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After the seven years war, Britain had owed a great deal of debt to banks and individual

investors. This debt was mainly due to help pay for the war and financing their empire,
causing their interest to absorb half of their revenue. Britain did seem justified at first,
seeing that the colonies should help with their expenses due to British protection during
the seven years war by following each of their Navigation Acts. However, they started to
take advantage of the colonies by adding more and more acts which constantly taxed
the colonies in an unfair manner. This is what eventually sparked the beginnings of the
American Revolution. Maybe the revolution could have been avoided by holding back
their taxes over the colonies. However, the British still needed to find a means to resolve
their debts. It would have taken them a lot longer to make money off of trade with out
The overall tone of the Suffolk Resolves resembles the Declaration of Independence, or
at least it seems to be an earlier draft of it. The resolve stated that the Britains acts
were designed to enslave America and had too much political power over the colonies.
This, essentially, was an infringement on the colonies rights and liberty. The Resolves
also explains that until their rights were fully restored, they would completely withdraw all
trade and business with Great Britain, Ireland and the West Indies. In comparison to the
Resolves, the Declaration of Independence was designed to have longevity and prevent
similar events (such as infringement upon our citizens rights & liberty) from happening
in our countrys future. The thing that stands out the most to mean is that both the
Declaration and Resolves both lead to one conclusion, and that was that King George III
was to no linger have power over the colonies. Such a bold moved is very admirable
and is what later established us to become one of the greatest countries in the world.

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