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Bridges-Whitlow 1

Kaelynn Bridges-Whitlow
Mrs. Herbert
English 12; 2
9 September 2016
Time Flies
Throughout the week there are days where you have multiple things to do or you just
relax and gather yourself for the next day. Time starts flying by when you are busy doing those
things and you just have to figure out what is most important when continuing on.
Current Time Usage
Although 24 hours in a day seems like a lot, there are little things that are
important and begin to add up. For example, there is the importance of hygiene, eating,
sleeping and more personal care that needs to be taken in effect each day. Then there are
the basic needs of surviving in this world like going to school, work, being socially intact

many others that could


you grow as a person.

College schedule at ASU

Bridges-Whitlow 2
College is flying on us faster than one can imagine, as we prepare as much as we can
looking at an optional schedule is important to determine time management importance.
Realizing some things aren't going to be as important as they once seemed.

Course Name


First year






10:45-11:35 am

BIO 100 the

living world


9:00-10:15 am

MAT 117 college



11:50-12:40 pm

Class of choice Topic: Fashion


1:30-4:15 pm

Class of choice Interior design

issues and


9:40-10:30 am

Post-Secondary Time Usage

As college allows you to somewhat choose what kind of classes to take, writing out what
that schedule may also help with time management. Its not the same as the first schedule but it's
very similar when containing all the prospects. There are many different things that go on each
day but looking at the aspects of it all shows the importance you want to spend on each activity.

Bridges-Whitlow 3

As i look at these two graphs, I realize things become very different levelizing the
priorities. The items with most similarities would be about the hours spent in class, work, and
hygiene. There are many items that have a clear difference like homework, tv/music, computer,
social and sleep. Visualizing these similar items, using different schedules it showed me how
things will change as you get older, something need to be done before the thing you want to do
as you grow older. The planning for college classes taught me that there can be multiple classes
taken on one day and none on the next if that's what you want. Its really all what you want as
long as they have a class that's open and works with it and there mostly is. Finally, this has
shown me how to just prepare and pick out the college classes for the future.

Bridges-Whitlow 4

Works Cited
Class Search. Arizona State University. N.p., N.d. Web. 11 September 2016.

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