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Preliminary Task Evaluation

The task I was set for my preliminary was to film someone opening a
door, crossing the room then having characters exchange brief
dialogue. Throughout this task as a group we had to show continuity
when filming. In order to show continuity we had to make sure shots
included match on match action which is an editing technique where
one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in
the first shot. Its used to show a visual bridge which stops the
viewer noticing any obvious cuts or continuity issues. We had to
also use shot reverse shots, these are commonly and mostly used
during a scene of two characters exchanging dialogue, one shot is
taken of the character talking and then that shot is followed by a
reverse shot of the other character replying to the character talking
in the first shot. We also and had to follow the 180 degree rule, the
180 degree rule is the idea that in order to keep the left and right
relationship the same to the audience the filming cant go over the
180 degree line unless its filmed doing so. The 180 degree rule
keeps characters or props on the same side regardless of the shot.
After filming and editing our short film I think it was a success as we
met most if not all the criteria of the task. We included someone
opening a door that represented the match on match action, we
used a variety of shots throughout the film, these included extreme
close ups, close ups, medium shots and long shots with different
angles; for example the CCTV style shot of the subject walking down
the corridor was a high angled long shot.

We also included multiple

shot reverse shots during the scene in which the two characters
were exchanging dialogue. Whilst shooting the shot reverse shots
we had to consider the 180 degree rule, we effectively followed the
rule as both characters are on the same side in both shots shown.

During the filming sticking to the 180 degree rule was difficult
however we managed to successfully follow it for the duration of
filming. We also used framing effectively when Jack (the
assassin/hitman) walked into the room, this is an effective use of
framing as the audience couldnt yet see who the boss (Gabby sat
at the desk) was this was effective for the audience as it creates
anticipation and mystery as the boss hasnt been revealed yet.

The composition of our shots were successful and appropriate. This

is due to the fact that we applied the rule of thirds to our shots and
followed the rule throughout the production. For example in the shot
below the assassin/hitman is the main focus for the audience this is
because we made sure he was in the centre of the shot when
setting up the camera. It was important we placed the assassin in
the middle of the shot as he was the character talking at the time
and by following the rule of thirds it allowed us to draw the
audiences attention to the subject of this shot.

We also succeeded in showing match on match action during the

scene of the assassin walking through the door. The first shot was a
POV shot of the subjects action of opening the door. Then straight
after, the next shot showed the result of the subjects action through
an over theshoulder shot. I think we used match on match action
effeectivly to show continuity as the shots run through smoothly
with no continuinty errors.

We used imovie to edit our footage. Using imovie was easier than
expected, Ive learnt a lot of simple editing techniques by
completing this preliminary task. The skills I have learnt include how
to simple put all shots in order, how to simply cut the shots to make
them flow smoothly with good continuity, I learnt how to use
different transitions from each shot rather than all the shots being a
straight cut. I also learnt how to put a black and white filter on the
footage whichh became useful later on in editing.
We used a wipe transition in the close up shot of both characters
eyes. This was an effective choice of transition as it shows the
audience the tense eye contact between the characters.

We also used a black and white filter on the high angle CCTV shot.
This is effective as it gives the audience the CCTV effect.

If I had the chance to re-do my evaluation I would add some sound

track into it to make it smore effective and even possibly add more
dialogue for the characters. However overall our prelim task was
comlpeted well as we met most, if not all the crietria of the task
effectively and showed continuity throughout the film.

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