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Harly Davidson Lumasag

Sheet #1

June 24, 2015

The School as a Physical Learning Environment

Last Wednesday, June 24, 2015, I and my classmates went to Mountain
View College Faith Elementary School to observe a class in fulfilment to our
requirement in Field Study 1. At the elementary school, we used a checklist
for our observation.
When we arrived at the school, the students were playing everywhere.
After sometime, the teacher called them because the class was about to
For us to start, we asked one of the teachers if we can enter into her
class for our observation. Fortunately, she agreed.
During the class, the teacher maintains a learning environment of
discipline and respect for different learners. She is fair to every student
though they were different, unique in their own perspective. She provides
fairness in all the students both male and female, recognizes the diverse
strengths, and weaknesses of every student.
I observe also that the teacher uses different strategies to catch the
attention of the students. She uses individual and cooperative learning
activities to improve capabilities of learners for learning. In this way, the
students were eager to learn new things every day but not all of them. Some
were slow in learning but later improves and develops not just physically,
mentally, socially, but also spiritually.
In their discussion, the teacher encourages the students to participate
in class. She also provided various enrichment learning activities to enhance
and nurture the desire of the students to learn.
Inside the classroom, the teacher encourages the students to express
their ideas freely. This enabled a stress-free environment.

With God as my companion, I declare that this work is honestly done.

Harly Davidson Lumasag

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