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Victoria McDonald


Review of Maps & Globes

+Good job being ready to go
+Good job showing globe & how you can only see part of it
+Good job showing hand and how you see it all
+Good job showing map of Florida & map on desk & how
they can see all of it
+Good job using names
-Be clear on if you want group responses or individualsometimes they werent sure
-Definition of distortion was a little unclear at first
+Good job having a few questions at the top of their paper
-Since it was a review, it wouldve been better to have them
write in the answer & discuss, rather than have someone
share the answer on the paper
+Good job using specific feedback
+Thumbs up if written down
+use of fist for globe & hand for map
-why you were doing this & what it showed was a little
unclear-also shouldve had them do it a few times
+reminded of funny word-flatitude
+reminded of long-longitude
-would be better to go over this a few times so they have it
(maybe have them use hands to show lines & repeat)
+when Sebastian got one wrong & was looking stressed,
gave him a chance to redeem himself by giving him an easy
one right after
+hemisphere-root word & prefix to understand meaning
+color coding to help see base word & prefix
+showed hemisphere is half with equator-but not really clear
on meaning
+only 2 hemispheres at a time
+went over what the 4 hemispheres & what they were
+asked to show thumbs up or shaky if understood
hemisphere so you knew to go back and go over that again
-calling out hemispheres-dont do as a class-not enough of
them know the answers or what youre talking about here

-notice all the talking & off track when getting out crayons
+color coding lines
+had them label the equator & Prime Meridian
-want to circulate to make sure they have the lines done
correctly (thumbs up if done but they dont know for sure if
its correct so the could be studying it wrong) (circulated for
Prime Meridian but not equator)
+reminding of 4 Cardinal directions
-when only a few raised hands for knowing reminder-dont do
group calling out
-at least half the class wasnt done labeling when you
reviewed the globe
+reviewed the hemispheres-but need to have all attention &
make sure they know it
-notice misbehavior (Edwin several times)
+had a review in which you had everyone give answers so
you could see how they were doing
+showed # of fingers for maps, globes, both and didnt just
say it (gives a visual & auditory reminder)
+had them show a fist first to show ready with answer
-when confused on compass rose on both or just oneshow
it on both map & globe (only showed it on globe)
-Try to notice when students arent paying attention
(Sebastian, Maggie, Willy)
+when Jonah was confused about globe showing whole Earth
at once-held up globe and showed him
+reminded them of what each finger represented
+reviewed distortion with hand & fistmake sure everyone
is paying attention when youre doing it
-didnt review enough on what the hemispheres are and
equator & Prime Meridian
+had them put paper in Social Studies folder & take home
+reminded them to go on Quizlet & to study for quiz

Things to think about

*want to practice writing on board faster

*make sure you know where Prime Meridian is first so ready

to show
*would be better to assign a color for each line so it gives a
point of reference to discuss
*show how map represents round Earth

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