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Definitions of Literary Elements & Plot Techniques

Plot: Sequence of events in a short story or novel.

Exposition: The introduction of a short story or novel.
It is the background and setting of a story.
Setting: Time and place of a story.
Rising Action: The series of events that lead to the
climax of the story.
Climax: The turning point of the story. The most
important and exciting part of the story.
Falling Action: The series of events that lead to the
conclusion of the story.
Solution/Resolution/or Conclusion: Wraps up the
points of the story and makes a final statement.
Internal Conflict: The struggle takes place within the
mind of the character. Often, the character chooses
between two courses of action. An example would be,
should I do my ELA homework, or should I go out and
play? Do your ELA homework, of course!

External Conflict: A character struggles against an

outside force, such as: another character, nature, or
physical obstacle.
Mood: The feeling the story evokes in the reader
Tone: The author's attitude toward what he or she
writes (the words).
1st Person Point of View: When a character recounts
his own experiences, using the pronoun "I".
3rd Person Omniscient Point of View: The narrator has
unlimited knowledge and can describe every
character's thoughts and behaviors. "All knowing
Plot Techniques are ways to manipulate the plot to
increase reader interest. Here are some examples:
Flashback: Discussing something that happened earlier
in the story.
Foreshadowing: Hinting about what will happen later in
the story.

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