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Ethan Bailey

Mr. Ferranti
1 October 2016
Character Sketch

My grandfather has always been the most inspirational and influential person to me.
Papa, as the children always call him, is a fuller man, about average size in height, with round
glasses and always jolly. He reminds me of beardless Santa Claus with his poise and emotion.
Still a businessman in his later years, he is always well-dressed. Whether it be khaki pants or
shorts and a polo shirt for casual days, or in a full suit, he is always dressed for the occasion.
Although he displays a fancy style of dress, other attributes of his are not the same. He never
wastes anything, from putting half of a glass of milk from my sister in the fridge, to saving
newspaper bags or egg cartons. His childhood from the years of the Depression always seem to
shine light on how he is today. He has always been one to push me towards my goals and
motivate me to a more successful life. He is always teaching me new ideas and methods within
his job and helps apply them to my daily life. He always taught me to go the extra mile and
prove my worth. Without him, I would not be the person I am today.

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