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: Fahry Triza Nugraha

Class: XII Science-4

Twilight (2008) : Movie Review

Twilight. A fantastic bite at vampire fiction translated to the big screen...

I've never been one for fantasy, or mythical creatures but this film changed my
mind completely. As a teenager, I find that the female audience can really relate
to Kirsten Stewarts performance as Bella and the way in which she goes about
the introduction into a new school and how she faces the hatred conveyed by
Rob Pattinsons character Edward Cullen.
Obviously, the book presents more information and more direct exposure
of the characters in the film and further associates the reader with the storyline,
but in the challange of transforming the book to a movie, it couldnt have been
done better. I read twilight in 2 days, even though I am a SNAIL when it comes to
reading. Stephanie Myer had me crawling for more, as did the film. I admit, I
have watched many youtube clips of the film, captivated by the actors
chemistry, the take on the characters and the music of the film. simply breath
Pattinson and Stewarts take on the protaginists works well. I saw the
movie mid way into the novel and had built my own interpretations of the
characters and their motives, and was not dissapointed with the actors
performance. However, some of the humour or rather some of the remarks from
the film loose those who have not read the text. For example, the scene where
Bella and Edward are at the restuarant, the newly invented dialogue leaves the
audience clueless wondering WHAT THE HELL JUST WENT ON? something is
uttered about "I dont want to know what the score requires?" What is that
supposed to mean?
The condensing of the novel was also done well, a compelling take on the
500 page text. However some components such as the new WAYLEN character
being introduced to the plot only confused devoted readers but meant little to
new fans.
However, I find myself truely intrigued by the forbidden romance of these
two, perhaps a romeo and juliet of my era. It makes me want to find MY edward
cullen! Despite this, I was very upset to hear that the existing director will not be
directing new moon. Her symbolic and fast paced camera movements were to be
commended, a film which truely held the audience's attention and kept them
"thirsty" for more.
On the other hand, seeing it with my mother who had never heard of the
series before and wasnt familiar with the characters and their situations believed

that the movie wasnt fluent enough and that the characters relationship moved
too quickly, not giving you a true insight into the deep and passionate love that
the characters felt for each other.
Whilst that fact was obvious, the book makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.
as I LOVE YOU is commonly said and conveys the characters emotion. Love was
rarely spoken of in the film and whilst you inferred the relationship between bella
and edward, it left you wondering how deep it really was. Fans would have been
pleased with the referance to the much loved LION AND LAMB quote.
Rob Pattinson lived up to my expectations of Edward, a divine character in
which a committed and talented actor needed to play. Honestly, he was the one
who made me fall in love with Edward Cullen. However, Kirsten Stewarts
portrayal of Bella Swan was extremely monotonous, at times leaving the
audience bored waiting for those high impact scenes or simply for edward's
return. Her performace was phenomonal in the final fighting scene and the
hardships of the characters love only then emerged.
The music played a more important role in conveying emotion in the film,
something that the actors failed to do. The audience were left leaving the cinema
thinking , but WHAT bought them together WHY does edward love her. How will
this work. Acting as both a positive and negative deterrent, but encouraging
viewers to race back later this year to see the sequel.
The special effects were utterly spectacular. Reading the novel I was
curious to see how the film would pull off the high impact scenarios that were
taking place in my head, but they did it. And boy did they do it well.
Soundtrack, as I said before was exceptional. Bellas Lulluby gave me
goosebumps, and the composers Carter Burwell's talent simply lept from the
The one thing that surprised me the most was the cafeteria scene. I
laughed when I first saw Edward, but grew to love him after the mystery
surrounding him got the better of me. Did anyone notice the part where Bella
dropped the apple "edible art" and edward picked it up, placing it in the palms of
his hands, a direct deja vu of the cover of the original Twilight Book. Overall, a
must see. Props to Myer and all of the cast and Crew Thumbs up.

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