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The real history of Shakespeare.

This story takes place in the streets of London, in 1432.

A man, John III, who was a wizard created a prophecy that was, that the eighth son of
the eighth son will become the king of Denmark.
After 140 years, in 1925 Shakespeare the eighth son of the eighth son, like the prophecy
said, became king.
Shakespeare went to talk with his brother but he was busy, he told that he was doing a
very important project.
One night his brother tried to kill him, but Shakespeare realized and stopped him. Days
after the success he sent to kill his brother, but he wasnt in his house, he had been to
Colombia. The king governed a group of soldiers and went by a frigate to Colombia.
Everything was right, but in the middle of the trip a storm was unleashed and half of the
crew died.
When this happened the king came back to Denmark.
Years after, his mum started to die little by little because of a disease, so his brother
came to Denmark, when their mother finally died both of them went to the burial.
Shakespeare saw him and said I forgive you because these are very difficult times and
he answered thanks brother for not killing me( they hugged ) The king gave the order
to his soldier and he nailed a knife in his brothers heart.


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