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The Sanctuary Message (Part 1)(Exodus 23vs 5)(Hebrews 8vs

1,2)Exodus 25vs 9,40

Sin is the transgression of Gods law vs
In Hebrew Sin means missing the mark in as much we strive to hit the mark we
often miss it.
Disobedience is seen when Adam and Eve fell at the Garden of Eden
The Law of God is the foundation of Gods governance.
Law is the foundation of God's throne, the stability of His government and
character, and the expression of his love and wisdom.
Disobedience opened the flood gates for human woe to humanity however God
had a plan to redeem the world trough Christ Jesus.
The significant of sin could not only be felt in human but nature like flower
Hebrews 9:22-23
Without blood there could be no remission of sins

David saw this in Psalms 102 vs 19

There was 3 temples brought to view in the bible,
1. The Heavenly Temple.(Rev 11 vs 19)(Rev 9 vs 24)
2. The earthly temple otherwise known as the sanctuary (With types and symbols
teaches us what was to become an antitype a shadow of the cross (Heb 8 vs 1-5)
3. Our bodies being a table (Where Gods spirit rules and reigns)(John 2 vs 19,21)
1 Corinthians 6 vs 19
Sin offering was burnt and its fires would go towards the sky
Only one equal to God could make an atonement for sin that was Jesus Christ
The God commanded Moses to build him an earthly sanctuary Exodus 23vs 5,25
vs 40
The dimensions by given by God him to Moses Hebrews 9:9, 23; 8:5; 9:24.
The earthly sanctuary was unique feature with its distinct symbols had a deeper
meaning painting the character of Christ himself.
There were two apartments in the sanctuary, or tabernacle. In the first
apartment a service was performed daily throughout.

The year which typified the work of inviting the guests and gathering them to His
marriage. On one day at the end of the year a service was performed in the
second apartment which typified the work of choosing out from among the
many that have accepted the call, those who are worthy of eternal life, as
illustrated in the parable by the king examining the guests.

Type Antitype
Heb. 8:1-5. The earthly sanctuary was a
shadow of the heavenly sanctuary.
Rev. 11:19. There is a temple in heaven.
Heb. 9:1-3. The worldly sanctuary had
two apartments.
Heb. 9:24. The heavenly sanctuary also
has t

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