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When checked, matches to this search will be put into your "Download Queue".

Sets the output folder for a search. Multiple folders with different names can e
xist simultaneously. Each folder name gets wrapped in <<< and >>>.
Marks the search as active or inactive.
Sets the upper limits for file size. This is unused for "Directory" searches.
Sets the lower limits for file size. This is unused for "Directory" searches.
If enabled then the Search String is interpreted as a "regular expression"; othe
rwise it will be used for normal textual search.
This is the set of search strings or expressions to search for.
Sets the units for the search sizes.
"Filename": Matches search against filename; "Directory": Matches against curren
t subdirectory and places the whole structure in the special folder; "Full Path"
: Matches against whole directory + filename.
Move down selected ADLSearch entries in the list.
Move up selected ADLSearch entries in the list.
Create a new ADLSearch entry.
Change pre-existing ADLSearch properties for the selected entries.
Removes selected ADLSearch entries from the list.
Press this button to close this dialog without saving your changes.
Press this button to launch the help file.
Press this button to save your changes and close this dialog.
Connect to selected hubs.
Open a menu with the available favorite hub groups in order to move the selected
hubs to the choosen group.
Open the "Favorite hub groups" dialog where you can add, edit, remove groups.\li
ne More information about the use of favorite hub groups in the help topics asso
ciated to the "Favorite hub groups" dialog.
Move down selected hubs in the list.
Move up selected hubs in the list.
Create a new favorite hub.
Change pre-existing hub properties for the selected hub.
Remove selected hubs from the favorite hubs list.
The address for the hub.
Description of the hub.
If you would like to use a special email (shown in the user list) for a specific
hub. Leave this blank for default.
Select a favorite hub group to be associated to the hub.\line More information a
bout the use of favorite hub groups can be found in the help topics associated t
o the "Favorite hub groups" dialog.
Specifies what name the hub has.
If you would like to use a special nick for a specific hub. Leave this blank for
If you have a password attached together with your nick. Used for operators or o
ther registered people.
If you would like to use a special user description (shown in the user list) for
a specific hub. Leave this blank for default.
If you would like to use a special external IP for a specific hub. Useful to log
to local & remote hubs at the same time. Leave this blank for default.
Add the current group definition to the list of favorite hub groups. No other gr
oup shall have the same name as the one trying to be added.
Lists currently defined favorite hub groups.
Unique name to identify this group; must not be already in use by another group.
Remove the currently selected groups. When the groups being removed already cont
ain favorite hubs, a question will be asked to find out what to do about them; w
hether to remove them as well as the group, or to keep them.
Update the currently selected group by changing its properties as defined in the
"Group properties" portion of this dialog.
Switch to the previously visited directory. This command can also be accessed vi
a the Backspace key and the Ctrl+Left keyboard shortcut.
Folders available in the current file list. Left-click on a folder to show the c

ontents of that folder in the window on the right; right-click to open a menu th
at allows you to download the whole folder or access user related menu commands.
Downloads a full version of the current file list (generally, file lists are dow
nloaded in parts to only download the directories you are interested in). This f
unction is also useful to refresh the file list if you suspect the user may have
modified it.
Shows the contents of the folder selected in the folder list (window on the left
). Right-click to get menu options.
Toggle the visibility of the search box, which allows searching within the file
Find items that match the search strings specified in the text-box. The search s
tarts from the current selection and goes forward.
Find items that match the search strings specified in the text-box. The search s
tarts from the current selection and goes backwards.
Switch to the next visited directory. This command can also be accessed via the
Ctrl+Right keyboard shortcut.
Search the list for items you are currently downloading; found items will be aut
omatically added as sources for your current downloads.
Enter your search terms here. The most recent searches can be accessed by unfold
ing the list contained within this box. Select the desired matching method from
the dropdown in the right. Available modes are: excact word match, partial word
match or match a "regular expression".
Compare this list to another list, and only show the differences between each. U
seful to see new items added by an user to his file list.
Switch to the parent directory. This command can also be accessed via the Ctrl+U
p keyboard shortcut.
The amount in bytes that you have downloaded (received).
The amount of items that you have downloaded (received).
When this check-box is checked (which is the case in the default configuration),
only files that are fully downloaded (which are not anymore in the "Download qu
eue") appear in the "Finished downloads grouped by files" list.\line When this c
heck-box is not checked, an item appears in that list as soon as a chunk of the
corresponding file has finished downloading.
The average speed of the files you have downloaded (received).
The amount in bytes that you have uploaded (sent).
The amount of items that you have uploaded (sent).
The average speed of the files you have uploaded (sent).
Shows the amount of average share in the hub.
The main chat window displays messages sent by the hub. You can chat with other
users in this "public area" by writing a message in the field below the main cha
t and pressing either Enter or Alt+S to send your message. You may also use "/co
mmands" (send /help to list those available). You can right click to the users'
nicks to bring up the user context menu described below.\line Note; this is not
the place to search for files. Open a "Search window" to do that.\line This wind
ow can be focused with Alt+C.
Here, you can filter the users list so you will only see specific users.\line Th
e filter, consisting of an input box, a column selection box and a method select
ion box, can help filter the list on the fly based on textual matching. You can
filter the contents of any individual column or the whole list. There are three
filtering methods available to choose from: excact word match, partial word matc
h or match a "regular expression". Note that filtered results are not removed fr
om the list; they can at any time be restored by just clearing the filter out.\l
ine The filter input box can be focused with Alt+I.\line Eg, selecting 'Nick' in
the drop down, and writing "foo" in the filter, will only display users that ha
ve "foo" in their nick.\line Note that users will only be visually filtered, not
disconnected; also note that the remaining parts of the filtering control set a
re visible only when the filter input box is focused.
Write a message here to chat with other users connected to the hub. You can pres
s either Enter or Alt+S to send your message. You may also use "/commands" (send
/help to list those available).\line When composing a multiline message, this b

ox resizes itself automatically according to the "Height of the message editing

box" settings.\line This window can be focused with Alt+M.
Shows the hub's secure status. If the hub uses secure hub-client communications
then a padlock icon shown here with the actual trusted status and cipher shown a
s a tooltip of the icon. If the hub isn't secure this part of the status bar is
completly missing.
Indicates the total amount of bytes shared by the users.
Show or hide the users list using this check-box.
You can see here the last status message or a kick message sent by the hub. To s
ee more from the recent kick/status messages you can move the mouse pointer abov
e the status bar - the last few messages will be shown as a tooltip shortly.
Shows the number of users connected to the hub.
The user icon turns from green to grey when DC++ is in "away mode".\line Doubleclick to switch away mode on and off.
Shows the current overall download speed and the number of current download conn
ections in parentheses (updated in every second).\line Double-click to open the
"Network Statistics" window.
Shows the current maximum download rate. Zero speed value means that download li
miting is disabled.
Shows the total number of bytes received in the current session, including file
transfers, hub-client communication and hublists.\line Double-click to open the
"Network Statistics" window.
Shows the number of hubs you are currently connected to in the following format:
x/y/z, where:\line x = number of connected hubs where you're not a registered u
ser;\line y = number of connected hubs where you're registered in;\line z = numb
er of connected hubs where you're an operator;\line just the same way as in the
"DC++ tags" of the users listed on a hub.
Indicates the number of currently free upload slots out of the total number of s
lots opened.
The first part of the status bar contains the last system message with a timesta
mp. To see more from the recent system messages you can move the mouse pointer a
bove the statusbar - the last 10 lines of the messages will be shown as a toolti
p shortly. To see all system messages of the current session open the "System Lo
g" window from the "View menu" or simply double-click on this part of the status
Shows the current overall upload speed and the number of current upload connecti
ons in parentheses (updated in every second).\line Double-click to open the "Net
work Statistics" window.
Shows the current maximum upload rate. Zero speed value means that upload limiti
ng is disabled.
Shows the total number of bytes sent in the current session, including file tran
sfers and hub-client communication.\line Double-click to open the "Network Stati
stics" window.
Private messages are usually sent through a hub, the name of which is indicated
here. This part can also show "Direct encrypted channel" when private messages f
low directly between you and the user (no hub involved in that case).\line Click
this part to select the desired communication channel.
The private chat window displays messages sent during your private conversation
with a specific user (to know which one, take a look at the title bar of the mai
n DC++ window). You can chat with the other user in this "private area" by writi
ng a message in the field below the private chat and pressing either Enter or Al
t+S to send your message. You may also use "/commands" (send /help to list those
Write a message here to chat with the user you are currently in private conversa
tion with (to know which one, take a look at the title bar of the main DC++ wind
ow). You can press either Enter or Alt+S to send your message. You may also use
"/commands" (send /help to list those available).\line When composing a multilin
e message, this box resizes itself automatically according to the "Height of the
message editing box" settings.
Shows the most recent status message.\line To see more from the recent status me

ssages you can move the mouse pointer above the status bar - the last few messag
es will be shown as a tooltip shortly.
Here, you can filter the hublist so you will only see specific hubs in the hubli
st.\line The filter, consisting of an input box, a column selection box and a me
thod selection box, can help filter the list on the fly based on textual matchin
g. You can filter the contents of any individual column or the whole list. There
are three filtering methods available to choose from: excact word match, partia
l word match or match a "regular expression". Note that filtered results are not
removed from the list; they can at any time be restored by just clearing the fi
lter out.\line The filter input box can be focused with Alt+I.\line Eg, selectin
g 'address' in the drop down, and writing "foo" in the filter, will only display
hubs that have "foo" in their address. When a filter is in effect, the number o
f hubs filtered out is shown in the status bar.\line The filter input box can be
focused with Alt+I.
The total number of individual hubs in the current hub list. When the hublist is
filtered, it shows the number of hubs filtered out as well.
In the dropdown, you may select different hublists you want to see. If the hubli
st was downloaded before you will have the cached version displayed. Click Refre
sh to get the fresh version of the hublist.\line If you click on 'Configure', yo
u will be able to change, add and remove hublists. The order in "Configured Publ
ic Hub Lists" determines the order hublists are displayed in the dropdown mentio
ned above.
Download a fresh version of the hublist. If the download fails click Refresh aga
in to get the next available hublist in the dropdown. DC++ uses "The Coral Conte
nt Distribution Network" to get hublists by default. This improves reliability a
nd makes it possible to download hublists even when the original hublist server
is out of service.
Shows status messages about the loading of public hub lists; "downloading": hub
list is currently being downloaded from the server, this may take a while; "down
loaded": hub list has been successfully downloaded from the server, and is curre
ntly being displayed; you're looking at a fresh version of the hub list; "loaded
from chache": a previously saved hub list has been successfully loaded from you
r DC++ cache directory, and is currently being displayed; that version might be
out-dated, if you want to refresh it, click on the "Refresh" button; error messa
ges may also appear in this area: when a hub list download has failed, DC++ will
automatically switch to the next hub list.
Sum of the users numbers of every hubs in the current hub list.
Add the hub list(s) specified in the field on the top left to your list of publi
c hub lists.
Open a dialog to edit addresses to selected hub lists.
Write here the address to the hub list you want to add. You can add muliple hub
lists at once by separating them with a semi-colon (';').
Lists your current hub lists. The hub list on top will be tried first.
Move selected hub lists downwards in the list. The hub list on top will be tried
Move selected hub lists upwards in the list. The hub list on top will be tried f
Remove selected hub lists from your list of public hub lists.
The total size (in bytes) of selected items.
The amount of selected items.
This will toggle the appearance of the "left screen".
The total amount of bytes queued.
The total amount of files queued.
These controls allow filtering current search results in order to only see speci
fic ones.\line The filter, consisting of an input box, a column selection box an
d a method selection box, can help filter the list on the fly based on textual m
atching. You can filter the contents of any individual column or the whole list.
There are three filtering methods available to choose from: excact word match,
partial word match or match a "regular expression". Note that filtered results a
re not removed from the list; they can at any time be restored by just clearing

the filter out.\line The filter input box can be focused with Alt+I.\line Eg sel
ecting "File" in the drop down, and writing "foo" in the filter, will only displ
ay results that have "foo" in their file name. When a filter is in effect, the "
Items" part of the status bar is updated to reflect it.
Search only selected hubs.
Clear the contents of the "search history".
Start searching for the set of search strings defined above. Note; you may not s
tart too many searches in a small amount of time.
This is the set of search strings to search for. Words beginning with "-" will b
e filtered away.
Filter away files that are already in share.
Filter away files depending on their file size.
Filter away files depending on the user's free slots.
Filter away results depending on their file type (extension) or hash value.\line
Note: options that specify a certain file type (other than {\i Any}, {\i Direct
ory} & {\i TTH}) will work different on ADC and NMDC hubs as follows: In NMDC hu
bs : not all possible extensions are included in some file type groups. If you s
earch for newer or obscure file types then it is recommended to use the {\i Any}
option here and include the desired file extension(s) in the search string inst
ead. In ADC hubs : all file type groups will filter results using the correspond
ing configured "Search Types" setting.
If you download files directly to a shared directory, enabling this option will
add the files to your share as soon as they're finished. Searches will return th
e file, and users can download it. It will not appear in your file list until th
e next refresh.
If you're using the "ADLSearch" features, keeping this option enabled will make
a file show up in only the first search it matches. If disabled, it may appear m
ultiple times, if it matches more than one search. {\i Disable if unsure.}
A connected hub can send out a redirect request, asking your client to disconnec
t from the current hub in order to join another one. When this setting is enable
d, DC++ automatically follows these requests and connects to the hubs it has bee
n asked to be redirected to. When this setting is disabled, DC++ displays a link
one can click on to follow the redirect request. Note that DC++ disconnects hub
s that have sent a redirect request no matter what.
The Direct Connect spirit is all about sharing. You are only sharing when you ar
e connected to one or more hubs. In the past, users of questionable integrity an
d spirit logged onto a hub, selected a download, and disconnected from the hub a
gain. If everyone did that, there would be nothing to download. Enable this opti
on to avert that kind of behaviour. Note that you might need to disable this opt
ion if you're connected to a hub that has a bad connection. The user will regain
his/her slot if he/she reconnects within 10 minutes, but you might have opened
up another slot for another user in the mean time. This could cause a situation
where you have way more upload slots in use than you selected in the settings. A
lso, if you quit the hub, people downloading from you will not be disconnected.
With this option enabled, and "Automatically disconnect users who leave the hub"
, users who are in your "Favorite users" page are not disconnected.
After each search, your search terms will be cleared. The last terms will be acc
essible through the drop-down. You can set how many terms that you want to save
by using "Search history".
When transfering data with a compatible client, DC++ will try to use ZLIB compre
ssion with integrity checks. This uses some CPU cycles, but can dramatically spe
ed up transfers of uncompressed files as well as ensure file integrity (reduce t
he chance of corruption to near zero).{\i Enable if unsure.}
With this option enabled, DC++ uses "The Coral Content Distribution Network" whe
n establishing HTTP connections.\line If the download fails, DC++ tries again wi
th the non-Coralized address.
Associate DC++ with the .dcext file extension in Windows. Those files are plugin
s that can be installed into DC++ to extend its functionality.
This option lets you enable or disable DC++'s ability to retrieve custom command
s from a remote hub. Custom User Commands may show when you click on the hub's t

ab, or on a user in the Transfer View, Search Window, or User List, and can enab
le you to read the rules, perform operator functions, interact with hub bots, et
If this option is disabled, DC++ will delete the contents of the file list direc
tory, where file lists are stored, when exiting. However, you can open already d
ownloaded file lists instead of downloading them again. These file lists have a
chance of being out of date, but for users on slow connections, keeping file lis
ts can save time. Since the file list isn't curent, don't be surprised if the fi
les you enqueue to download have been removed by the user, or moved.
Decides whether to remove duplicate files from your share or to list them but su
btract their size from your total reported share size. Duplicate files never cou
nt towards your share size, no matter what this is set to.
When set, DC++ will register itself to handle magnet: links. These links will le
t you search the Direct Connect network for a file matching a given file hash, g
iven that the magnet link contains information appropriate for the Direct Connec
t network. Disabling will make DC++ remove the key from the Windows registry.
When in away mode, don't send the away message to users that appear to be bots.
Having this option disabled is very annoying if you get messages from bots that
link chat from multiple users (the most well known example is the Operator Chat
facility found in many hubs). Users are judged to be bots if they have an empty
Connection type. {\i Enable if unsure.}
Have DC++ draw its own menus, which allows icons and titles to be added. Disable
to revert to classic Windows menus.
With this option enabled, DC++ uses segmented downloading. i.e. it downloads eac
h file in many parts simultaneously from all available sources.
Enable this to send "/commands" that DC++ does not recognize to the hub as norma
l chat.
Simple File Verification (SFV) is a scheme in which a set of files are accompani
ed by a so-called sfv-file which contains CRC32 checksums of each file. If there
is an sfv-file included, DC++ will check that your download is free of corrupti
on and retry the download that wasn't the case.
When set, DC++ will be the default handler for all dchub://, adc:// and adcs://
links. These links can appear on web pages, internet shortcuts on your computer,
or be typed and run as a program from the Start Menu. Disable this if you prefe
r for a different application to handle Direct Connect hub links. Disabling will
make DC++ remove the keys from the Windows registry.
Press up arrow while holding down CTRL to scroll through line history. If not en
abled, you can still use ALT.
Ask Windows Explorer for per-extension file icons rather than using default ones
distributed with DC++. {\i Turning this option on might reduce file browsing pe
When enabled, the tray icon will be always shown, regardless of the visibility s
tate of DC++ program window.
This box allows customization of the way user country information is displayed t
hroughout the interface. {\b Default: %[2code] - %[name]}\line Available variabl
es: {\b %[2code]} gets replaced by a 2-letters country code (eg DE, FR). {\b %[3
code]} gets replaced by a 3-letters country code (eg DEU, FRA). {\b %[continent]
} gets replaced by a continent code (AF, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA for Africa, Asia, Eu
rope, North America, Oceania and South America). {\b %[engname]} gets replaced b
y the English country friendly name (eg Germany, France). {\b %[name]} gets repl
aced by the localized country friendly name (eg Germany, France on an English op
erating system). {\b %[officialname]} gets replaced by the localized country off
icial name (eg Federal Republic of Germany, French Republic on an English operat
ing system). Additional available variables when using the city-level database:
{\b %[areacode]} gets replaced by the area code (United States only). {\b %[city
]} gets replaced by the city's name. {\b %[lat]} gets replaced by the latitude.
{\b %[long]} gets replaced by the longitude. {\b %[metrocode]} gets replaced by
the DMA / metro code (United States only). {\b %[postcode]} gets replaced by the
city's postal code. {\b %[region]} gets replaced by the region's name.
With this option enabled, only the joining and parting of "Favorite Users" are s

When enabled, kick, debug and other spam messages are hidden from main chat. The
se messages are generally not useful and make reading the chat more troublesome.
Use a more detailed geolocation database that contains information such as the c
ity, the region, the latitude and longitude, etc. Compared to the default countr
y-level geolocation database, the city-level one is bigger and consumes more mem
ory.\line See " GeoLite City Accuracy for Selected Countries" for more informati
on.\line Additional parameters that can be used in conjunction with the city-lev
el geolocation database: {\b %[areacode]}, {\b %[city]}, {\b %[lat]}, {\b %[long
]}, {\b %[metrocode]}, {\b %[postcode]}, {\b %[region]}.
Complement the city-level geolocation database with one containing region names.
By default, the {\b %[region]} parameter of city-level databases contains crypt
ic codes that may be difficult to relate to the actual region; enable this setti
ng to download a database that will be used to translate these codes into more u
nderstandable region names.
When selected, DC++ displays user country information when available. DC++ uses
"MaxMind's GeoIP" databases in order to do so.
This drop-down list allows you to choose which language DC++ should use for its
user interface and messages. "Default" means "use the same language as my operat
ing system".
Use these 2 boxes to control how much you want message editing boxes (in "Hub" a
nd "Private Message" windows) to resize themselves when you are composing a mult
iline message. Both settings can have the same value, in which case the message
editing box will never redraw itself. Minimum value: 1. Default values: 1 and 10
When enabled, minimizing DC++ will cause it to appear as an icon in the windows
system tray. If you left click, it will be returned to its previous status. If y
ou right click on the icon, it will give you a small menu.
Note: some of these options require that you restart DC++; they won't be applied
while DC++ is running. Some settings apply to specific windows and will therefo
re be loaded when opening a new window.
Show an entry in main chat whenever someone joins or leaves the hub. Use the "/s
howjoins chat command" to enable or disable it on already open hubs. {\i On larg
e hubs, you don't want this enabled.}
With this option enabled, those users who are "favorite users" will be sorted fi
rst in user lists.
Show some messages destined for the Status Bar in the chat window as well. Appli
es to both hub and private chat windows.{\i It's generally a good idea to leave
this enabled.}
This lets you select the format of the time stamps that can appear in the chat a
nd private message windows. For the available formatting variables, please see "
Logs".\line (default: %H:%M)
When enabled, a string representing the current time (called "timestamp") will b
e prepended to every chat message. To customize the timestamp format, use the "T
imestamp format" option below.
This specifies the maximum download rate value in KiB/s. Zero value means no lim
iting at all. (default: 0)
This specifies the maximum download rate value for the alternative limiting peri
od in KiB/s. Zero value means no limiting at all. (default: 0)
With this function you can specify alternate bandwidth limiting and upload slot
values to be used in a certain time interval of a day. Note that setting the sam
e time value for beginning and ending will disable the function.
Here you can set the number of opened upload slots for the alternative limiting
period. (default: 1)
This specifies the maximum upload rate value for the alternative limiting period
in KiB/s. Zero value means no limiting at all. (default: 0)
This specifies the maximum upload rate value in KiB/s. Zero value means no limit
ing at all. (default: 0)
With this option disabled, all client you connect to must have a certificate in
your Trusted certificate folder.

With this option disabled, all hubs you connect to must have a certificate in yo
ur Trusted certificate folder.
Try to initiate a peer-to-peer connection whenever the user in private message w
indows shows up. "Check the PM window help for more information."
This file is the certificate file you should give to other users and hubs that y
ou want to consider "trusted".
Enable support for peer-to-peer private messages that hubs can't spy upon. "Chec
k the PM window help for more information."
This file is your personal and private certificate file. {\b Do not share this w
ith other users or hubs.} If you do, you risk allowing others to use your certif
icate and in essence pose as you.
Where trusted certificates from users or hubs will be stored. (default: the "Cer
tificates\\" subdirectory of where you've installed the application.)
Pretty link formatting in the chat control. Disable on messed up systems (such a
s old versions of Wine) should chat links fail to show up.
Select this mode if you are directly connected to the Internet (no router) or if
you are willing to manually configure port forwarding rules in your router. Use
this mode only if the automatic configuration (via NAT-PMP / UPnP) is not an op
tion for you. For more information, refer to the "Manual port forwarding guide".
Select this to let DC++ determine the best connectivity settings on your behalf.
This should work with the majority of network structures DC++ is generally used
in. The success rate depends on operating system configuration and on the netwo
rk topology.\line Note that when this option is active, {\ul manual connectivity
settings will be ignored}.\line It is recommended to disable this option and to
manually set up connectivity settings when the network topology is not easy for
DC++ to figure out, such as: When there is more than one physical network devic
e (eg. network cards, 3G USB modems) plugged in the computer (the bind address w
ill have to be fiddled with). In the presence of network tunneling, a "VPN" serv
ice or any other software that creates virtual network devices. When DC++ is onl
y supposed to connect to local network hubs (eg. in a campus).
This setting allows binding DC++ network connections to a specific network adapt
er by its IP address. Useful when you have more than one physical or virtual net
work adapter installed and you want to assign a specfic device for all the netwo
rk traffic generated by DC++.\line If this setting is empty (it is by default) i
t means that DC++ is relying on the operating system to find the best adapter. I
n case of the adapter offered by the operating system does not suit you, you can
override it here by specifying the local IP address of the required adapter. To
get the list of available network adapters with their IP adresses open up a Com
mand Prompt window and use the 'ipconfig' command.\line If binding with the give
n IP address fails, it will do so silently and the default value (INADDR_ANY) wi
ll be used instead. This setting is ignored when "Automatic connectivity setup"
is enabled.
This box contains log messages of the last connectivity auto-detection. It conta
ins the detection steps, possible error messages and shows why a certain connect
ion mode was chosen. This information is helpful in case of errors or when the r
esult is other than expected. Detection messages appear in the "System Log" as w
ell; descriptions of the various messages are available in the "list of System l
og messages".
With this button, you can force DC++ to (re)detect the best connectivity setting
s. Details and the result of the operation will be shown in the "Detection log"
box below.
Press this button to customize the connectivity settings that DC++ has automatic
ally detected. Connectivity auto-detection will be disabled, in favor of manuall
y configured settings. The dialog will switch to the "Manual configuration" page
, in which the currently auto-detected connectivity settings will have been fill
This field specifies your external IP address. {\i Note: most hubs are able to d
etermine your external IP and forward it to your DC++, making a manual configura
tion of this field unnecessary.} If your computer is directly connected to the i
nternet, your internal and external IP will be the same and can easily be automa

tically detected. Fill this box {\b only} if you need to override said auto-dete
ction. Ordinarily, only users behind a router (NAT device) need to fill in this
box. If you put a DNS name here, DC++ will try to resolve it into an IP address
before use. For additional information like how to determine your external IP ad
dress, follow the "Manual connection setup guide".
DC++ has several interfaces available it can use to try to automatically map the
ports it requires on the router: NAT-PMP: A lightweight protocol that is not wi
dely used by generic routers; but open-source firmwares generally implement it.
MiniUPnP: An open-source UPnP library. The interface selected here will be tried
first; other available interfaces will then be tried if the preferred port mapp
ing interface were to fail.
Enable this to always use the IP address in "External / WAN IP", and not let eit
her NAT-PMP, UPnP nor connected hubs change it. If unsure, leave this setting di
Select this mode if you can't get active mode to work. In this mode, DC++ will n
ot try to listen for inbound connections; it will only initiate outbound ones. T
his mode carries some serious limitations: only 5 results per user will be retur
ned in response to searches. you may not be able to download / receive search re
sults from passive users. you may not be able to fully enjoy certain hubs (becau
se of their regulations). Note that DC++ tries NAT Traversal on ADC hubs to allo
w passive users to connect with each other.
This is the port that DC++ listens on for incoming connections from other peers.
If this port is incorrectly forwarded, you won't be able to download.
This is the port that DC++ listens on for incoming "TLS (encrypted)" connections
from other peers. If this port is incorrectly forwarded, you won't be able to s
earch nor to download on encrypted ADC hubs. Note that {\b this port value shoul
d be different than the one used for transfers (TCP).}
This is the port that DC++ listens on for incoming search results. If this port
is incorrectly forwarded, you won't be able to receive search results.
Select this mode if you are behind a router that supports standard port forwardi
ng methods such as NAT-PMP or UPnP. Most routers do support them but they often
have to be explicitly enabled from the router's configuration page. Thanks to au
tomatic port mapping methods, DC++ is able to open the ports it needs and obtain
your external IP address as well. For more information, see "What is NAT-PMP /
After a download is complete, DC++ tries to move your just finished file to this
directory. The default location of the directory depends on what kind of instal
lation method used to install DC++. If you used the installer (.exe) then your f
inished downloads will be placed to a folder in your Windows user profile. In a
typical case the default path of the finished downloads is\line {\i C:\\Document
s And Settings\\[your username]\\Application Data\\DC++\\Downloads\\} for {\ul W
indows XP}; {\i C:\\Users\\[your username]\\Downloads\\} in case of {\ul Windows
Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8}.\line If you installed the portable (zip archive
) version of DC++ then the finished downloads folder defaults to the "Downloads\
\" subdirectory under where the DC++ executable is located. The directory will b
e automatically created if needed in both cases.\line Make sure you have enough
disk space for your downloads, have write access to the directory and have an ap
propriate file system if you download large files (note that maximum possible si
ze for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4 GiB).\line If the target volume runs out of
space, DC++ will keep your downloaded files in the Unfinished Downloads Directo
ry having renamed them to their original filename.
This limits the number of simultaneous downloads. A value of 0 means no limit. (
default: 3)
These settings are to avoid overloading your internet connection with a large nu
mber of simulatenous downloads. However, for both values listed below, certain c
onditions can result in the limits not being obeyed. Specifically, up to 3 files
that are set to the 'highest' priority can be transferred while other downloads
are going. File lists and small files (64 kibibytes or smaller) are queued with
'highest' as their priority. When either of the limits are hit, DC++ shows "All
download slots taken" next to each source in the status column of the Connectio

ns tab.
This is another method of limiting simultaneous downloads, designed to prevent n
ew downloads if your existing downloads exceed a specific threshold. It's measur
ed in kibibytes per second, and a value of zero will disable this limit.\line No
te; because of changing download speeds, this is not 100% accurate...
This HTTP proxy will {\ul only} be used to request the Public Hub List specified
above. It's {\ul not} used for uploads, downloads, or connecting to a hub.
All incomplete downloads will be stored in this directory. If you leave it empty
, temporary downloads will be stored in the default unfinished files folder. The
default location of the Incomplete folder depends on what kind of installation
method used to install DC++. If you used the installer (.exe) then your finished
downloads will be placed to a folder in your Windows user profile. In a typical
case the default path of the unfinished downloads is\line {\i C:\\Documents And
Settings\\[your username]\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\DC++\\Incomplete}
for {\ul Windows XP}; {\i C:\\Users\\[your username]\\AppData\\Local\\DC++\\Inco
mplete} in case of {\ul Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8}.\line If you inst
alled the portable (zip archive) version of DC++ then the finished downloads fol
der defaults to the "Incomplete\\" subdirectory under where the DC++ executable
is located. The directory will be automatically created if needed in both cases.
\line Make sure you have enough disk space for your unfinished downloads, have w
rite access to the directory and have an appropriate file system if you download
large files (note that maximum possible size for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4
GiB). From version 0.700 on of DC++, the antifragmentation method must always be
used for segmented downloads to work correctly. Hence DC++ tries to reserve the
full space needed for the file when starting the download. In case of an error
(eg. when the drive that holds your Unfinished Downloads runs out of space), you
will get an error message going like "Not enough space on the disk" even if you
r target drive does have enough free space! Incomplete file names follow the fol
lowing rule: <filename>.<ext>.<TTH>.dctmp.\line You can use the {\b %[targetdriv
e]} variable in order to have unfinished download directories in all of your tar
get drives. This way, unfinished download directories will be distributed amongs
t all of your drives, resulting in a smaller chance of runnig out of disk space.
\line {\ul Example}: when %[targetdrive]DCUnfinished\\ is set as the unfinished
downloads directory, DC++ creates incomplete files in E:\\DCUnfinished\\ when yo
u download to any target folder located on drive E: and so on...\line The %[targ
etdrive] variable is also useful if you often download larger files to a drive o
ther than the one that contains your usual unfinished directory. At the end of a
successful download, moving a large file from the unfinished folder to its targ
et can be very time and resource consuming, especially when moving files to anot
her partition of the same physical drive.
This controls the interval at which your shared directories are rescanned for ne
w and changed content. This is measured in minutes. (default: 60 minutes)
This will set the time interval between auto searches. Specified in seconds and
defaults to 120 seconds (cannot be lower than this).
This will limit the amount of online sources a file can have before it will no l
onger be auto searched for. For example, if this option is set to 2, if a file h
as more than or exactly 2 sources online, the file will be excluded from the aut
o-search list. (default: 5 sources)
This controls the size of the chunks that DC++ writes to disk for downloads. Mea
sured in kibibytes. (default: 16 KiB)
The amount of protocol data DC++ will maximally manage. This setting help protec
t against potentially malicious clients and hubs. Measured in bytes. (default: 5
24288 bytes)
This setting controls the size of the maximum file list that DC++ will open, in
mebibytes. This setting helps protect against malformed file lists that require
large amounts of memory to decode. You may need to reduce or increase the value
of this setting based on personal experience. (default: 512 MiB)
This is the speed at which DC++ will hash your files, in MiB/s. It is limited by
the speed of your disk subsystem, but it can be used to make hashing slower and
less noticable. A "normal" hash speed may be anywhere from 20 to 50 MiB/s. (no

The maximum amount of "Private Message" windows that are allowed to be opened at
the same time. (default: 50)\line When a "Private Message" window can't be open
ed because this setting would not be satisfied, the chat message that spawned it
will be shown in its originating "Hub" window instead.
This value defines a file size border for mini slots; a "mini slot" will be give
n to peers on requesting files below this size. The minimum value for this setti
ng is 512 KiB. (default: 512 KiB)
This is your unique private ID (PID). This will later with an algorithm be used
to identify you on ADC hubs. {\b Do not share this with other users.}
This controls the interval at which your settings are automatically saved; good
to prevent losses in case of crashes. This is measured in minutes. (default: 10
The size of the buffer DC++ use to read sockets. Measured in bytes. (default: 81
92 bytes)
The size of the buffer DC++ use to write to sockets. Measured in bytes. (default
: 8192 bytes)
Browse for a new folder to add to the list. After selecting the directory to add
, you will be able to define the virtual name under which it will appear in the
To add directories to your "Download to" menu (file context menu in the "Search"
window), you can use the Add and Remove buttons, or drag and drop folders from
a Windows Explorer window.
Remove the selected folder(s).
Rename the selected folder(s).
Switch to away mode whenever the DC++ window is minimized in the Windows taskbar
or in the notification area; disable away mode when the DC++ window is restored
Switch to away mode whenever the Windows session is locked (generally by Windows
key + L or via Ctrl + Alt + Del); disable away mode when the Windows session is
Switch to away mode whenever the Windows session hasn't received any mouse or ke
yboard input for the last X minutes; disable away mode when input is received ag
ain. Set to {\b 0} to disable this functionality. The default value is {\b 10} m
These settings control the away mode. It is a mode that DC++ can be switched to
to signify that you are away from DC++ and unavailable at the time. This mode ca
n be manually activated by using the "Away indicator in the status bar of the ma
in window" or the "/away <message> and /back chat commands". It can also be auto
matically activated according to the settings below.
Display time at which DC++ entered away mode in away message.
This drop-down contains a number of common upload speeds (in MiB/s), please choo
se the one closest to your own. Do not put in your download speed; this setting
is a measure of how fast a source you are likely to be for other users. This val
ue will be shown for the users on NMDC hubs only.
This defines the default away message. An away message is a message that is auto
matically sent back as a response to private messages received by DC++ while it
is in away mode. All time formatting variables are available, see "Logs". Use Ct
rl + Enter to create a new line. When this field is empty, no default away messa
ge is set. Note that this default message can be overridden by specifying a cust
om message with the "/away <message> chat command".
This description will show in the user list. It can be overridden on a per-hub b
asis in the "Favorite Hub" Properties.
This field is for sharing your email address, if you wish it. It can be overridd
en on a per-hub basis in the "Favorite Hub" Properties.
This nickname, or handle, will identify you when you join a hub. It can be overr
idden on a per-hub basis in the "Favorite Hub" Properties.
This is general information about yourself. The nick is required, though it's su
ggested that you pick the correct upload line speed value as well.
The number of lines that will be read from the main chat log and displayed when

a new "Hub" window is opened. (default: 10)\line Note that "main chat logging" m
ust be enabled.
The number of lines that will be read from the private message log and displayed
when a new "Private Message" window is opened. (default: 10)\line Note that "pr
ivate message logging" must be enabled.
The maximum number of recent "File List" windows that DC++ keeps track of.
The maximum number of recent "Hub" windows that DC++ keeps track of.
The maximum number of recent "Private Message" windows that DC++ keeps track of.
The number of old search lines that will be shown in the Search drop-down contro
ls of the "Search" and "File List" windows. (default: 10)
All logs generated by DC++ will be put in this subdirectory.\line {\b Default:}
The "Logs" subdirectory under where you've installed the application.
Enables logging of completed downloaded segments and file lists. File list downl
oads may not be logged if you've "disabled them".
Add successful file list transfers to your upload and download logs. If this opt
ion is disabled, file list transfers do not appear in the "Finished downloads" a
nd "Finished uploads" windows. Disabled by default.
Enables logging of completed downloads.
Enables logging of the main chat of any hubs you're in.
Enables logging of Private Messages.
Enables the logging of status messages. Examples of such messages are: Connected
to (and disconnected from ) hub, kicked, and banned messages. In short all mess
ages that would appear below the chat input in the hub windows.
Enables logging of system-level messages. Examples of such messages are: notific
ations of files that have finished hashing, share refreshes, discovery of duplic
ate files, and disconnections of users who leave the hub (if "enabled").
Enables logging of uploaded segments and file lists. File list uploads may not b
e logged if you've "disabled them".
Checking this box will turn balloon popup notifications on for the selected even
t. An example of such a balloon can be previewed by pressing the "Fire a balloon
popup example" button.\line This box can be switched by double-clicking the bal
loon icon in the "Balloon" column of the desired event.
When this box is checked, balloons popups will fire to signal the selected event
only when DC++ is in the background (either minimized or not the active window)
. Otherwise, they will always be displayed whenever the selected event is signal
Pressing this button will have DC++ launch a balloon popup example from the Wind
ows notification area. The balloon popup will be titled "{\i DC++ - Balloon popu
p example}" and will contain the following string as its content text: "{\i This
is an example of a balloon popup notification!}".
This event fires every time a download completes. Doesn't apply to file lists.
This event fires every time a file list download completes.
This event fires every time a chat message is received in the main channel of a
This event fires every time a private chat message is received.
This event fires every time the reception of a private chat message leads to a n
ew "Private Message" window being opened.
Checking this box will turn sound notifications on for the selected event. The s
ystem's default beep sound will be used by default unless a custom one is assign
ed from the "Notification sound" group.\line This box can be switched by doubleclicking the sound icon in the "Sound" column of the desired event.
Instead of the system's default beep, a custom sound can be assigned to each eve
nt by selecting the desired event in the "Notifications" list, enabling the "Sou
nd" icon, then clicking the "Browse..." button. Only Wave sound files (typically
with a ".wav" extension) are allowed.
Open a file selection dialog and offer to install the selected plugin if it is c
ompatible with DC++.\line Some plugins may require you to restart DC++.
Open the selected plugin's own configuration page in order to edit its propertie
Disable the selected plugin.

Enable the selected plugin.

This panel shows information about the selected plugin.
List of currently installed plugins.
Move the selected plugin downwards in the list.
Move the selected plugin upwards in the list.
Disable and uninstall the selected plugin.
Select this mode if you can make unrestricted outbound connections. This include
s connecting to any IP address on any port. Choose this option if unsure.
Select this mode if you want to make outbound connections through a SOCKS proxy.
The caveats for Passive mode also apply here. SOCKS5 proxies are {\ul not} the
same as HTTP proxies. DC++'s SOCKS5 support does {\ul not} include GSSAPI.
Password for the SOCKS5 proxy; may be required.
The port that your SOCKS5 server runs on. The default is 1080.
Enable this to use the SOCKS5 proxy, instead of the local name server, to resolv
e host names into IP addresses.
This is the IP, not host name, of your SOCKS5 server.
Login name for the SOCKS5 proxy; may be required.
Autodrop allows automatical removal (or disconnecting) of slow download sources.
By default, slow sources are removed.\line All of these autodrop options are ne
cessary to estimate and disconnect/drop sources properly.
This option removes the slow sources for all queue items (except file lists).\li
ne To enable autodrop, turn on either "Autodrop slow sources for all queue items
" or "Remove slow file lists" (or both of them).
With this option enabled, sources will only be disconnected but not removed from
the queue.
Amount of time (in seconds) that has to pass since the download started before a
source can be dropped. (default: 15 s)
With this option enabled, DC++ will delete a file list whose speed was recognize
d as too slow.\line To enable autodrop, turn on either "Autodrop slow sources fo
r all queue items" or "Remove slow file lists" (or both of them).
Minimum filesize before sources will be dropped (in KiB). (default: 0 KiB)
This is the maximal time since the last chunk of data for the file was recieved.
It is meant to improve speed measurement accuracy and to prevent dropping sourc
es that are going to be disconnected only because of their current inactivity. (
default: 10 s)
Check every x second(s) if the source is slow. (default: 10 s)
Minimum amount of sources before any sources will be dropped. (default: 1)
If the download speed of a file is below the entered value, the source will be d
ropped. (default: 1024 B/s)
Autoprio allows setting the queue item priority automatically when adding it to
the download queue. A user can then change the priority of a file manually.\line
Priority conditions are checked from the Highest to the Lowest priority, when a
ssigning a priority to a new queue item. A zero means that the given priority le
vel won't be used - except Normal priority, which is the default priority. Lowes
t possible value for the Highest priority is 16 KiB.
Every few minutes, the client will search for files in your Download Queue to fi
nd more download locations (more users/sources). The autosearch will find exact
matches by searching via hash. {\i The drawback is that it may won't find much
more sources and will prevent manual searches on hubs where a predefined search
interval rule is in effect. } To avoid constant auto searches you can set the ma
ximal number of sources that files can have when you specify a number in "Auto s
earch limit" setting.
Enable to automatically download a user's list and match them as sources for fil
es in your Download Queue when they've been discovered as a source for one of th
e files you're downloading. If you download files in sets, that user is probably
a source for many more files you're downloading. {\i Enable if unsure. The draw
backs are that it might add slower sources, possibly increasing the time needed
to complete a download, and that you'll download a lot of file lists.}
This option will stop you from downloading files which already exist in your que
ue by blocking the addition of the same file to a different place in the queue.

The comparsion is made by TTH and not by the name or the size of the file. Even
though the addition is blocked the possible new sources will still be aquired an
d added to the existing file in the queue. If the file already exists in the que
ue and no new sources found either then a "File is already in the queue" message
will be shown.
This option will stop you from downloading files which already exist in one of y
our shared directories. When you enable this function, to get already shared ite
ms removed from the queue you have to restart DC++.
Enable this option if you want to keep downloaded files and folders in the downl
oad queue after they have been finished. After downloaded the queue items will h
ave 'Finished' status and you can delete these finished entries anytime later. U
sing this function you can keep track of what files are already downloaded right
there in the download queue without the need of checking the "Finished Download
s" window. Note that if you physically move/delete your downloaded files from th
eir target location, it won't result automatic deletion of the corresponding fin
ished entries from the queue. If you disable this function, it won't remove exis
ting finished items from the queue either, you must do that manually.
Files with the same or under the entered size, but above Highest prio max size,
will be set to High as priority. (default: 0 KiB)
Files with the same or under the entered size will be set to Highest as priority
. (default: 64 KiB)
Files with the same or under the entered size, but above Highest, High and Norma
l prio max size, will be set to Low as priority. (default: 0 KiB)
With this enabled, files that are larger than Low prio max size are set to Lowes
t as priority. If disabled, the files will be set to Normal as priority.
Files with the same or under the entered size, but above Highest and High prio m
ax size, will be set to Normal as priority. (default: 0 KiB)
When this option is enabled, any zero byte files you try to download will be sil
ently skipped. Sometimes empty files contain information through their naming. H
owever every file, even an empty one, will consume some drive space.
Ask for a new name to identify the search type to add, then open a dialog to add
file type extensions associated to the new search type.
Erase all customized search types and reset the list to its default values. This
action cannot be undone.
Lists search types to be used when initiating a search via the "Search" window.
Each search type is associated to a set of file type extensions which can be con
figured here.\line Note; Custom search types will only be applied to {\b ADC} hu
bs!\line On {\b NMDC} hubs, using a predefined search type will only search for
a set of predefined, unconfigurable extensions; using a custom type will default
to searching for any extension.
Open a dialog to change the file type extensions associated to the currently sel
ected search type.
Remove the currently selected search type. Predefined types cannot be removed.
Change the name of the currently selected search type. Predefined types cannot b
e renamed.
By default, the background color is taken from the current Windows theme (genera
lly white). A different background color may be configured here.
Switch to the "User matching" settings page.
The style used to paint download transfer bars. Default background color: RGB(55
, 170, 85).
By default, the font used by the current Windows theme is used throughout DC++ (
generally Tahoma (size 8) on XP and Segoe UI (size 9) on Vista and higher). A di
fferent font may be selected here.
The style used throughout all DC++ windows.
The style used to display clickable links in chat. A default value is generated
when DC++ is started, based on the global text color.
The style used to display chat logs that show up in new chat windows, assuming t
here is a relevant chat history to be found. A default value is generated when D
C++ is started, based on the global text color (DC++ tries to make it look more

When an item is selected in the list, a preview line appears below the list. It
reflects style properties for the item currently selected in the list.
Select whether the list should display user matching definitions that DC++ has a
utomatically generated (for example to ignore users). These definitions may clut
ter the view so they are hidden by default.
By default, the text color is taken from the current Windows theme (generally bl
ack). A different text color may be configured here.
The style used to paint upload transfer bars. Default background color: RGB(205,
60, 55).
The styles used to paint users that match user matching definitions.
When a download completes, the "Finished Downloads" tab will be highlighted if t
his option is selected.
When an upload completes, the "Finished Uploads" tab will be highlighted if this
option is selected.
When the content of a "File List" window that's not focused has changed, the tab
will be highlighted if you have this option selected.
When a chat message appears in a "Hub" window that's not focused, the tab will b
e highlighted if you have this option selected.
When a private message appears in a "Private message" window that's not focused,
the tab will be highlighted if you have this option selected.
This option controls whether or not the "Download Queue"'s tab will highlight it
self when a queue item changes state or finishes.
When a search result is received in a "Search" window that's not focused, the ta
b will be highlighted if you have this option selected.
When an entry is added to the "System Log" window while it is out of focus, the
tab will be highlighted if you have this option selected.
{\b Let DC++ draw tabs}: Select this option to let DC++ draw tabs, which allows
it to add more customization (such as a close button, different colors and fonts
, etc). (default)\line {\b Use standard Windows tabs}: Select this option to use
standard Windows tabs - DC++ won't be able to customize them.\line {\i DC++ nee
ds to be restarted for this setting to take effect.}
Several modes are exposed here with various differences; select the one you pref
er.\line One particular difference is that in tab style mode, multiline tabs reorganize so that the selected tab is always at the bottom. That isn't the case i
n button style mode.\line The "Browser theme" mode is only available on Windows
>= Vista.\line {\i DC++ needs to be restarted for this setting to take effect.}
This fake tab control shows how the main tab control would display after a resta
rt of DC++, were the settings defined above be validated.
Use this slider to define the width occupied by each tab. Move to the left for a
lower width, and to the right for a higher width.\line When the title of a tab
exceeds the available width, it will be cut accordingly and appended with "...".
\line {\i DC++ needs to be restarted for this setting to take effect.}
Choose a settings category here.
Open the User Command dialog to create a new user command and add it to the list
Open the currently selected user command in the User Command dialog in order to
change it.
List of your current user commands.
Move the currently selected user command downwards in the list.
Move the currently selected user command upwards in the list.
Remove the currently selected user command.
Browse for a new folder to add to your share. If another existing file shares th
at name, the new name will be made unique by adding another letter to its name.
After selecting the directory to add, you will be able to pick the Virtual Name
that it will be shown under when other users see your files. You are allowed to
merge different folders into one virtual folder using the same Virtual Name. The
ir content will be shown as one folder in your filelist. If the newly added file
s have not been hashed, the Hash Progress Dialog will display. You can choose to
let it display, or let hashing continue in the background.
To add directories to your share, you can use the Add and Remove buttons, or dra

g and drop folders from a Windows Explorer window. Beginning with version 0.4032
, files will be shared only once they have been hashed.
If the average upload speed drops below the given number, an additional upload s
lot will be granted. These slots are granted once every 30 seconds at maximum. I
f the speed of the original uploads increases, the granted slot will not be clos
Remove the selected folder(s).
Change the virtual name on a shared folder. Note: the client will appear to free
ze when you exit settings, this is due to a refresh of the file list.
Share files with the Hidden attribute set and files inside directory with the Hi
dden attribute set. With this option off, files starting with a . (full stop) wi
ll not be shared. Note: this option requires a refresh of the file list, and may
cause the client to appear to freeze.
Filters out any file with an extension that is listed here. Use semicolon to sep
arate multiple extensions. For example, the value txt;png will remove any file t
hat has the extensions txt or png.
Only include include files in the share that has a file size below the specified
value. Value is specified in bytes. The value 0 removes the filter and is the d
Only include include files in the share that has a file size above the specified
value. Value is specified in bytes. The value 0 removes the filter and is the d
Filters out any path that is listed here. Use semicolon to separate multiple pat
hs. For example, the value "download;secret_files" will remove any directory tha
t has download or secret_files in the path.
Filters out any file with a name that matches a regular expression that is liste
d here. Use semicolon to separate multiple regular expressions. For example, the
value ^.*\\.txt;^.*\\.png will remove any file that has the extensions txt or p
Configure the number of slots that other users can occupy to download files from
you. A remote user can use only one slot for each hub that they're on with you.
DC++ supports uploading file lists and files below "512 KiB" to other DC++ user
s without requiring a slot. There's a max of 3 connections in addition to normal
slots, these are called mini slots.\line Note: If a user leaves the hub, DC++ w
ill close his slots; if the user is back within 10 minutes, DC++ will grant him
a slot. (This will only happen if "Automatically disconnect users who leave the
hub" is enabled.) This can cause your upload slots to go over the maximum set in
Open a "User matching definition" dialog to create a new user matching definitio
n and add it to the list.
Open the currently selected user matching definition in a "User matching definit
ion" dialog in order to edit its properties.
List of current user matching definitions.\line Every user will be matched again
st configured user matching definitions to find properties to apply (such as cha
t ignoring, custom colors...). User matching definitions are browsed from the to
p of the list to the bottom; therefore, when 2 user matching definitions can be
applied to the same user and affect the same property, the top-most definition t
akes precedence.
Move the currently selected user matching definitions downwards in the list.
Move the currently selected user matching definitions upwards in the list.
Remove the currently selected user matching definitions.
Switch to the "Styles" settings page.
Enabling this option will cause DC++ to prompt before you remove an ADL Search i
tem from the "ADL Search" window.
Enabling this option will cause DC++ to prompt you before exiting.
Enabling this option will cause DC++ to prompt before you close a "hub" window.
Enabling this option will cause DC++ to prompt before you remove a favorite hub.
Enabling this option will cause DC++ to prompt before you remove a file (or file
s) from the "download queue".
Enabling this option will cause DC++ to prompt before you remove a favorite user

Enable this if you wish to ignore private messages from bots. However, these mes
sages generally contain useful information, like hub specific rules or warnings.
Enable this if you wish to ignore private messages from the hub. However, these
messages generally contain useful information, like hub specific rules or warnin
When using /join <ip>, a new window with the hub will open.
Keep this disabled if you want newly downloaded file lists to pop up in front of
other windows. {\i It can be very annoying to have a new window pop up when you
're typing something.}
Keep this disabled if you want new private messages file lists to pop up in fron
t of other windows.
Enable this if you want messages from the hub in their own window. When disabled
they get sent as a status message in main chat instead which is less annoying y
et still informative. {\i This option only matters if you're not ignoring privat
e messages from hubs.}
Enable this if you want messages from hub bots in their own window. When disable
d they get sent as a status message in main chat instead which is less annoying
yet still informative. {\i This option only matters if you're not ignoring priva
te messages from bots.}
If you disable this option, a private message from a user appears as a status li
ne in main chat instead of in a separate window. This could cause you to miss so
me messages if you don't check the chat regularly. {\i You may not care much for
private messages from other users. Ignoring them however, not only lessens the
(user-friendly) Direct Connect experience, but is not always wise because failin
g to reply to a message from an Operator can get you kicked or, in the worst cas
e, permanently banned from that hub.}
When being prompted for a password in a hub, you will with this option enabled h
ave a box popup and will allow you to enter your password. With this option disa
bled, you will be prompted with a "/password" instead.
With this option enabled, clicking on an active tab will mimic the behavior of W
indows 98+ and send the currently active window to the background. The most rece
ntly accessed window will become the new active window.
Add the item specified in the field on the top left to the current list.
Open a dialog to edit currently selected items.
Use this input box to write a new item you want to add.
Shows the current list. It will only be altered once you have pressed "OK".
Move selected items downwards in the list.
Move selected items upwards in the list.
Remove selected items from the current list.
Press this button to change the font used by text viewers. A monospace font such
as {\b Courier New} or {\b Lucida Console} is commonly required to properly vie
w the "ASCII_art" contained in some text files.
Open the "ADL Search" window.
Opens your default finished downloads folder in Windows Explorer. Useful for qui
ck accessing your downloaded files.
Open the "Favorite Hubs" window.\line Use the arrow placed on the right of the i
con to easily connect to one of your favorite hubs without having to open the "F
avorite Hubs" window.\line Consult the help topic associated to the "Favorite hu
b groups" dialog to find out how to add sub-menus to the menu that appears under
the arrow.
Open a file list previously saved on your disk (a dialog will appear so you can
pick the one you wish to open).
Open the "Finished Downloads" window.
Open the "Finished Uploads" window.
Open the "Network Statistics" window.
Open the "Notepad" window.
You can open and check how your own file list looks like. Useful to see what's d
isplayed to others when they get your file list.
Open the "Plugins" configuration page.\line Use the arrow placed on the right of

the icon to manage plugins:\line "Add" displays a file selection dialog to inst
all a new plugin. "Configure" opens the "Plugins" configuration page. Installed
plugins are listed below. They can be selectively enabled or disabled. A "Config
ure" command is also available for each of them (the behavior of which is plugin
-dependant). Plugins are also allowed to add additional commands in that sub-men
Open the "Public Hubs" window.
Open the "Download Queue" window.
Open menus with MRU lists of recently opened windows. The list is saved across D
C++ restarts.
Reconnect (disconnect and connect again) the hub which is currently in the foreg
This will immediately rescan your shared directories for new or changed content
and updates your file list.
Open the "Search" window.
Open the Settings dialog.
Open the "Users" window.
You can get help on specific parts of DC++ by using the "What's This?" help butt
on: click it once, and your mouse cursor will change into a help cursor; then cl
ick on the control you wish to get help for.
This pane shows you all the available details sent by the DC client of the selec
ted user. The number of records shown can heavily depend on what kind of user se
lected, what protocol it uses, etc... For example you can get the most informati
on from an ADC client user while the amount of available information from a hub
bot is usually very small.
The filter, consisting of an input box, a column selection box and a method sele
ction box, can help filter the list on the fly based on textual matching. You ca
n filter the contents of any individual column or the whole list. There are thre
e filtering methods available to choose from: excact word match, partial word ma
tch or match a "regular expression". Note that filtered results are not removed
from the list; they can at any time be restored by just clearing the filter out.
\line The filter input box can be focused with Alt+I.\line Eg writing "foo" in t
he filter input box, selecting "Nick" and "Partial match" will only display user
s that have "foo" in their nick.
If enabled the user list shows only your favorite users.
If enabled the user list shows online users only, it will filter out all users w
ho are currently offline (not connected to any hub where you are currently logge
d in).
If enabled the user list will show those users whom you're currently downloading
If enabled the user list will show those users who are waiting for a free slot t
o be able to start downloading from you (functionality of the former Waiting Use
rs window). These users have have queued one more files from you, but haven't be
en able to get a slot.
Sends command as if you were typing it in the chat
Command text (may contain any of the variables listed below). Use Ctrl + Enter t
o create a new line.
Contexts determine where the command is shown.
File list context menu
Hub address as typed when connecting. "op" = NMDC hubs where you are an operator
, "adc://" = all ADC hubs, "adc://op" = ADC hubs where you are an operator, "adc
s://" = all "secured" ADC hubs. If empty, and the "Raw" type is selected, then o
nly NMDC hubs will match; if empty, and the "Chat" or "Private Message" types ar
e selected, then all hubs will match regardless of their protocol.
Hub tab (at the top of the screen) context menu
Name as displayed in the menu (use '/' to create sub-menus, and '//' to actually
write a slash)
Private Message recipient
Send only once per user from search or file lists, regardless of how many files
have been selected per user.

Sends command as if you sent it by PM

Sends raw command to the hub (experts only, end it with '|' in NMDC hubs and '\\
n' in ADC hubs!)
Search context menu
Adds a separator to the menu
User context menu in chat and PM tab menu
Add a line to define a rule that users will have to match in order for this user
matching definition to be applied to them.
If checked, users will have to be hub bots in order for this user matching defin
ition to be applied to them.
If checked, users will have to have been marked as favorite users from the "User
s" window in order for this user matching definition to be applied to them.
Chat messages for users that match this user matching definition will always be
shown. Use this to override other "chat ignore" definitions.
Do not show chat messages for users that match this user matching definition.
The name this user matching definition will be identified as in the "User matchi
ng" and the "Styles" settings page.
If checked, users will have to be hub operators in order for this user matching
definition to be applied to them.
The user property to be matched against for the current rule.
Define how the pattern will be matched against the user property selected in the
field selection drop-down.
Pattern for the current rule.
Remove the current rule.

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