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you should not talk to strangers!

One night ,Ana was very busy, She was taking out boxes of the truck and
was looking the place for the boxes in the new house. She was absolutly
exciting in this task, which she did not notice the absence of her youngest
son. When she finally reacted, she thought:
"I did not see Leonardo for hours",
A minute or two later , she went to Leonardo's room. and saw into the
room. At the end, she heard him tucked in a closet whispering a few things.
-Leonardo !, What are you doing hiding in the closet? you are there a lot of
time. It is time to go out!
-No mom, I'm with my friend. He is really friendly but he does not looks well
because he has terrible blisters on his hands.
-Which friend?! Just we got here a few hours and have not had time to meet
anyone. I told you a thousand times you should not talk to strangers!
- No mon, he is not stranger. He has living with us since I was born.
-what are you talking ? the only person who can have blisters is your brother
because he practices rock climbing
- mom he said that you should get out now or he will hurt me.
- who is that man? get out of there inmediately.
- but mom, we are close friends. he will be very sad.
- Leonardo please, come here, I'm afraid. tell me , who is that man?
- is the same gentleman with horns that has been every night next to your

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