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Through the years we have seen that technology applied to communication

Has shown us a face more attached to truth

Especially politicians around the world, where almost nothing is hidden

When you want to know who should govern a country and who is not.
Outstanding way?
Rapidly changing societies, where the promises they made before coming to
power are not fulfilled.
Led by the person most suitable concerning democracy and aspires to be way
of progress
Depending on the stability and continuity worldwide.

But, Why dont stop for a moment and look who they really are?
Even we can say always worth looking at everything from another
Your fears, misunderstanding, intolerance we do not want to
understand. While not tear down
Our mental barriers to empathize with other human beings will
continue to exist in our dictionaries, until we admit that
Now is time to change and unlearn misconceptions that has been
implanted us
Dont let the fear caused by the lies they have told us to win the battle
to our love for life

Barely, we consider as a great tribe humanity and essentially that's what matters.
Otherwise we must stop stop seeing each other as strangers to
recognize a new
Reality without fear or limits or labels


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