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The duck Zambullidor is Colombian, he lived in lakes and ponds the antiplane of the
Eastern Cordillera in the department of Cundinamarca y Boyac.
He was last seen in 1977 and extinct by changes made by man, by the contamination the
pesticides, ate fish than caught, it is in laminas the chocolates Jet, where there a beautiful
ilustration, swimming was very different and sophisticated, was Little and energetic, was
harmeless and flying when he was in danger. In spite of the than was small , was very
striking, still exist many photographs.
Was smaller than a goose.
This duck is less dangerous que a duck common.
The duck Zambullidor is older than the elephants, although the elephants are the oldest

What do you think it would happen in the Earth if the human being dissapeared?
I think it would be a lonely world, still without malice and not would have contamination and
all serious nature, still lifeless and no use a world without people.

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