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Platos allegory of the cave

Begin by reading this short description of Platos life and works
Now you know a little bit about him try and think of the contextual impact of writing
when he did. Plato is often described as the father of modern western thought and
his ideas have fed into the centuries of philosophy that followed.
One of Platos most pervading ideas is his Allegory of the cave, an attempt by him
to explain the condition of human life.
HIs original text can be read here
If you are struggling to understand the sense of what Plato means from the text try
watching this video
Ask yourself these questions
- What do the separate elements of the parable describe in the story?
Who are the prisoners? What does the sun represent? What are the shadows
on the wall of the cave?
- How does The Allegory of the Cave illustrate Platos view of the
physical world?
- How does the allegory describe the process of acquiring knowledge?
- After reading this allegory, how do you think Plato would describe
- According to The Allegory of the Cave, how should the process of
education be approached?
If you want to read a more comprehensive analysis of the allegory of the cave try this
The Matrix cip is here -

Your Task
Over the next two weeks you will, in groups of 3, produce a piece of work that
explains and analyses the allegory of the cave. Your work will be used to introduce
the allegory to year 7 learners so you must consider your audience when producing
your work.
Your piece of work can be anything that you feel represents the allegory of the cave
in a clear, concise and meaningful manner. This could be a short video, a dramatic
presentation, a diorama, an infographic, an animation, a documentary or anything
else you can think of. BE CREATIVE!
We will be holding a marketplace for you to assess each others work on the 11th

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