us like to send secret messages to our friends
through the data-carrier unexpected. Hopefully this article can open our insights about data
security technologies.

B. Conclusion
Steganography is an interesting and effective way to hide secret messages and has
been used for centuries. Methods to "show" the hidden message (called steganalysis) has
quite a lot, but that is difficult is to realize that the use of steganography and the key needed
to "unlock" the message. The technology used is simple but quite difficult tracking.
Therefore, steganography is still used in maintaining the security of the information and
applied in many things until now.

C. Suggestion
Steganography method development should be improved seeing the many advantages
of steganography, image steganography especially for combining audio and video
steganography steganography to produce better.

Paper : Modeling Digital Image into Informative and Noise-Like Regions by
Complexity Measure, Eiji Kawaguchi and Michiharu Niimi, Kyushu Institute of Technology.
2. Hyperdictionary. Discrete Cosine Transfor
Available at
3. Hyperdictionary. Fast FourierTtransform
Available at
4. Introduction to Steganography.
Available at
5. Johnson, Neil F. 1995. Steganography . Center for Secure Information
Systems, George Mason University
Available at
7. Krenn, Robert . Steganography and Steganalysis
Available at
8. Mangarae, Aelphaeis. 2006. Steganography FAQ .
Available at

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