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To our beloved Principal, Maria Liza Jung,

Mam, School officials, Our competent

teachers and my co students a pleasant Good
We praise our lord almighty, for this wonderful
opportunity, to be together in this wonderful
event, the teachers day celebration. So in this
moment, we are expressing remarkable
commendations, to everyone of our dear
teachers, and in giving highest degree of
respect to them, which they greatly deserved.
Any way, this day is not just the day of fun,
but this is the time dedicated, to offer a
chance for everyone of us, to acknowledge
the untold sacrifices, and endless patience for
our teachers, in rendering their solemn duties,
for molding our personalities, and in their
multi task duties and responsibilities.
Moreover, this celebration finds it worth, in
demonstrating our appreciation, for their
commitment and dedication in their noble
mission. I just wanna greet all our teachers a
happy teachers day thank you.

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