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Running head: JOURNAL ENTRY 3

Journal Entry 3
Laura Howard
University of Maryland University College
October 24, 2016

Module 3 continues into the economic subjects of analyzing and determining how
distance education can be best financially facilitated. This journal entry will highlight the topics
that were examined based on the following Module 3 Unit summaries under Module Title: The
Cost Effectiveness of Distance Education (
Module 3 Unit 1: Efficiency and Effectiveness
( was an introduction
to cost efficiency and cost effectiveness. Although I have to be careful not to confuse the two,
they are important characteristics that should be applied to distance education courses. The cost
efficiency idea is that there are ways to make distance education economically friendly, for
example, by incorporating enough enrollment numbers and determining which certain services or
supplies, etc. are necessary. Examining and applying appropriate cost structures and methods can
assist in determining if a course will be cost efficient. Cost effectiveness focuses on the actual
results that the course is producing and examines if these results are consistent with the
anticipated goals of the course, all while keeping within the allowable budget. These are practical


aspects that are more than reasonable to understand why they would be important to financially
manage distance education courses. Module 3 Unit 2: Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
( explains how to
determine if a course is cost efficient and how the costs are working into the effectiveness of
course. This would help, for example, in recognizing the importance in seeing if the educational
method is sufficient and qualified enough to conduct the class, all while being financially
manageable. Using the mathematical cost efficiency equation, you have to determine the costs
per students for each educational method, then divide the distance education cost per student and
then the face-to-face cost per student, which will then show the results of the more cost efficient
instructional method (
Measuring the effectiveness will be calculating the cost per graduate and the success rates to help
present if a course is as effective as it should be in the method that it is offered
( There is also a
graph displayed on the Module 3 Unit 2: Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Ratio webpage
called the Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (CER) and Decision-Making graph
( that illustrates if a course should be offered
online or in a face-to-face instructional form by the degree of its costs with the calculations of
the cost-effectiveness ratios. The ratio calculations are easy to understand and I am glad that
there is a way that can help determine which method is best to use. Module 3 Unit 3: Case
Study: The Open University UK
( discusses the Open
University, and examines how to determine the number and which courses to offer at a distance.
I did look further into the Module 3 Unit 3 discussion question about why the OU did not have


success in America (

Although I think I do remember reading about this same topic in a previous class(es), I could not
remember the exact reason(s) why it did not succeed in the US. I briefing looked through an
article from Katrina Meyer (2006) titled The Closing of the U.S. Open University
( Referring to
Meyers (2006) specific article in summary, the majority of what the issues were are related to
the differences and structure between the United States and the United Kingdom. An example
was the lack of accreditation for OU classes since students interested in the USOU could not
access student financial aid and were nervous about enrolling in an unaccredited institution
(Meyer, 2006, Lack of Accreditation section, para.1). Module 3 Unit 4: Case Study: The
Chinese Open University
( presented the
Chinese Open University, which was interesting to read about on its educational history and how
it recognizes the importance in delivering distance education to help the people that live there
and benefit its economy. It has experienced great success with the use of radio, TV as the
educational methods. This is the type of educational method that works well with this audience
since it can reach such a large range of people and is cost efficient with the type of technology
being used. This helps me to realize the benefit in recognizing and identifying what type of
instructional method works the best with an intended audience. Module 3 Unit 5: Case Study:
The Indira Gandhi Open University
( presents information
on the IGNOU and the Indian Campus based Universities and Indian Open Universities main
educational resources used and associated costs percentages. Distance education also works well


with the IGNOU since they can provide education to a significant number of people for a low
cost. Also discussed was recognizing the importance in achieving the number of students in order
have cost benefits. Module 3 Unit 6: Case Study: University of South Africa
( presented
information on the University of South Africa. An interesting fact stated was that UMUC and
UNISA share a partnership with offering a Masters degree program titled Open Distance and eLearning (University of Maryland University College, n.d.). Partnering with other universities, to
me, is great benefit for anyone who wants access to sharing knowledge, resources and
opportunities for students that would not be available otherwise without the partnership. Lastly,
Module 3 Unit 7: Introducing Greville Rumble
( and Module 3 Unit
10: Social Justice and DE
( focuses on Greville
Rumbles involvement in the field of distance education. He has extensive experience and
knowledge in distance education, which shows that he has a great thrive and passion for the
subject. Referring specifically to Module 3 Unit 10, it focuses on Grevilles (2007) writing on
Social Justice, Economics and Distance Education. This was my paper topic for Assignment 1,
which, I admit, was challenging for me to complete. Reading Module 3 Unit 10 helped refresh
my memory on what Grevilles (2007) article discussed. Political ideologies are not my strongest
area of knowledge, especially for presenting my interpretation of certain political-related
subjects, so sometimes I feel unqualified to present what I know. Module 3 provided me with a
lot of useful calculations and knowledge for analyzing and interpreting the cost benefits of
distance education. This should assist me in recognizing how to compare cost calculations


properly with traditional education or other types of distance education to make the best
decisions on what educational methods to use for specific audiences.


Meyer, K. (2006, January 1). The closing of the U.S. open university. EDUCAUSE. Retrieved
Rumble, G. (2007). Social justice, economics and distance education. Open Learning: The
Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 22(2), 167-176. doi:
University of Maryland University College. (n.d.). Module 3 unit 6: Case study: University of
South Africa. OMDE 606-9040, Fall 2016, [Costs and economics of distance education
and e-learning (2168) OMDE-606]. Retrieved from the University of Maryland
University College website

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