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BIOLOGY Examination PAPER Good tuck ATLAS, Te: 4181099 UNIVE: SITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Paper 1 1 - June 1994 2 - Nov. 1994 3 - June 1995 - Nov. 1995 ~ June 1996 - Nov. 1996 - June 1997 - Nov. 1997 ODNAUOA 10- Nov. 1998 11- June 1999 12- Nov. 1999 13- June 2000 14- Nov. 2000 15- June 2001 16- Nov. 2001 17- June 2002 18- Nov. 2002 - June 1998 . Biology O.L contents | i | International General Ce tificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMB 3IDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choic > ‘Thursday 9 JUNE 1994 Moming 45 minutes ‘Additional materials: Multiple Choice answer sheet Soft pone (type B ot HB is rezornmended) Solt lean eraser TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you a:e told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and :andidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for vou. ‘There are forty questions on this peper. Attempt all questions. For each question there are four possible answers labelled A, B, C and D, Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sneet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one m: rk. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. This questi-n paper consists of 16 printed pages. 1 4179 oratsi1 OUCLES 1004 [um over 2 1 The table lists six of the seven characteristics of living organisms. characteristics of tiving organisms excretion sfolalafelr}- ‘What is the seventh ch: racteristic? co-ordination digestion movement Sight voapr sunlight chlorophyll Which characteristic of iving organisms is shown by this equation? 2 water + carbon dioxid: sugar + oxygen ‘excretion — Teproduction respiration vou>r ‘Which substance is ab sorbed from the soil by plants to make proteins? carbon dioxide nitrates, oxygen Vitamins coa>r ay 4 ane ‘The diagram shows a type of f uit. dry pericarp sepat seed Using the following key, what is this type of fruit? 1 Sepals fall otf as soon as the flower is fertlised Sepals do not fall off zs soon as the flower is fertilised. 2 Pericarp dry; containing fewer than four seeds.. Pericarp dry; containing more than four seeds... 3 Fruit splits to release several seeds Fruit splits to release only one see What is the function of human red blood cells? A toabsorb heat B tocany oxygen © to destroy bacteria D_ tomake antibodies Which diagram shows the po ition of the nucieus in a palisade cell? A B c D Which of the following is a tis sue? A eye B leat © muscle D stomach ono [Tum over ! ' ! ! 4 B Which of the following lists the stru >tures from the-simplest to the most complex? simplest ——______ + most complex cells + organs ~ organ systems -» tissues cells > tissues — organs organ systems organ systems—» organs —: tissues——— cells voa> tssues————+ cells— organs ——+ organ systems 9 By which process does oxygen pz ss from the alveoli of the lungs into the blood? A diffusion B_ osmosis © respiration D transpiration 10. The diagram shows the concentrations of glucose in two cells X and Y. celX cell Y 2% 5% glusose glucose H cell X and cell Y come into contact, the concentration of glucose in each celll begins to change. When will there be no further chinge? A when cell X and cell ¥ have the same glucose concentration B__ when cell X has a higher gl :cose concentration than cell Y C whenall the glucose is in cull X D_ when all the glucose is inc IY 11 A student set up an experime it to investigate the effect of a mammalian enzyme on cooked egg white, At which temperature would the enzyme be most active? A 25°C B 40°C Cc 65°C D an coun 5 12. The graph shows how pH affects the activity of four enzymos. rate of reaction Salivary amylase works best al pH 7. Which curve represents the acivity of salivary amylase? 13 The following experiment was set up, using leaves on the same plant. Tight 2 clip black plastic kafX Both leaves were left to photo iynthesise for six hours. Which set of results should be obtained atter testing both leaves for starch? leaf X teal’ allblueblack all ue-black allblue-black part’ blue-black partly blue-black all b ue-black partly blue-black part blue-black vom> am noes [Tum over 6 14. The diagrams show cross-sec! ons through a stom and a root of a flowering plant. stem root Pp —a 8 R > SF 5 Which pair of fines label simil::r tissues? A PandT B QarjU © RandV D SandW 15. The diagram shows part of tr > human alimentary canal. Which part absorbs digeste: food? an cones ) 7 16 The diagram shows the levels «fa nitrogenous waste product in the blood of a person living at first ‘on a low protein diet and then «a high protein diet. conce stration of Z nitrogenous waste product inblod low high protein protein diet diet What is the waste product? A amino acid B nitrate C protein D sourea 17 The diagram shows the blood vessels associated with the liver and small intestine, dorsal aorta Nae 3 ym os be IT C y direction of Si OF blood flow. 2 SOO circulation in liver circulation in small intestine Alter a meal, which blood ves el will contain the greatest concentration of sugar? an onounes [Tum over 8 18 The diagram shows an experim mnt to investigate anaerobic respiration in yeast. A B c D paraffin paraffin: ae yeast ‘oiled yeast | boiled yeast yeast suspension suspension suspension 9) suspension and and sugar solution —_—_sugar solution Jn which test-tube will alcohol be produced? 19° Which are products of respiration? A carbon dioxide and nitrogen B carbon dioxide and wate: © nitrogen and water Doxygen and carbon dioxi se 20 The diagram shows some blcod vessels near the surface of the skin. eS shin surtace S\ x 4 Zz I vasoconstriction occurs a X, what happens to the blood flow at ¥ and Z? Y z A decreases decreases B decreases stays constant © increases stays constant D increases increases 8 479 nee 9 21 Whatis an example of excretion in mammals? the release of digestive c xzymes into the stomach, the release of hormones ‘om glands the removal of undigeste # food througn the anus vou>r the removal of urea by t' kidneys 22 The diagram shows a simple reflex arc. 2 sensory neurone activated 3 i } j 1 ' motor neuro1e activated What is the correct order cf events after the knee is tapped? 1423394 1945253 | : ; i ! 4525133 vou> 4335251 aire nore [Tum over | | | : | ! 1 10 23. The diagram shows how three pl: nt shoots were treated, very thin block of agar jelly <= ight Which of the shoots would grow owards the light? A Xonly B XandY only © XandZonly D X,Yandz Toule does the unfertiise ! mammalian egg follow through the female reproductive system, after being released from the ovary? A oviduct + uterus > vacina B oviduct -> vagina — uterus © uterus — oviduct + vagina D uterus -> vagina -> oviduct 10 an ono "1 25 Thediagram shows a flower cut Ir hat. — ANG 7 Inwhich part of the flower does tertlisation take place? 26 The diagram represents a wom«.n's menstrual cycle. key EE] menstruation J] ovulation dayi6 day 11 On which day is sexual interco urse most likely to result in fertilisation?: A days Bo dayt c day 16 D day28 27 Which conditions are nevesse y for seed germination? A carbon dioxide and oxyg::n B_ chlorophyll and light C soil particles and minera salts D__ water and a suitable terr serature 1 an ory [Tum over 12 28 The graph shows how hum in height changes with age. 200: heightem 100 0: 0 2 4 6 8 10 1214 16 18 20 22 agelyears In which age range is grov.‘h most rapid? A B c D 0-2 years 12-14 years 16-18 years 20-22 years 29° Which will produce a male child? voa> sex sex chromosome —chrornosome in egg insperm x x x Y Y x Y Y 30 What name is given toa sdden change in a gene or chromosome? a7 A B c D allele genotype mutation phenotype 12 13 31 Heterozygous tall plants were cros: od with pure-breeding dwarf plants of the same species. The resulting seeds were collected and jrown to produce the next generation, What were the approximate percen ages of tall and dwart offspring? tall dwart A 25% 75% Bo 50% 50% Cc 75% 25% D 100% 0% 32 The diagram shows a simple food hain. 1 green plants — chickens By what process is energy being lost at 1, 2 and 3? ‘A evaporation B respiration © translocation D transpiration 33. The diagram shows the flow of er ergy through an ecosystem. @— producers What does X represent? A carbon dioxide and water B_ mineral salts © oxygen D sunlight 13 am cove Tum over 14 34 The diagram shows a focd web. organism organism D B 36 ai ON organism A Which organism is the de somposer? Which process does not ‘elease carbon dioxide into the air? A B c D burning of coal decomposition of hu aus photosynthesis respiration ‘The diagram shows the r atural cycle of a substance, What is the substance? A B c D carbon dioxide nitrogen oxygen water 15 37 The graph shows the birth rate cnd the death rate In a country. 50: 40: per thousand of 90 population 29, birth rate 10: ‘“s=~ death rate rr 1685 1905. 1925 1945 1965 1985 year What happened to the populaticn total between 1905 and 1925? A. itdecreased B it decreased then increase | © itincreased then decrease { Dit stayed the same 38 Why's it that pesticides sprayed in low concentrations may increase the yield of a crop, but may also be harmful to wildife? A Pesticides cause acid rain Pesticides enter the food < hain. B C Pesticides increase the ni ates in soil. D Pesticides kill other plants 39 Lichens grow on tree trunks and buildings. The diagrams show the results of a survey of the number of lichens in two areas X and Y. areaX area Y key number of lichens: amount of 2 sulphur dioxide inthe air a8 Which statement is correct? A Anincrease in sulphur dioxide results in fewer lichens. ‘Area X is more heavily polluted by sulphur dioxide than area Y. Lichens need sulphur dicxide to survive. Lichens produce sulphur dioxide and pollute the atmosphere. 15 cevevene [Turn over goa ae 16 40. The map shows part of a river. inflow of votreated ‘concentration of oxygen in water A concentration of oxygen in water B concentration of oxygen inwater c concentration of oxygen in water D 16 470 crores International General Cc rlificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAME RIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/4 PAPER 1 Wednesday 23 NOVEMBER 1994 Morning 45 minutes Additional materials: ‘Multiple Choice answer shect ‘Soft pencil (\ype 8 or HB is ‘ecommended) Soft clean eraser TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number anc! candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you There are forty questions on this Faper. Attempt all questions. For each question there are four possible answers labelled A, B, C andi D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructiors on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one riark, A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. This que: tion paper consists of 16 printed pages. +4725 QK42300 bY oueuss t33¢ [Turn over 1 The diagram shows part <{ a green plant. CO2 Which process leads dire sly to the exchange of the gases indicated? A growth B movement © nutrition D respiration 2 Excretion, irritability and :eproduction are characteristics of A all animals and plan's. B animals only. C plants only. D__ some animals and s ome plants only. 3 Whatis the correct way !9 write the biological name of the lion? A Panthera Leo B panthera Leo C Panthera leo D_panthera leo 18 ans ovarmne 4 The diagram shows some cells. cell membrane vacuole cytoplasm nucleus What are these cells? A iliver cells B palisade cells i Cred blood cells D white blood cells 5 The diagram shows a plant cel . —= What is the main tunction of tts cell? ; i A absorption B digestion © photosynthesis D reproduction 19 ans, esos [Turn over 4 6 The diagram shows some sti iclures in the human body. oesophagus liver stomach pancreas — large intestine small intestine ‘Together these parts form A acell. B atissue. © anorgan. D_anorgan system. 7 The diagrams show four ce 's (nat drawn to the same scale), A B c D Which cell carries nerve ir pulses? 20 ars, corounse 5 8 Osmosis in living organisms is movement across a partially permeable membrane. Which correctly describes this movement? ‘A. solute molecules from a concentrated solution to a dilute solution solute molecules {rom a dilute solution to a concentrated solution B water molecules from a concentrated solution to a dilute solution D water molecules from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution 9 The scent from a bunch of flowers soon spreads throughout a room. By what method does the scent spread? A diffusion B osmosis C radiation D transpiration 10 The diagrams show four experiments each using 1 cm? of amylase solution and 10 cm* of starch solution, 1% starch 2% starch solution solution + + amylase amylase solution solution water Bath water bath water bath water bath at30'C at 100°C at30°C, at 100°C Which test-tube would contain the most sugar after one day? 21 ans, move [Turn over 6 41 Equal volumes of amylase solution and starch solution were mixed together at different pH values. The graph shows the time taken for each sample of starch to be completely digested. 6 5 4 time for starch to be 3 digested/ minutes 2 At which pH is amylase most active? A 5.0 B 65 Cc 75 D 80 12 The diagram shows part of a cross-section o! a plant stem. A 8 G3 Which region carries water up the plant? 22 ars coon 7 13 Aplant with striped leaves, similar to the one below, was kept in bright light for six hours. white stripes green stripe Alleaf was removed and tested for starch using iodine solution. Which diagram shows the result of the test? A c D yellow ~ brown blue ~ black yellow ~ brown blue — black blue - black green green In which region will most photosynthesis take place? 23 475, rouse [urn over 15 16 7 8 ‘The bar chart shows the rate of photosynthesis of a green plant when placed in light of different colours. 7] rate of photosynthesis $55 38 ae3s5 ° 52 §8 colour of light used In which colours of light was the rate of photosynthesis fastest? A blue and yellow B_ greenand red © red and blue D yellow and green From which disease is a child likely to sutfer, if she never eats any fresh fruit? A diabetes B heart disease C tickets D scury ‘An experiment was set up as shown in the diagram. mixture of partially permeable protein solution membrane and protease water at 37°C After 15 minutes the water was tested. Which substance was found in the water in the test-tube? A amino acids B fatty acids C glucose D glycerol 24 9 18. The table shows the composition of four foods. % composition food | carbohydrate} protein fat A 47 10 3 B 1 82 c 8 20 10 D 37 4 19 Which one would provide the most energy, ifthe foods were eaten in equal quantities? 19 Cobalt chloride paper is blue when dry but turns pink when wet. Some blue cobalt chloride paper was fastened to the upper and lower surfaces of a leaf on plant X and a leaf on plant Y. ‘The diagram shows the results of the experiment, 12 10. WII7A timetakenfor 8 | cobalt chloride paper to turn i pink/minutes 6 4 2 upper lower upper lower surface surlace surface surface plant X plant ¥ Through which leaf surface was water lost mest quickly? A plant X, lower surface plant X, upper surface plant Y, lower surface soo plant Y, upper surface 25 ans ceronane [Turn over 10 20 What is the percentage composition of atmospheric air? carbon | nitrogen | oxygen dioxide 0.03 | 79.01 | 20.96 4.10 | 79.50 | 16.40 5.50 | 80.70 | 13.80 20.00 | 60.40 | 19.60 vou>D 21 What contains the largest amount of urea? A breath B faeces C sweat D urine 22. The amount of urea in the blood increases as it passes through a particular organ. Through which organ is the blood passing? A heart B iver pancreas D testis 23 The diagram shows a section through the human eye. Za A. sclera (sclerotic coat) B choroid Cc retina D optic nerve NS In which part are light-sensitive cells found? 26 ars. cerormoe " 24. Car drivers with alcohol in their blood are more likely to have accidents. What is the main reason for this? A B c D Alcohol affects the nervous system. Alcohol causes depression. Alcohol increases the pulse rate. Alcohol is addictive. 25 The diagrams show two different fruits. fruit 1 fruit 2 How are the two fruits dispersed? cour 178 fruit 1 fruit 2 birds mammals mammals wind wind birds wind wind 26 The diagram shows the human male reproductive system. In which region are sperms produced? 21 scsonmse [Turn over | 27 The diagrams show four methods of birth control. A B c D Which of these is a chemical method? 28 The drawings show various stages in the germination of a seed from a dicotyledonous plant. During which stage does the seedling start to increase in dry mass? A B c D soil surface 28 ans. congue | : | | | 13 29 Four tubes were set up as shown in the diagram. key air- ~~ cotton __£7 tight seeds wool a stopper ol cotton chemical oo wool Ke} which aia absorbs ‘woo! xygen 30°C 30°C In which tube would germination take place most rapidly? 30 Acell has 20 chromosomes. It divides by meiosis to produce four cells. How many chromosomes will there be in each new cell? A 5 B 10 c 20 D 40 31. The diagram shows a family tree and the inheritance of the ability to taste a certain substance. The allele for the ability to taste this substance is dominant, ‘st generation Ron Mary Jeanne Mark 2nd generation @ Ef represents a male ‘taster’ 1 represents a male ‘non-taster’ @ represents a female ‘taster’ © ‘represents a female ‘non-taster’ Which statement about the genotypes of the sisters Mary and Jeanne is correct? ‘A Mary is homozygous and Jeanne is heterozygous. B Mary is heterozygous and Jeanne is homozygous. C They are both homozygous. D_ They are both heterozygous. 29 ams, osronat [Turn over 32 33 34 ans 14 Eye colour may be determined by two alleles, 8 (brown) and b (blue). Brown colour is dominant over blue colour. Which genotype is possible for an individual with blue eyes? A BB B Bb cha) D bb The diagram represents a food web in a forest _ , prey small — wpe S ows spiders ‘squirrels a wi LE NLA Which is a food chain from this web? A. trees + caterpillars -» woodpeckers B_ trees + beetles -> spiders —> squirrels C trees + squirrels — birds of prey D_ trees + aphids — spiders -> small birds The diagram shows a food web. wild cats foxes hawks: rabbits sheep mice \ /- 4 grass seeds Which type of organism is not represented in this food web? A carnivores (meat eaters) decomposers herbivores (plant caters) ooo producers 30 15 35 The diagram shows a simplified nitrogen cycle. nitrogen in A protein in the air [green plants D P nitrates c ammonium in soil compounds Which arrow represents the activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria? 36 The diagram shows a leaf attached to the stem of a plant. see FS ‘The arrows represent part of the A. carbon cycle only. carbon, nitrogen and water cycles. nitrogen cycle only. 000 water cycle only. 37. The graph shows the death and birth rates in one country over a period of 30 years. 26 254 24 death and birth rates per 1000 population 22 234 214 1 ' 20 epee 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1865 1970 year In which two years did the population remain ai exactly the same size? A 1983and1968 © B 1955 and 1970 C .1957and 1963 D 1965 and 1970 31 ans seornse [urn over 16 38 When sulphur dioxide dissolves in water in the atmosphere it causes acid rain. Where does most of the sulphur dioxide come from? A tettiisers B_ herbicides © coal-fired power stations D sewage 39. Lichens are living organisms which often grow on trees. Sulphur dioxide slows down the growth of lichens. The graph shows the average percentage of each tree covered by lichens at different distances from an industrial city 100 80 % cover oflichens 60 40 20 o 2 4 6 8B 10 12 14 distance from city /km At what distance from the city centre is the air most polluted by sulphur dioxide? A 3km B 6km Cc 10km D 14km 40 What are the effects on a river of pollution by sewage? concentration of dissolved oxygen numbers of bacteria A decreases decrease B decreases increase © increases decrease D increases increase 32 4725 asrounwee , International General Certificate 0: Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice ‘Thursday 8 JUNE 1995, Morning 45 minutes ‘Adtona matt Multple Ghoice answer sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type 8 or HB is recommended) TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. $8 (Ce) oFS3710 33 SUCtES 1935, [Tum over 3 2 A person picks up the telephone after hearing it ring. Which characteristics of living organisms is the person showing by this action? A. excretion and reproduction B growth and respiration © movement and irritability (response) D nutrition and respiration ‘The drawing shows a ground squirrel. Which feature identifies this animal as a mammal? A eye B four limbs c tur D tail The diagram shows an animal. Using the key, what is the identity of the animal? 1 wings present .. wings absent . 2 one pair of wings two pairs of wings .. 3 legs, three pairs . legs, four pairs 34 4 The diagram shows four cells. i Which cell performs the function of contraction? A B c D 5 The table shows some features possessed by living cells. Targe central cellulose cel vacuole chloroplasts | way key Piv v vo W feature present Q |x v v X feature absent a| x x v : S| x x x 1 Which combination of features identifies a palisade cell and a liver cell? ! palisade cell _liver cell AP Q BP s ca R da 8 6 _ Atwhich level of organisation is the kidney? cell organ organ system tissue 35 wrens [Turn over vom 4 T The diagram shows a section through an eye. Ox What are structures X and Y? A organs in an organ system B organs ina tissue © organ systems in an organ D tissues in an organ 8 The arrows in the diagram show the diffusion of oxygen into a root hair cell from X to Y. What causes this diffusion of oxygen? A ahigher concentration of carbon dioxide at X than at Y B a lower concentration of carbon dioxide at X than at Y € ahigher concentration of oxygen at X than at Y D a lower concentration of oxygen at X than at Y coon sas 36 5 9 The diagram shows four identical pieces of tubing made from a partlally permeable membrane. ‘The pieces of tubing were filled with 5% sugar solution and left as shown for six hours. Which piece of tubing'showed an increase in volume? A B c D RA I x sa R es Bs & eS tap water 5% 20% air sugar sugar solution ‘solution 40 Anenzyme is a A fal. B_ mineral salt. © protein. D- vitamin. 41 Inan experiment, four test-tubes containing salivary amylase and starch were set up under the conditions shown in the table. In which test-tube was the starch broken down most quickly? test-tube a|Bp|clo pH yen ere ae temperature/*C | 20 | 37 | 20 | 37 37 ceo sas [Tum over 6 42. The diagram shows the pathway of waler through a plant. Where does transpiration take place? substance In the leaf of a green plant contains magnesium? chlorophyll fat glucose pour st starch 14 The diagram shows the stages in testing a green leaf for starch. Which liquid could be alcoho! (methylated spirits)? liquid A liquid B liquid liquid D leat can a8 38 15 Tho graph shows the rate of photosynthesis of a green plant when exposed to light of different colours. rate of photosynthesis, blue green red yellow colour of light In which colour of light would plants synthesise most slowly? A blue B green © ted D yellow 16 The diagram shows a tooth which shows signs of decay. What has made the hole in the enamel of the tooth? A acid : Bs saliva © sugar D toothpaste sn ss [Tum over 39 17 18 19 ‘The chart shows the human teeth of the upper jaw. upper ne — OB Which teeth are used mainly for cutting pieces of food? A tand2 B tand3 © 2and4 D Sand4 Which process is shown in the diagrams of the oesophagus? circular muscle contracting, bolus of food moved. along assimilation chewing egestion peristalsis goo> Which of the following shows the structure of a fat? ~0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- ~0-A-0-A-0-A-0-B-0-A-0- OK DD-DDD-D-D-D-DD-D- ooo > coon sas -o- =glucose -A- = aminoacid O =slycero! ws = fatty acid 40 3 20 Which substance is produced by anaerobic respiration in muscles? A ethanol (alcoho!) B glucose © lactic acid D_ oxygen 21. Four flasks were sterilised and set up as shown. Which flask will show signs of fermentation (anaerobic respiration) after several hours? A B c D at4eC at 20°C aac at 20°C EE SS SS dried yeast driedyeast dried yeast, “dried yeast, andwater -andwater_~—=—waterand. «water and sugar sugar 22 What happens in the skin of someone who is running a race on a hot day? vasodilation | vasoconstriction | sweating key Al x v v process occurs B[x v x X- process does not occur clv x v piv x x con st Tum over 10 23 The diagram shows muscles in a human arm, What happens to muscle X and muscle Y when the lower arm is raised? x % A contracts contracts B contracts relaxes relaxes contracts D relaxes relaxes, 24 The diagram shows the shoot of a plant growing towards light shining from one side. In which part of the shoot do the cells have the fastest rate of growth? 8 © =————— ln ~~ 25 Which method of contraception will also help to prevent the spread of AIDS? A condom/sheath B contraceptive pill © intra-uterine device (\UD/loop) D_ sterilisation 42 1 26 New plants sometimes grow {rom the buds of parent plants. This is an example of A B c D asexual reproduction. fertilisation. fruit development. sexual reproduction. 27 The diagram shows the carpel of a flower just after pollination. stigma Jeers tube X |___style ovary What passes along tube X? i soo a male gamete an ovule a pollen grain aseed 28 What causes the radicle of a young seedling to grow in length? A B c D a decrease in rate of respiration an inrease in rate of photosynthesis meiosis and cell elongation mitosis and cell elongation coo 5 [Tum over 43 2 29 Whena seed germinates, it uses up stored food betore its shoot appears above the ground. Which diagram represents the changes in dry mass of a seed during germination and seedling development? A B c D dry ry ay ay mass mass mass mass Img Jig ymg img time/days time /days time/days time/days 30 What are the chromosomes for the two sexes in human beings? female male A XX xy B XX YY © xy xx D YY xy 31. Inaccross between heterozygous parents, what would be the proportions of genotypes expected in the offspring? homozygous heterozygous homozygous dominant recessive A 2 f 1 7 1 B 2 _ 1 7 2 c 1 f 2 f 1 D 1 7 1 2 32 Pure breeding, tall pea plants are crossed with pure breeding, short pea plants. The resulting offspring (F,) are all tall Which terms describe the F, generation? A heterozygous, with shortness dominant B heterozygous, with taliness dominant © homozygous dominant D homozygous recessive coors 44 y 33 The diagram shows some of the organisms in a food web in a pond. ‘Whatis the main source of energy for this food web? B sunlight A large fish microscopic Plants 34 In the food web shown, which organism is most likely to increase in number if the number of snakes increases? , snakes birds squirrels e weer oe \ \ 4 4 a a green plants birds grasshoppers lizards coup squirrels é 45 san sas [urn over { | | i 14 35. The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle. »{ carbon dioxide iI dead matter plants kk animals What does arrow X represent? A decay B nutrition © photosynthesis D respiration 36 The diagram represents stages in the water cycle. Atwhich stage is the water in liquid form? an 98 46 37 39 15 The table shows factors affecting change of population in four countries. Which country has the greatest rate of population increase? number of ‘number of country tae oer Pais ve immigrants entering | emigrants leaving thousand thousand country per ‘country per thousand thousand A 15 16 6 9 B 15 7 9 6 c 16 15 7 7 D 17 15, 9 7 Four types of water pollution that may affect rivers are listed. Which pollutant is a pesticide? pollutant source ofpoliution _effects. A farming causes excessive plant growth followed by decay B farming poisons animals including humans c industry kills water plants and fish D industry dissolves in rain, making rivers acidic Four sets of possible environmental changes resulting from human activities are listed. Which set of changes is most likely as a result of deforestation? set of risk of CO, content changes landslides of air A increased _—increased B increased decreased c decreased increased D decreased decreased 47 nn $96 [Tum over i : 16 40. The graph shows how untreated sewage affects a river. sewage enters river number of organisms y levels. aaa or concentration of numbers dissolved oxygen oO > distance downstream Which type of organisms are referred to in the grap? bacteria fish floating plants rooted plants + x0 48 International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Wednesday 22 NOVEMBER 1995 Morning 45 minutes ‘Addional materials: ‘Multiple Choice answer choot Solt clean eraser Soll pencil (ype B or HB is recommended) TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions, For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pen on the separate answer sheet, Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark, A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. ‘Any rough working should be done in this booklet. ‘This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. surtye oxsasze OUCLES 1995 (Tum over 49 2 Which of the following is a chemical reaction releasing energy In all ving organisms? A excretion B_ movement reproduction D respiration ‘The diagram shows a plant which has received light from one side only. Which characteristics is the plant showing? A excretion and growth B growth and irritability (response) © imitabilty (response) and reproduction reproduction and nutrition ‘The table shows the characteristics of four animals. Which animal is a fish? characteristics animal | fins tur | scales A v x x B x v x c x x ¥ D v x v 50 ‘The diagram shows a plant cell, In which part does photosynthesis take place? The diagram shows a cell. Why is ita plant cell? A Ithas a cell wall and a vacuole. B_ Ithas a nucleus and cytoplasm. © thas a nucleus but no chloroplasts. D__Ithas chloroplasts but no vacuole. onus {Tum over 51 4 G The diagram shows some cells from the human body. What is the function of these cells and to which organ system do they belong? function organ system absorption digestive response nervous support. muscular saa> transport circulatory 7 The diagram shows some blood vessels in the human body. The structures shown are all parts of the same A cell, B_ organ. © organ system. D tissue. 52 10 " 5 Which structure is adapted for the diffusion of gases? A alveolus B diaphragm © cesophagus D trachea The diagrams show a cell before and after it was placed in a concentrated salt solution, Why did the ceil change shape? A. Salt solution entered the cell. B_ The cell membrane burst. Water entered the cell by osmosis, D Water moved out of the cell, ‘What helps proteins to change into polypeptides? A. antibodies B auxins Cc enzymes D hormones Which graph represents the effect of pH on the activity of a digestive enzyme? A B c D 4 ° ° & é é £ 5 3 5 5 e z z z 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 eI 7, *t +—, *} — *I 7 1 emir mea roe 7 pH pH pH pH ee Tum over 53 6 12. Tho following substances are found in tho leaf of a plant Which one is obtained mainly rom the soil? A catbon dioxide B chlorophyll © glucose D mineral salts 13 By which process does a plant lose water to the atmosphere? A. photosynthesis B respiration © translocation D transpiration 14 The diagram shows a section through a leat. During photosynthesis, where would the greatest conversion of light energy to chemical energy take place? 15. The diagram shows the human alimentary canal, In which structure is most digested food absorbed? 54 16 Tho diagram shows tha structure of a protein motecute. 7 “O00 0-0 a building units What are the building units of a protein molecule? A 8 c D ‘The diagram shows a section through a blood vessel. ‘Which type of blood vessel is shown, and in which direction does the blood flow? oon> amino acids fatty acids mineral salts simple sugars type of vessel artery artery vein vein direction of flow Ptoa atop Ptoa QP [Tum over 55 18 19 20 3 ‘The resulls of food tests carried out on four substances are listed, Which substance was a reducing sugar, 0.9. glucose? substance jodine test Benedict's reagent —_bivret reagent ethanol blue-black blue blue clear B brown brick-red blue clear c brown blue violet clear D brown blue bluo ily A girl breathes in air, holds her breath for 30 seconds, and then breathes out. Compared with the air she breathes in, the alr she breathes out contains more A carbon dioxide and water vapour. B nitrogen and water vapour. © oxygen and carbon dioxide, D onygen and nitrogen. ‘The apparatus shown was set up and lett for one hour. mixture of yeast sugar and water Which gas caused the limewater to go cloudy? carbon dioxide hydrogen oxygen sulphur dioxide vaaD> 56 21 23 What is tho definition of excretion? A the breakdown of starch molecules B__ the liberation of energy from food © the release of faeces trom the body D__ the removal of the waste products of metabolism ‘The diagram shows the muscles of the human leg. Which muscles form antagonistic pairs? A Pwith Q; R with S BP with R;S with T CP with S;Q with R DP withT; Rwith S ‘The diagram shows the eye of a person in a brightly fit room. 3 = What happens to F and G when this person moves into a dimly lit room? F G becomes larger becomes smaller becomes smaller stays the same becomes smaller becomes larger vgoa> says the same stays the same 8 oy [Tum over 57 10 24 Pollination involves the transfer of pollen grains to which part of the flower? A B c D anther nectary petal stigma 25 The diagram shows reproduction in a potato plant. tuber forming o'd tuber shrinking young potato plant Which process is shown? A B c D gamete production sexual reproduction spore formation vegetative reproduction shoot Q roots ew tuber shooting 58 " 26 The diagrams show two kinds of fruit diagram 1 diagram 2 fleshy, colourful fruits, How are the seeds of these fruils dispersed? diagram 1 — diagram 2 birds mammals mammals birds mammals wind oom> wind, mammals 27. The graph shows the height of a child, from birth to the age of 10. 140 120 height em! 80 60 40 20+ i 0 0 4 6 8 10 : age/years ‘What was the length of the baby at birth? A en B 48cm C GOcm D 130cm comers {Tum over 39 12 28 What are the best conditions for the germination of most seeds? oxygen light water. temperature absent present present 20°C: absent present present «°C present absent present 20°C. present present absent = 4*C 29 - Tho graph shows the effect of age on the germination of some seeds, 30 300 % germination 2 of sceds/years What can be concluded from this graph? A B c D Older seeds germinate best. Older seeds do not germinate. Younger seeds always germinste, Younger seeds germinate best, Within a group of humans, what is an example of continuous variation? A B c D adult height blood groups Down's syndrome two sexes. 60 13 31 Infiving organisms, mates and forales can aways be distinguished by their different A amount of muscle, B body colour, © gametes. D sizes. 32 Two pea plants, heterozygous cttspring. lleles, were crossed and produced 300 Approximately how many of the offs; d 10 show the dominant phenotype? A B 150 © 22 D 300 33. The diagram shows the types of orgar Which type of org . A 8 c D { , tertiary roe pri secondary producer | “| consumer (third order) 1 consumer consumer pierces 34 The diagram shows the flow of ene:gy in a food chain. atmosphere 4 P. Ee Q ~a 1 { rimar secondary producer R——> ner R—— consumer What are the types of energy P, Q and A? P Q R A chemical tight heat B heat chemical fight © tight heat chemical D solar heat cers [Tum over 61 14 measured 'n this aquarium, ‘The oxygen concentration increased during daylight and decreased at night. Which processes caused 0; increase (ey) A decay B_ movement © nuttition D__ photosynthesis se resulls? 0, decrease {right) avtrition photosynthesis, decay respiration ‘The diagram shows a simplified nitrogen cycle. ‘Which arrow represents the process that does not involve bacteria? nitrates A plant protein nitrites a) ce B atmospheric nitrogen ¥ ~a—_—__._1c ammonium compounds, 62 37 38 The table shows the pops at could have caused the change in population size between y c ars 4 and S? less potiution mere p21 plenty of fo resistance * Lo ‘Which po! goon fermland pat ly to be fourd in the herbicide inorganic waste pesticide sulphur Coxide [urn over 16 39° Tho diagram shows a cattle shed near = river. ‘ALwhich point will the concentration of nitrogen compounds in the river water be highest? cattle shed ‘outlet pipe for waste A 8 c D 49. Tho table records th substances were discharged. of radioactive 5 ances for a lake into which waste radioactive [seme ie concentration of adosctve | from: substances/acbitrary units ty i 1 E : 20 | werent | 209 | ematiah | 4900 | fewe fish | 3000 of radicactiviy A. decreased along a food cha B increased along a food chain, © was higher in producers then in consumers. DB 1e same in producers and consumers, Internationa! Genarai Cartificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE. BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice ‘Thursday 6 JUNE 1996 ioming 45 minutes Adsitona! material Mutiplo Choizo answer shi Sot claan eraser Soft pene! (ype B ox HB TIME 45 91 INSTRUCTIO! :nswer sheet in the spaces provided jons. For each question there are four correct and record your choice in soft lucted for @ wrong answer, ‘This question paper consists of 15 printod pages and 1b $5 (Ce) Cranes OUCLES 1096, 1 Twoo! cteristics of all ving o breathing and reproduct es of a rat, features, seen in 2 cisgram, show that a ral is a mammal? A. diaghregen and Using the key, which pond animal is i? at body divided body not divided into segments into segments tt leaeaemea tail tail legs legs present absent 3 pairs 4 pairs I I anicnat animal D 66 son eat 3 4 The diagram shows the structure of a palisade cell from a ieat. Which structure contains chlorophyll? A. ongan Borgen system © organism > ‘issue 6 The diagram shows two celis. Which two parts are found in bath cells? A. celi membrane and cell wall cell wall and vacuole vacuole and nucleus vow nucleus and cell membrane 67 Tum over 4 7 Which of the following describes rod blood calls? shape nucleus ctroular clroular A 8 © regular D 8 Which substance passes A. cell sap B mineral salts, © oxygen D owater 9 Bywhich process does oxygen pass out of a leat? A. iffusion B egestion C translocation D transpiration 10 The diagram shows how a starch molecule in a leaf is broken down into smaller sugar molecules with the help of substance X. starch molecule substance X | i | sugar molecules O-O O-O O-O What is substance X? a carbohydrate a hormone A B c D 68 5 41 The diagram shows an expariment which was set up {0 investigate one of the requirements for photosynthesis. sunlight leaf X sodium hydroxide solution ‘Several hours later, no starch was found in leaf X. Which requirement for photosynthesis was being investigated? A. carbon dioxide B chlorophyll C sunlight D water 12. The diagram shows gas being collected from a water plant in bright sunlight, sunlight gas collected water water plant Which gas is being collacted? A carbon dioxide nitrogen B C on D 69 43 14 15 6 ‘The table shows th: teat, ‘erage number of chloroplasts in four different types of cell taken from a Which of the following is an epidermal cell? coil vou> ‘What is made during photosynthesis? A. carbon B_ chlorophy!l © sugar D~ water The table shows the percentage of students from two schools who have one or more decayed teeth, percentage of students with decayed teeth 30 What might explain these results? There is tess cak S fluoride in drinking water diet is less sugar in A B c jal X than at schocl Y. D ‘There is less vitamin D in the sohool X than at school Y.: 70 16 The diagram When blood returns to the heart from a leg, in which order does the blood pass through these chambers? A P3Q353R B Q5P3R3S8 Cc R>=S3Q>P D S3R>P3Q 17 Which diagram best shows the double circ ory system of a memmal? A B Cc D lungs lungs a heart [| | inal | | LW Test of | eee 71 [Tum over 8 48 How much oxygen is expired (breathed out) from human lungs? A 30% B 21%. Cc 16% D 10% 19. An experiment was set up as shown. test-tube X test-tube Y ‘small animal gauze platform red indicator ‘The red indicator tums yellow when the amount of carbon dioxide increases. After several hours, the indicator in test-tube X tured yellow. The indicator in test-tube Y remained red. Which biological process caused the colour change? A B c D gestion respiration sweating transpiration 20 What happens when a person's body temperature rises above 37°C? vou > sweating vasodilation vasoconstriction no no yes no yes no yes no yes yes yes no 72 21 The table shows tho composition of the urina of four people. Which person is most likely to have been eating a lot of protein on a hot, dry, day? person —_ureacontent_—_waler content of urine of urine A high high B high low c low high D low low 22 Which of the following is a simple reflex action? ‘A. Acat jumps over a fence when chased by a dog. A girt waves back to a friend who is waving to her, The pupil of the eye becomes very small In bright sunlight. ‘The skin bruises after a hard blow. soo 23. The diagram shows a human arm. What happens to muscles X and ¥ when the arm is straightened? x Y contracts contracts contracts relaxes relaxes contracts 9QO0 > relaxes relaxes 73 ven ext [Tum over 24 26 27 10 In human reproduction, where does fertilisation usually take place? A. ovary B oviduct Cc uterus D- vagina In a flower, what is the function of an anther? A caiching pollen grains from other flowers 1B making scent to attract insects product patien grains D scattering seeds ‘The diagram shows the male reproductive system, Which process is stopped by cutting and tying the tubes at X and ¥? A. formation of fluids in the prostate gland B__ movement of sperms to the urethra © production of sperms in the testes D release of hormones from the.testes What is used to show that beans contain starch? A Benedict's solution B biuret test C ethano! and water D iodine solution 74 " 28 Allhumans have a ‘growth spurt’ (when rate of growth Is high). The diagram shows the range of ages at which the growth spurt usually occurs In boys and in girs, age in years 8 9 10 i #12 #13 #14 «#15 #16 17 A | ' boys, gids A Boys are usually taller than, B Boys usually grow faster than girls © The growth spurt usvally occurs later in boys. D The growth spurt usually lasts longer in boys. 29. Inwhich of the fol itosis the only form of cel! division to occur? A. anth B ovary G roottip D testis 30 Ahsterozygous tall pea plant,Tt, is selt-fertiised. What are the offspring most likely to be? A. alltall plants B all plants of medium height Cone tall plant to three short plants D three tall plants to one short plant 31 Whatis unilkely to be affected by the environment? blood group B body mass © health D_ height 15 sons [Tum over 42 Questions 32 and 33 refer to the diagram which shows a food chaln. greenfiles| —> | ladybirds | —> 32. Which organism is a producer? A. groently B__insect-eating bird © ladybird D_ lettuce 33. If the hawks were removed from the food chain, what is most likely to happen to the numbers of other organisms in the chain? greenfies ladybirds _insect-eating birds A decrease _ increase decrease B decrease _ increase increase C increase decrease decrease D increase decrease —_ increase 34. The diagram shows part of a food web. owls seed-eating birds rabbis slugs. snails { 7 —™ a green plants What are the camivores in this food web? A ows B_ rabbits © seed-eating birds D snails 16 13 35. The diagram shows part of the water cycle. Which arrows reprosent-transpiration? 36 The diagram shows part of the process of recycling natural materials during organic decay. plants animals death excretory products ae a 1 _— carbon water R dioxide What is R? A ral salts B nitrogen C oxygen D proteins iy onan pee [Turn over 4 37 The table shows the ago structure of the populatlen of four counttos. 38 Which of the following is a 92s, released by the bur Which figures show the age structure of a developing country? ene age group 0-14 15-64 65+ A 21% | 66% i B 20% | 62% | c 35% 60% | | D 45% 51% I 3% of coal, that is most likely to cause the death of trees? ‘A. catbon dioxide B_ nitrogen © oxygen D sulphur dioxide 39 A certain pollutant causes the loss of colour from a ype of green plant How will this pollutant affect this type of plant over a long period of time? A. Colourless mutants will survive. B_ Larger leaves will be produced. © The plants will die. D There will be no long-lasting effects. 78 pore 40. Different pesticides were tested to see how poisonous they were to fish, Scientists foun ‘The table shows the results of the tests. 15 the concentration of pesticide that killed 50% of the fish within four days. | reese | pSttieuane le toh | oor 0.03 dieldrin 0.01 malathion 12.20 parathion 211 Which pesticide was the most dangerous io the fish? 9oo DoT dieldrin malathion parathion 19 International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Wednesday 20 NOVEMBER 1996 Morning 45 minutes Additional materials: ‘Mulipla Choice answer sheet Soll elean eraser ‘ott pencil (typo B or HB is rocommonded) TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions, For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet, INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES. Each correct answer will score one mark, A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet, This question paper consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page. 80 P (KS) OK67645 OUCLES 1996, [Turn over 4 Which diagram shows an org; photosynthesis? HS 2 The diagram shows an organism. Using the key, what is this organism? 1 legs6 .. goto2 legs more than6 ... organism A 2 stripes present ...... organism B stripes absent....... goto3 3 spols present ....... organism C spots absent........ organism D 3. In the table, which is an animal cell? 2 ro i ism able to reproduce sexually, respire and carry out D characteristic of cell [cell membrane [cell wall_| chloroplasts [cytoplasm | nucleus cell A v x | x v v cell B Y yo{ ov v v cell C x v x x x cell D v v x | v v key Y present X absent 81 4 a The diagram shows a palisade cell from a leat. How does a palisade cell differ from other cells in the same plant? A B c D The ciagram shows two types of human blood cells. What is the function of cell X? vom» Iwhas a cell wall, Ithas a nucleus. Ithas a smaller vacuole. Ithas more chloroplasts. to clot biood to digest bacteria to produce antibodies to transport oxygen 82 [Turn over The diagram shows part cf a leaf in cross-section. Structures X and Y are both part of the same A cell B_ organ. C tissue. D vessel. The apparatus was set up as shown. water and blue ink pure water membrane —| Some hours later, the water in the beaker had turned blue. Which process caused this colour change? absorption assimilation Giffusion oom > osmosis 83 8 The diagram shows part of a section through a leaf, Which arrow represents the diffusion of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis? leat cells 9 Which graph shows the effect of pH on enzyme activity? enzyme activity enzyme activity A 7 14 pH c 4 JX 1 ‘i 14 B enyme | activity | | | 1 7 14 pH D 4 enzyme activity 1 7 14 pH 84 [Turn over 6 10. The diagram shows the human digestive system. Pepsin is an enzyme that works in acid conditions. In which part of the gut does this enzyme work? © Don Mackesn ade) 11 What are the raw materials and the products of photosynthesis? raw materials: products ‘A carbon dioxide and simple sugars water and oxygen B carbon dioxide and water oxygen and simple sugars © water and oxygen carbon dioxide and simple sugars D__ water and simple sugars ‘oxygen and carbon dioxide 42 Which chemical element is found only in proteins? A carbon B hydrogen nitrogen Doxygen 85 7 13. A plant with variegated leaves was completely destarched by placing it in a dark cupboard for 48 14 15 hours. Black paper was then fixed on one leaf as shown and the plant was exposed to light. After 24 hours, which region of the leaf contained starch? green central region white outer region black paper on both sides of leaf Where is bile made? A duodenum B_ fiver C pancreas D stomach The diagram shows how a large molecule may be broken into simpler units. e —e—e0-e-o— + ®% @ How is this change best described? A absorption B digestion © egestion D_ ingestion 86 coors [Turn over 8 16 Which type of tooth is found near the centre at the front of the human jaw? dap cp ° 17 The diagram shows how food is moved along the human intestine. food muscles contracting to push food along What is this process called? A accommodation absorption digestion coo peristalsis 18 Which of the following describes a vein? valves amount of muscle present tissue in wall A yes alot B yes —aillle c no allot D no alittle 87 ean 99 9 19 Which organ in the human body contains alveoli? 20 24 22 A B c D heart kidney tung ovary The table shows some of the differences between alr breathed in and air breathed out, percentage percentage gas volume in air ) volume in air breathed in_|_breathed out oxygen 21.00 16.00 carbon dioxide 0.04 4.00 What is the reason for these differences? soar Carbon dioxide is used up by body cells during aerobic respiration, Carbon dioxide is used up by body cells during anaerobic respiration. Oxygen is used up by body cells during aerobic respiration. Oxygen is used up by body cells during anaerobic respiration. What does the kidney remove from the blood? goapr water urea all some none some some all some none ‘A person looks at a distant, dim object, then looks at a much closer, bright object. What happens to the pupil and lens in each eye? A B c D pupil becomes larger larger smaller smaller lens becomes thicker thinner thicker thinner 88 nn we [Turn over 10 23 The diagram shows the resulls of an experiment to investigate the etfect of ight on young shoots. fon box light dark shoots light dish 1 dish 2 dish 3 What explains the result in dish 32 Auxin decreases the rate of growth of the shoot. ‘Auxin is produced only in the fight. The tip of the coleoptile produces auxin, There is more auxin on the dark side of the shoot. 990 0> 24 The diagram shows a section of the reproductive organs of a human male. Which tube carries both sperm and urine? Ny (© bon Mackeanlacplec. 89 " 25 The diagram shows the human female reproductive system. Ifa woman uses an IUD (coil or loop) as a contraceptive, where would it be placed? 26 The graph shows the changes that take place in the thickness of the uterus lining during a woman's menstrual cycle, Atwhich point is menstruation occurring? thickness ofthe lining of the uterus 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 time/days 27 Which structure in the seed becomes the shoot after germination? A cotyledon B plumule © radicle D testa 90 eon 6 (Turn over 12 28 The diagram shows an experiment to investigate the factors affecting the germination of cress seeds. All test-tubes are kept in the dark, In which test-tube will the seeds germinate most quickly? lest-tube testtube test-tube test-tube A B c D cotton. rubber. wool 7 bung cress cress ‘seeds ‘seeds wet Drea Levee wet Phew cotton 5] LISA— cotton KZ woot - woo! chemical SAL. chemical E287 to absorb REP to abso Cs) carbon dioxide carbon dioxide and oxygen temperature: 25°C 5° 25°C 5°C 29. The diagram shows the fusion of gametes to produce a son and a daughter. father mother parents gametes offspring son daughter What are the sex chromosomes in gamete Q and daughter R? Qa, A X XxX BX XY : c Y Xx DY XY 13 30. A female fruit fly with short wings mated with a male fruit fly with long wings. All the F, generation had long wings. The allele for short wings must be A. dominant. B_ recessive, C undergoing meiosis. D__ undergoing mutation. 31. The stigmas of heterozygous tall plants were dusted with pollen from pure-breeding short plants of the same species. The resulting Seeds were collected and grown to produce the next generation. What were the approximate percentages of tall and short offspring? Percentage | percentage of tall of short A | 25 75 B | 50 50 c| 75 25 D | 100 0 32. The diagram shows a simple food web found on a chickan farm. ‘snake human rat ‘green plants and chicken food Which of the following is a carnivore in this food web? chicken B_ green plant © rat D_ snake 33 Which of the following is an example of a food chain? A carbohydrate = fat + protein Begg — larva — adult C flower + fruit + seed D grass -» antelope = lion cron we 92 14 34 The arrows in the diagram show the flow of energy through a simple food web. | consumer ~¢ producer ‘decomposer What does X represent? A mineral salts B oxygen © sunlight D water 35 Which process releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? ‘A decomposition B lightning C photosynthesis D transpiration 36 The diagram shows part of the water cycle. ation 80 7 lake S absorption Which processes will be slowed down by an increase in humidity? A PendQ B PandR C QandR D QandS 93 37 38 39 40 In terms of human populations, what is a high birth rate most likely to lead to? A fewer old people B__ increased rate of population growth C less risk of disease D low infant mortality What is reduced when untreated sewage is released into rivers? A the amount of nitrate B the availability of oxygen © the concentration of carbon dioxide D the number of bacteria, Which two gases released by a coal-fired power station cause air pollution? ‘A. carbon dioxide and oxygen carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide nitrogen and oxygen cog nitrogen and sulphur dioxide The depth of topsoil was measured at a sile in a rain forest. The site was then cleared for agricultural use. The depth of topsoil was measured again 10 years later. The results are shown below. original depth of topsoil | 580 mm depth after 10 years 220 mm What is the most likely cause of the difference between these two results? A erosion B evaporation © pesticides D pollution 94 TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. ‘Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. 95 $B (SLC) OF71560, ‘OUCtES 1997 [Turn over 1 Inthe diagram, which characteristic activily of living organisms is carried out by both P and Q? © Den Mackaan adacted, excretion movement nutrition veo reproduction 2 The biological name of a coffee plant is Coffea arabica. Which information about the plant is given by this name? A family and genus B genus and species © species and variety D variety and family 3 The diagram shows a cold-blooded vertebrate which is found near waler, Ithas a smooth, moist skin and four limbs. ‘To which class does it belong? A. amphibians B fish © mammals D_ reptiles 96 4 3 The diagram shows a palisade cell from a plant. Which structure contains a green substance? ‘The diagram shows a cell Which structure is not present? vog cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm nucleus Which substance is carried by red blood cells? A B c D glucose oxygen urea water a7 [Turn over 4 7 The diagram shows a section through the root of a plant. Which part has absorption as its main function? 8 The diagram shows two liquids, X and Y, separated by a partially permeable membrane. membrane key 09 0lg Lo sucrose Oo 0} oO molecule Oo te BH199 O © Yoda O20 5 O'S o°o! O90 x [| Y Which sentence describes the greatest movement of molecules during osmosis? goo Sucrose molecules will move irom X to Y. ‘Sucrose molecules will move from Y to X. Water molecules will move from X to Y. Water molecules will move from Y to X. 98 censor 5 9 The arrows in the diagram show the movement of dissolved substances between the blood in capillaries and body cells. key —> oxygen s+» carbon blood flow dioxide capillary By which process does this movement occur? A. diffusion B_ excretion © osmosis D respiration 10 The graph shows the effect of temperature on the activity of an enzyme, enzyme activity (© 70 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 temperature/*C At which temperature is the enzyme most active? A 15°C B 25°C = 35°C D 60°C 99 corner [Turn over 6 11 The four symbols represent different chemicals which can link up to form larger molecules. { symbol | chemical + "| amino acid o | fatty acid { # glucose * — | glycerol Which molecule could be a protein? ‘symbol chemical A ee B c D 12. The word equation represents the process of photosynthesis. What is X? A carbon dioxide nitrogen 8 © oxygen D sulphur dioxide 13 Which graph shows most increases? rate of ranspiation amity carbon dioxide + water nepitation homlty sunlight Sunlight, chlorophyl s c € a 5 e a : 3 3 3 7 ‘humidity. i = lucose + X clearly what will happen to the rate of transpiration as humidity omiity 100 14. The diagram shows a leaf on a plant used in a photosynthesis experiment. At the start of the experiment there was no starch in the leaf. ‘The plant was placed in bright light for 12 hours. Then four discs were cut from the leaf in the positions shown and were tested for starch, Which disc contained starch? ise) green area white area 15. The graph shows a person's heart rate before, during and after a period of exercise, At which point did the period of exercise stop? AB c 5, heart rate time 101 coon sa [Turn over 16 The graph shows the rate of water loss from a plant over 24 hours, { X rate of water loss 0600 1200 1800 * 2400 0600 time of day/h At point X, the stomata are A closing. B_ {ully closed. fully open, D_ opening. 17. The diagram shows a section through a mammalian heart. Which part carries blood directly to the lungs? cate WR ‘Of. SOPER 5. TYRELL SMITH; Modem Bislony{Macmitan), 102 18 9 The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs. Which structure secretes an enzyme that will help in the digestion of carbohydrates? Questions 19 and 20 refer to an athlete, running a long-distance race. 19 20 Which substance is produced in large quantities in his leg muscles? A amino acid B lactic acid © oxyhaemoglobin D urea During the race, the body temperature of the athlete begins to rise. Which changes occur to help return the body temperature to normal? blood vessels sweating —_in the skin decreases constrict decreases dilate increases constrict com> increases dilate 103 (Turn over 21. The diagram shows a section through a kidney. artery vein ureter Which substance is not usually found in the ureter? goo glucose salts urea water 22. Atnight, the headlights of an approaching car shine into the eyes of a driver. How do the driver's eyes react to the bright light? A B c D pupils become larger pupils become smaller lenses become thicker lenses become thinner 23 When looking at a picture, on which part of the eye is the image focused? A B c D biind spot iris lens retina 104 "W 24 The diagram shows a fungus and a flower. They are both releasing structures associated with reproduction. fungus flower What are these structures? fungus flower A. pollen pollen B pollen spores © spores spores D spores pollen 25 The diagram shows a fetus before birth. amniotic fluid What is the function of the amniotic fluid? A to carry oxygen to the fetus to protect the fetus against shocks to remove waste products from the fetus. goo to supply food and water to the fetus 105 ovo ser [Turn over 12 26 The diagram shows the female reproductive organs. Which hormone is responsible for keeping structure X in a thickened condition? A. insulin B_ oestrogen © progesterone D testosterone 47 The diagram shows part of the male reproductive system. Which part would be cut in an operation to make the male sterile? (© bon Mackean adspte}. 28 Which graph shows the change in dry mass from the time a seed germinates until green leaves appear above the soil? A 8 c 3 3 8 3 g 3 3 3 E é E E = > = = 3 3 3 3 lime ime ime lime owas 7 166 | 13 29. The diagrams show a plant cell P changing to become cell Q. Pp Q What do the changes between P and Q show? development and germination B germination and mitosis C growth and development D_ mitosis and growth 30. The table gives information about a human sperm and a human egg. Which information is correct? sperm egg chromosome | where | chromosome number _| formed | _number A 23 testis 23 B 46 ovary 48 c 46 testis 46 D 23 ovary 23 31. Which sex chromosomes are usually present in the body cells of a human female? ‘sex chromosomes x Y XY XX [oo es 107 eos [Turn over 7 32. Awhite streak in dark hair is caused by the presence of a dominant allele. The diagram shows how this white streak was inherited in a family. ra &o key ] person with ch an} white streak person without oO & a Q Oo white streak What is the chance that G wil inherit the white streak? A 100% B 75% CF} 25% D 0% 33 An example of a food chain is shown. water plants > small fish -> large fish What is the source of energy for the water plants in this food chain? A small fish B sunlight c water D water plants 34 The diagram shows a food chain. Which organism is the producer? A B c D grass -> rabbit + fox — flea i 35. The diagram shows the water cycle, Which arrow represents transpiration? 108 cron sar 15 36 By which process does carbon enter a food chain? A combustion B_ decomposition C photosynthesis D respiration 37. Attime X in the graphs, the carnivores in the habitat are removed. Which graph shows the effect of this on the herbivores in that habitat? i A 1 B c ‘ D 38 33 33 38 BE 82 83 BE 23 Es #5 Es 22 a2 7 22) X time X time xX tim xine 38. The diagram shows the point on a river where untreated sewage was released into it. direction: of flow sewage released Many more fish were found in the river at X than at Y. This is most likely to be because at Y there is a decrease in A. bacteria, B_. carbon dioxide. © organic matter. D oxygen. 109 sions [Turn over 16 39. The bar chart shows the percentage of mammal species and bird species which are threatened with extinction in four habitats, 50 key (mammal species bird species 40 percentage 30 of threatened species in habitat 10 luopieal coasts 8 desers_ mounialng forests estuaries habitat ‘© Acknonledgemant WWF Unie Kingdom Oala Suppo fr Education Srvc. In which habitat is a lower percentage of mammal species than bird species threatened with extinction? A. coasts and estuaries B deserts © mountains o tropical forests 40 Acid rain is formed when sulphur dioxide dissolves in water in the atmosphere, Where does most of the sulphur dioxide come from? | | | | | A chemical fertilisers B coal-fired power stations C liquid herbicides D sewage works 110 International General Certificate of Education " UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS $“'NDICATE BIOLOGY aa SoH 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice: at ‘Wednesday - 12 NOVEMBER 1997 Additional materials Mulliplé Cholee answer sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (ype B or HB's recommende Tee, TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sh: unless this has already been done for you. ‘a the spaces provided There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For eac~ zJestion there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct anc “ord your choice in sott pencil on the separate answer sheet Read very carefully th structions on the answer sheet, INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 16 printed pages 1 1 Es On 700" Cus wwe Turn over 2 1. The diagram shows the external features of a lizard. Which feature identities this animal as a reptile? A twoeyes B dryscales © fourlegs D tong tail 2 Which information is needed when classifying a frog using the binomial system? A. class : amphibian B_ genus : Rana © kingdom : animal D phylum : vertebrate 3 The diagram shows the structure of a palisade cell from the leaf of a plant. Which structure is the nucleus? 112 1 3 4 The diagram shows a plant cell and an animal cell. Which two regions contain cytoplasm? A OandS B PandR © Pands D QandR 5 The diagram shows a half flower. petal stamen i Using the following key, what type of flower is it? 1 petals above the ovary petals below the ovary goto2 goto3 2 stamens less than ten .. stamens more than ten Type A Type B 3 sepals absent sepals present ... Type C Type D 113 oxsen vr [Turn over | 4 ‘Tho diagram shows some colls from the human body. CCE To which tissue do these cells belong? A blood B iiver Cc muscle D neve The diagram shows a group of cells which are adapted for a particular purpose. ‘What is the function of these cells? ‘A. to carry oxygen to carry water to make food ooo to store food The diagram shows a plant cell which has lost water to its surroundings by osmosis. Which partis the partially permeable membrane? , Z } \ 114 5 9 By which process do oxygen molecules move down a concentration gradient? A breathing B diffusion C osmosis D respiration 10 The graph shows the effect of pH on the activity of an enzyme. enzyme activity 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 is enzyme most active? A 2 BO6 c7 D 12 11 The table shows two properties of four different chemicals. Which chemical is an enzyme? chemical | Maecular site| femperatres includes nivogen | orev 6s*C | key A v v v= true B v x | X = false c x v D x x 11s oxronwer [Turn over 12 13 6 When a plant shoot is placed in a solution of dye, the dye moves up the stem. Under which conditions will the dye move fastest? temperature _humiaity A high high B_ high low c low high D_ tow low The diagram shows apparatus which had been placed in sunlight for several hours. sunlight S water plant —t Z sunlight water Compared with atmospheric air, the gas collected at X has A. the same composition. more carbon dioxide. more oxygen. vou more nitrogen. 116 7 14. The diagrams show cross-sections through a stem and a root of a flowering plant, stem fa P Si Q 4 Q O a uv Dm & R v ® s w I & Which pair of lines labels similar tissues? A PandT B QandU C RandV D SandW 15 Where are carbohydrates made in a green leat? A. cell vacuoles B chloroplasts C phloem D xylem 16 A person ate food X. Food X was not affected by enzymes in the mouth, but was digested by enzymes in the stomach. What was food X? A carbohydrate B fat C_ mineral salt D protein 17 aurora {Tum over 8 17 The diagrams show how four people often spend their leisure time. Which person is most at risk from heart disease? A B c Do vena cava —= pulmonary vein fight atrium left atrium right ventricle left ventricle (© on Mehaan(nepte. In which structure does the blood contain the most oxygen? A pulmonary vein right atrium right ventricle vog vena cava 118 9 19 The diagram shows a human tooth with an area of decay. area of decay a What is likely to have caused the decay? ‘A acids released by bacteria B digestion of the tooth by bacteria © excess of fat in the food D__ lack of protein in the food 20 Which substance is broken down to release energy during respiration? A carbon dioxide B_ glucose C protein D_ water 21° The diagram shows yeast cells carrying out respiration in a sugar solution. : A yeast cells in | >> bubbles of gas sugar solution ki Which gas is released? A carbon dioxide B nitrogen oxygen D sulphur dioxide 119 cero . [Turn over 10 22 The diagram shows the excretory system of a female mammal. What is tube X? A ureter Bo urethra C uterus D vein 23. The diagram shows some bones and muscles in the leg of a human. What happens to muscle Y and to the leg at joint Z, when muscle X contracts? muscle Y contracts contracts lengthens ooo > lengthens Jeg at joint Z bends straightens bends 120 straightens " 4 Which part of the eye contains cells which are sensitive to light? A iris B lens © pupil D tetina 25 How many days alter the start of menstruation, is intercourse most likely to lead to pregnancy? A 4 B 10 C 4 D2 26 The diagram shows stages in the life of a human from zygote to fetus. Which processes occur during these stages? : O-8— feriisaion | growth | development | rey a ~ a a wv =occurs e ia x : X = does not occur c x v x D x v v tL? 121 ‘esio1 wa? [Turn over 12 27 The diagram shows a human fetus attached by the placenta to the uterus wall of its mother. fetus—_, placenta Which substances pass in the direction of arrow P and arrow Q? arrow P arrow Q ‘A carbon dioxide, glucose oxygen, amino acids B carbon dioxide, urea oxygen, glucose © oxygen, glucose carbon dioxide, urea Doxygen, urea carbon dioxide, amino acids 28 An experiment was carried out to show some conditions necessary for germination. In which dish will the seeds germinate? dish | water | emperatare A | absent oO B absent 10 | present 10 D_ | present ° 29 Whatis the dry mass of a plant? A. Its mass, after all the organic matter has been removed {rom it by heating. B Its mass, alter all the water has been removed from it by heating. C Its mass, alter it has not been watered for several days. D__ Its mass, atter its leaves and roots have been gently dried. 122 19 ‘0 What is the result of division of the nucleus by meiosis? chromosome genetic number halved variation A. yos no Byes yes © no no D 10 yes 31 Ina pea plant, the allele for round seeds (R) is dominant to the allele for wrinkled seeds (F), Mf plants with the genotype Rr are crossed, what are the likely proportions of offspring? all with round seeds all with wrinkled seeds 1 with round seeds : 1 with wrinkled seeds goap 3.with round seeds : 1 with wrinkled seeds 32 What name is given to a sudden change in a gene or chromosome? A allele B genotype © mutation D phenotype 123 cmon or Turn over 14 33 The diagram represents a food web. The letters represent organisms, and the arrows show the direction of the flow of energy. Which statement is correct? A Pand Qare decomposers. P and Q are herbivores. W and X are consumers. coo Wand X are producers. 34. The diagram shows the flow of energy in a food chain. Which organism is the producer in the food chain? organism A j organism B Lo organism © = 1 | organism D 124 15 35 The diagram shows changes in the appearance of a leaf, as ities on damp ground, over a period of time, Which type of organism is most likely to have caused these changes? A acamivore B _adecomposer CC apredator D aproducer 36 The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle. animals, green plants}. (decay by microorganisms x [carbon dioxide in the air What could X represent? A death B digestion © photosynthesis, D_ respiration 37 The numbers in a population would rise, if there was an increase in the A amount of food available, B number of deaths. © number of its predators, D spread ol disease. coor ¥9? 125 [Tum over 16 38 The graph shows the average thickness of eggshells of birds of prey between 1900 and 1970. The arrow shows when the pesticide DDT was first used. 4 thickness of eggshell! 1900 1910 1920 1930 t940f1950 1960 1970 timelyaars Which statement is correct? A DDT had no etfect on the thickness of eggshells, DDT made eggshells thinner. coo DDT first used DDT only affected the eggshells of birds of prey. Eggshells were becoming thinner before DDT was first used, 39° The table shows the amount af carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in three different years. year 1930 | 1980 | 1990 carbon dioxide/ parts permilion | 200 | 330 | $70 What is the most likely cause of this change? ‘A destruction of rain forests B increased use of fertilisers containing nitragen © pollution of air by sulphur dioxide D_ tise in the sea-level 40 The diagram shows part of the nitragen cycle. Where does human sewage enter the cycle? oe nitrogen gas in atmosphere A t B mroge cena nitrogen-containing nitrogen-containing ie aaah ‘compounds in plants compounds in animals Se 126 aes International General Certificate of Scondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Tuesday 2 JUNE 1998, Afternoon 45 minutes Additional material ‘Mulliple Ch Sol clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) newer sheet TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, 8, C and D, Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. ‘Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. 127 Mit. 244509 67 OF BS546 OUctES t898 [urn over 2 1 The table shows some characteristics of four animals. Which animal is a fish? characteristics animal fins hair scales = us Y a us v= present o * “ a X= absent c x x ‘ D v x v 2 The diagram shows a dog about to catch a stick. Which characteristics of living organisms does this action involve? A. excretion and reproduction B__ growth and respiration movement and irritability D nutrition and irritability 128 3 The diagram shows a vertebrate animal. Using the key, to which class does the animal belong? 14 animal has four legs.. animal has two legs. 2 body covered with hair body not covered with hai 3 scales absent scales presen 4 The diagram shows the structure of a palisade cell. Which features are also found in a liver cell? A tand2 B 2and5 © 3and4 D 4and5 129 sions [urn over 4 5 Which structures are found in the root hair cells of a plant? coll wall chloroplast vacuole A v v v key B v v x = structure present c v x v X= structure absent D x v v 6 Which term is used for a group of similar cells which have the same function? A anorgan B_ anorganism © asystem D atissue 7 The diagram shows a section through a leaf. Pp a R s Which structure is an organ and which is a tissue? organ | tissue A P Ss B| a R c\ R P pd} s Q 130 i conse 5 8 jar of air was placed upside down on top of a jar of brown gas as shown, at start after one hour air —+ brown gas —H3H} 2 air and brown gas Which process has taken place? A absorption B diffusion © evaporation D osmosis 9 The diagram shows apparatus set up to demonstrate osmosi tube 1 [tube 2 tight seal, fight seal partially permeable membrane —|= concentrated _| sugar-solution partially permeable membrane water |— dilute sugar solution ‘What happens to the liquid levels in the tubes after one hour? tube 1 tube 2 A falls s B nochange rises Crises falls D tises no change 131 [Turn over rate of enzyme activity WW 6 10. The graph shows the effect of temperature on the rate of activity of an enzyme. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 temperature/°C Which statement is correct? A B c D Enzyme activity is greatest at 65°C. Enzyme activity is slowest at 10°C. Enzyme activity stops at 42°C. Enzyme activity is the same at 26°C and 60°C. ‘The diagram shows part of a starch molecule. —O-0-0-0—-0—-0—-0—0-0-0-0-0— Which diagram shows the effect of the enzyme amylase on this molecule? SITS & &&A oo o-0 0-0 oo 00 OO 132 12 13 14 ‘An equation for photosynthesis is shown, P+water Sunlight, carbohydrate + What do P and Q represent? Pp Qa A carbon dioxide chlorophyll B carbon dioxide oxygen © oxygen carbon dioxide Doxygen chlorophyll The following substances are found in the leaf of a plant. Which is obtained from the soil? A carbon dioxide B chlorophyll © glucose D_ mineral salts During the day, which substance needed for protein synthesis is carried into a leaf through a vein? ‘A. carbon dioxide B nitrate © oxygen D sugar 133 coves [Turn over 8 15. The diagram shows the blood circulation system of a human, aorta How many times does blood from the kidneys pass through the heart on its way to the aorta? A B c D one two four more than four 134 cevowsre 9 16 The diagram shows the human alimentary canal. In which region is digested food absorbed? 17 The diagram shows cross-sections of two types of blood vessel, X and Y. x 4 fibrous tissue elastic and muscle tissue smooth lining: ‘What do X and Y represent? x Y A artery capillary B artery vein © capillary vein , D vein artery 135 coarse [Turn over " 22. The diagram shows a section through an eye. Which structure contracts or relaxes during accommodation? 23. The diagram shows a germinated bean seed with a horizontal radicle. This is placed on a slowly rotating disc and is left for three days. electric motor. slowly rotating disc |-— tadicle U bean seed IPTTTT TIFT OTTITITTITTT Which diagram shows the appearance of the radicle after three days? 4G Oe coonsie [Turn over 12 24 The diagram shows the structure of a flower. Where does fertilisation take place? 28 The diagram shows four different fruits, Q R ‘The seeds of which fruits are dispersed by the wind? A Ronly B Tonly © QandT D RandS 138 | | | 13 26 The diagrams show four methods of birth control. Which of these is a chemical method? 27 What does the nucleus in every body cell of a man contain? 28 A Xallele B Yallele © Y chromosome D Ygene ‘The graph shows the changes in the d¢pmasses of two si 1 samples of germinating seeds. seeds germinating in the light aif massig ~~. | seeds germinating in the dark time after germination/days What causes the change in ay mass after day 3, of the seeds germinating in the light? A. Allthe stored food has been used up. Alot of water has been absorbed, Photosynthesis has begun. vo The respiration rate has increased. 139 cevora [Turn over 14 29 Which is an example of discontinuous variation in humans? A blood group B_ body weight C height D__ width of hand 30 Coat colour in mice is determined by a pair of alleles. The allele for black is dominant to the allele for brown. ‘Two mice which are heterozygous for coat colour are allowed to mate. Which percentage of their offspring will have black coats? A 100% B 75% Cc 50% D 25% 31 Ina species of plant, the allele for red flowers is dominant to the allele for white flowers. Which offspring will result from a cross between a heterozygous red-flowered plant and a white- flowered plant? A heterozygous red and homozygous white B heterozygous red only © heterozygous red and homozygous red D homozygous white only 32 The diagram shows a simple food chain. Which is the primary (first) consumer? A B c D |solar energy] | grass —>|caterpillar| bird 140 15 33° Which of the folloy gis a correct example of a food chain? A grain ~> cat > mouse B grain > mouse —> cat © mouse > cat > grain D mouse ~> grain > cat 34 From which food chain is least energy lost? A green plant human green plant sheep > human cow (milk) —> — human ee B green plant D green plant smallfish —» largefish —> human . 35. In the nitrogen cycle, which is an example of denitrification? A nitrates > nitrogen nitrogen protein B 3 C protein > urea D > urea nitrates 36. The diagram shows part of the water cycle. At which stage does the use of nitrate fertilisers in agriculture cause the greatest pollution? (water vapour] A ‘sea Tand plants} B = rivers 37 What happens to the size of a population if there are no limiting factors acting on it? A. Itdecreases continuously. B__ Itincreases continuously. C _Itincreases and then decreases. D__Itremains almost constant. 141 cereus Turn over 16 38 Which human activity helps to prevent the extinction of animal species? A creating more farmland B creating nature reserves destroying natural habitats D extracting natural resources 39. The diagram shows a coal-burning power station and a nearby woodland area. wind direction power station woodland ‘What is most likely to cause the trees from the woodland to show stunted growth and loss of leaves? A carbon dioxide B high temperatures ¢ strong winds D sulphur dioxide 40 What are the effects of sewage pollution on the oxygen concentration and the number of bacteria ina river? oxygen number of concentration bacteria A. decreases decreases B decreases increases C increases decreases D_ increases increases ‘eorn natomeapanar 142 CQvessen 16, Danaea adapec) International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Tuesday 10 NOVEMBER 1998 Aftemoon 45 minutes Adona materials Multiple Choice answer sheet Soft clean eraser ‘Soft pencil (type B or HB Is recommended) TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the Instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES. Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. ase ‘This question paper consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank page. 143, ‘Mn. 244500 67 oke7«27 SUCLES ta%e8 [Tum over SORES as EE a ae 2 1 The table lists six of the seven characteristics of living organisms. characteristics of living organisms 1 Yoonan excretion growth Invitabitty nutrition reproduction respiration 2 What is the seventh characteristic? A coordination digestion movement sight soo 2 The table shows some features of four vertebrates. mere vertebrate Baaetes Espa las has hair ¥ x “| x hasteathers | x | v | x | x has scales x x - v has wings rea Naa |e lays eggs x v x v produces milk | v | x | v | x Which two vertebrates are most closely related? A PandQ B PandR key ¥ = featura present X = feature not present c QandS D RandS onaes 144 i 3 8506 ‘The diagram shows an animal. Using the key, what Is the identity of the animal? 1 wings present. wings absent. 2 one pair of wings visibk two pairs of wings visible 3 three pairs of legs... four pairs of legs Which of the following does not contain cytoplasin? A. liver cell B palisade cell Cred blood cell D_ xylem vessel Which structure is not found in an animal celi? A. cell membrane B cell wall © cytoplasm D_ nucleus oman 6 The diagram shows a root hair cell. ‘Which feature of this cell adapts it to carry out its function of absorption? A. cell membrane B central vacuole © large surface area D fining of cytoplasm 7 The diagram shows those parts of a mammal that make and remove urine, kidney ureter. bladder: urethra Together, what do these structures form? A anorgan an organism an organ system cog atissue 146 5 8 ‘The diagram shows water and sugar molecules on elther side of a partially permeable membrane. partially permeable membrane key © sugar molecule Y © water molecule What happens during osmosis? ‘A More sugar molecules pass through the membrane from X to Y than from Y to X. B More sugar molecules pass through the membrane from Y to,X than from X to Y. © More water molecules pass through the membrane from X to Y than from Y to X. D Mora water molecules pass through the membrane from Y to X than from X to Y. 9 Anexperiment Is set up as shown, membrane through which iodine molecules can pass a ‘starch and water H lodine solution A What is the colour of the starch and water mixture after 30 minutes? A blue-black : B_ orange : Cc white D yellow-brown : ; : 4 : f 147 cease [Tum over g 6 10 When substance X is added to oil, it causes the breakdown of the oil to fatty acids and glycerol. What is substance X? A atat B an enzyme Cc bile D_ ethanol 11 Inwhich conditions will amylase in saliva work best? temperature!°C pH A 25 3 B 7 5 c 25 7 Do 37 8 42. The arrows on the diagram show the path taken by a substance through a plant. eee TareTeee Sete Teeee eee TetE eT eeeTeEESTeEESTEESEO Which substance follows this path? A. glucose nitrate (ions) oxygen water 148 8506 coro ooo — iy 13 Which graph shows the effect of changes in humidity on the rate of transpiration? A B c D 8 s § § & s 8 g ‘a ‘a a a : 2 z # é £ £ £ 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 8 8 3 _ ~ _ _ 0 “humidity 0 humidity 0 humidity 0 humidity 14 The diagram shows a plant in flower, Which part contains most magnesium? 15 Four test-tubes are set up as shown. Which test-tube contains the most carbon dioxide after one hour? SN black polythene to keep out water: ae] — tight water weed water: a snail = 8508 onan 8 16 Two test-tubes are set up to show one of the properties of fresh blood. 7 x Y iS iS carbon dioxide —} +— oxygen blood U VU After shaking the test-tubes, what is the colour of the blood? coup lest-tubeX _ test-tube Y dullred dulled dull red right red bright red dull red bright red right red ‘The diagram shows part of the human digestive system. stomach pancreas What does the ring of muscle control? A B c D the amount of acid released into the stomach the entry of food into the stomach the contractions of the wall of the stomach the release of food from the stomach 150 onan = EE a Tt SAT ANE Ee oat RE Ain te ennai ws = = 9 18 Which chamber of the human heart pumps blood most strongly? to the lungs \ / the body : ] if 19 Four flasks are sterilised and are set up as shown. Which flask will contain most alcohol after several hours? 6668 as ey ES yeast yeast yeast, water —_yeast, water and water and water and sugar and sugar at 4c at 20°C at 4°c at 20°C 20 Arresting lion sees a zebra. ‘What will happen to the rate and the depth of the lion's breathing as it chases the zebra? rateof depth of breathing breathing decreases decreases decreases increases Increases + decreases oom > increases —_ Increases 151 08 cova [Tum over 10 21 Which food type, when eaten in excess, will cause a rise In the urea content of urine? | A carbohydrate B fat C mineral salts D protein 22 The diagram shows structures within human skin under two different external conditions. condition 1 condition 2 blood vessel sweat glands: What are external conditions 1 and 27 condition 1 condition 2 A cool hot B cool cool Cc hot cool D hot hot 152 8506 cmos rt 23 The dlagram represents a simple reflex arc. spinal cord pin What Is the sequence of nerve cells through which an impulse passes during a reflex action? first ——> last A] P Q R BP R Q c);aQ P R D/R P @Q 24 The dlagrams show the same eye at two different times. time 1 time 2 4) OP» From the diagrams, what happens between time 1 and time 22 A Abright light is shone into the eye. The eye closes and then opens. The eye focuses on a more distant object. The person walks into a dark room. ooo 153 8506 coronene [Turn over 12 25 The graph shows the number of pregnancies which resulted while four groups of 100 women were each using a different method of contraception. Which method of contraception Is the most effective? 20: number of 10. pregnancies c B ol eA V7ZA ZA contra —intra- diaphragm — rhythm ceptive uterine method pill device (UD) method of contraception | 26 The diagrams show two fruits. How are these fruits dispersed? ls Q A animals animals B animals wind Cc wind animals D_ wind wind 154 8508 onanioe 13 27 The diagram shows a fetus, placenta and uterus wall. uterus wall placenta fetus Which substances will pass from X to Y? A carbon dioxide and glucose carbon dioxide and urea ‘oxygen and glucose vom oxygen and urea 28 The graph shows the average increase in body mass of humans between the ages of 0 and 20 years. body mass/ 40 ‘9 30 oO 024 6 8 1012 14 16 1820 age/years Between which ages is the increase in body weight most rapid? A 0-2 years B 4-6years C 12-14years D 16-18years 2506 ovr 155 14 29 The diagram shows a germinating bean seed with the seed coat removed. What are the structures X, Y and 2? ‘structures x Y Zz cotyledon| radicte | plumule plumule | cotyledon | radicle plumule | radicle | cotyledon radicle | plumule | cotyledon 00m > 30 What Is always found in female gametes and may be found in male gametes? ‘A one X chromosome one Y chromosome two X chromosomes vow ‘one X chromosome and one Y chromosome 156 cso 15 31 The table shows the results of crossing pea plants which have different phenotypes. 92 phenotypes of parents | phenotypes of offspring green seads and yellow seeds | all yellow seeds tall stem and short stem —_ all tall stems T The alleles for which phenotypes are dominant? seed colour green green yellow yellow com> stem length tall short tall short In a plant species, the allele for red flowers (R) is dominant to the allele for white flowers (r). Homozygous red-flowered plants (RR) are crossed with homozygous white-flowered plants (rr). Which colour flowers are produced by the offspring? A. allred all white B © equal numbers of red and white D three red to one white ‘The diagram shows organisms In an ecosystem. Which arrow represents energy input from the Sun? A [decomposers| tp i ‘consumers c producers fo 157 ceo [Tum over 16 34 The diagram shows energy flowing through a system. energy Which process liberates energy from the sucrose? A B c D anaerobic respiration aerobic respiration evaporation photosynthesis 35. The diagram represents the carbon cycle. Com sugar cane ——» sucrose alcohol = combustion jearbon dioxide in air x animals] [humus fossil fuels | green plants Which process Is represented by arrow X” A B c D combustion decay photosynthesis respiration coven 158 7 36 The diagram shows part of the water cycle. 806 Which’ process is shown by the arrows? A B c D condensation evaporation precipitation transpiration What leads directly to a fall in human birth rate? A B c D better medical care improved housing Increased food supply use of contraception ‘The diagram shows part of a food chain. Insect /-—| small fish |——»| large fish |——>| _fish-eating bird ‘The chart shows the concentration of pesticide In the bodies of each organism in the chain, Which organism on the chart is the large fish? concentration of pesticide Lom A B c D organism 159 cavaoe [um over 18 39° Which graph shows the effect of pollution by sewage on the amount of oxygen dissolved in a river? dissolved j distance downstream, ‘oxygen dissolved oxygen sewage enters the river c ~~ f distance downstream sewage enters the river 4 dissolved ic aa oxygen ‘oxygen f distance downstream sewage enters the river 4 dissolved t distance downstream ‘sewage enters the river 40 Which activity will be least likely to lead to the extinction of species? vo conservation deforestation use of herbicides use of pesticides ewe 160 International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Tuesday 8 JUNE 1999 Afternoon 45 minutes Adstonal mater: utile Choice answer sheet Sot eean eraser Solt pencil (ype 8 or HB is recommended) TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 17 pritited pages and 3 blank pages. 161 $8 (SC) OF 916865 @UCLES 1999 [Turn over 2 growth and movement B growth and nutrition irritability and movement D _inritability and nutrition > 2 Anexperiment is set up as shown. vacuum flask dead seeds. living seeds. cotton wool: thermometer flask 4 flask 2 After two days, the temperature has increased in flask 2 only. ‘What causes this increase in temperature? A. excretion B nutrition © reproduction D respiration Which two characteristics of all iving organisms are involved when a person catches a ball? 162 3 3 The diagram shows some extemal features of a bird. feathers | wate | wir wo tog Which feature is also found in fish and reptiles? | A feathers ' B scales C twolegs D_ wings 4 Which structure is found only in plant celts? A cell membrane B cell wall © cytoplasm D nucleus 5 Inthe table, which is an animal cell? characteristic of cell i cell membrane | chloroplasts | cytoplasm | nucleus key j A v x v v v = present ) B v v v x X = absent : c x v x v : D x x v v 163 cores 0 [Turn over ! 4 6 The diagram shows the structure of an artery. What is layer X? A acell an organ atissue 7 The diagram shows a section through the root of a plant that has been standing in a solution of red dye for 24 hours. Tissue X has stained red. | | | | : 7 | : | ‘What is the function of tissue X? | A to carry sugars to the root tip to carry sugars to the stem to carry water to the root tip to carry water to the stem ooo 164 : 5 8 Which graph best shows the effect of high temperatures on enzyme activity in the stomach? A B c 5 D rate of reaction rate of reaction rate of reaction rate of reaction t i : 40 00 40 100 40 100 40 100 temperature /*C temperature/°C temperature/°C temperature/°C 9 The graph shows the production of substance X when an enzyme works on a starch solution. 4 starch concentration/g dm __ 7 Substance X ime/minutes enzyme added to starch solution What is substance X? A amino acid B_ amylase © glycerol D_ maltose 10 The roots of some land plants are flooded by sea water. The salty sea water later becomes more concentrated due to evaporation, ‘Why do the plants then wilt? A. Salt damages the walls of the root cells. ‘The plant cells absorb too much water. B The transpiration rate increases. D Water passes out of the plant cells. 165 oman si8 [Turn over | j | 11. Anexperiment is set up as shown, start after two hours. a membrane ~S dilute sugar concentrated sugar solution solution Which statement about the membrane explains the result shown? A. Itis equally permeable to water and sugar. Itis impermeable to water and sugar. Itis more permeable to sugar than to water. vog Itis more permeable to water than to sugar. 12 Which diagram shows the movement of gases into and out of a leaf during photosynthesis? A carbon dioxide B carbon dioxide \ \ oxygen oxygen c carbon dioxide D carbon dioxide L \ \ oxygen oxygen 166 13 14 5 16 7 ‘Which element, for making proteins, do plants normally obtain from the soil? A carbon B_ hydrogen C nitrogen Doxygen ‘The graph shows the rate of photosynthesis of a green plant when it is placed in light of different colours. rate of photosynthesis blue green yellow red colour of light In which colour of light do plants photosynthesise most slowly? A blue B green cred D- yellow In which atmospheric conditions does water move most quickly through the xylem in a leat? ‘A. cool and damp B_ damp and warm © warm and dry D_ dryand cool What is the main function of the colon in humans? to absorb digested food to absorb water to produce bile to produce enzymes couD> 167 csron sn [Turn over direction of circular muscle movement of contracting bolus bolus of food moved along assimilation chewing egestion soa> peristalsis 18 The diagram shows a fermentation jar containing fruit juice, sugar and yeast. ‘opening W AS Y mixture of fruit juice, sugar and yeast During fermentation, what happens at opening W? A. carbon dioxide enters carbon dioxide leaves oxygen enters soo oxygen leaves 168 | | | | | ) | | 9 19 Which graph shows oxygen uptake before, during and after a period of steady exercise? A B exercise exercise exercise exercise started finished started finished oxygen | / 1 ' oxygen | | H uptake [/ } ! uptake |_1 ‘ rest} exercise! rast rest! exercise rest time time c D exercise exercise exercise exercise started finished started finished oxygen} | ‘ oxygen] i ‘ uptake \ ' uptake ‘ Hi rest! exariso rast frs!\ _exorsse _/'eat ea rrr See time time 20 The diagram shows the excretory system. tube X What is the function of tube X? Ato transport blood to the kidney to transport blood from the kidney to transport urine to the bladder ooo to transport urine from the bladder 169 [Turn over | i | ! 10 21. The diagram shows a section through a human eye. Which part controls how much light enters the eye? com> 22 The diagram shows the shoot tip of a seedling which is exposed to light from one side. Where Is the least auxin found? A Bo + ight 170 ons Vi 23. The diagram shows the human female reproductive system, In which region does fertilisation usually occur? 24 The diagram shows a developing human fetus joined to its mother. | uterus wall placenta ‘ Q 7 i ' i i fetus What do P and Q represent? P Q | A blood urea B | carbon dioxide glucose c glucose carbon dioxide D urea blood 171 caton sm [Turn over 12 25 The diagram shows the main parts of 4 flower. Which part of the flower protects the rest of the flewer when it is in bud? 26 What brings about growth in living organisms? A B c D meiosis and cell enlargement meiosis only mitosis and cell enlargement mitosis only 27 Which graph shows the change in the amount of stored carbohydrate from the germination of a seed until shortly before the start of photosynthesis? ‘amount of stored carbohydrate 2 A B c D amount of stored carbohydrate y amount of stored carbohydrate ‘amount of stored carbohycrato : a time 0 time time time 28 What are formed at the end of of meiosis? cog body cells haploid nuclei aired chromosomes seeds 172 13 29 Acouple have three daughters and are expecting a fourth child. What is the probability that the fourth child will be a daughter? A 50% B 333% C 25% D 20% 30 A female fruit fly with short wings mates with a male fruit fly with long wings. All of the offspring have long wings. ‘The female parent then mates with a second male whose genotype and phenotype are unknown. 17 offspring are produced, 8 with short wings and 9 with long wings. ‘What is the genotype and phenotype of the second male? ‘A. heterozygous with long wings B heterozygous with short wings © homozygous with tong wings D homozygous with short wings 31 Heterozygous tall plants are crossed with pure-breeding short plants of the same species. The resulting seeds are collected and grown to produce the next generation, What are the approximate percentages of tall and short offspring? % of tall | % of short A 25 75 B 50 50 c 75 25 D 100 ° 32 The diagram shows the stages in the flow of energy through a food chain. Through which stage does the most energy flow? A B c D plant ——» first ——» second ——= third ——» fourth consumer consumer consumer ‘consumer 173 cera 8 {Turn over 14 33 The diagram shows a simple food web found on a chicken farm. snake human rat chicken ‘green plants and chicken food Which of the following is a carnivore in this food web? A. chicken B green plant c rat D snake 34 The diagram shows a food web. fungi ZN DEATH at eagles {= small mammats—_\ grass trees | In this food web the fungl are A decomposers. B primary consumers. © producers. D secondary consumers. 174 15 35. The diagram shows the water cycle. Where does most evaporation take place? 36. The diagram shows the carbon cycle. carbon dioxide in <————_ atmosphere SI + gradual production of fossil fuels Which process is represented by arrow X? ‘A combustion B decay © photosynthesis D respiration 1S son 599 [Turn over 16 37 The graph shows how the size of a population of organisms changes over time. population size x time’ What could cause the change in the shape of the curve at time X? A B c o a decrease in the number of predators a faster rate of reproduction a greater supply of food an increase in disease 38 In which region of the river shown in the diagram is the concentration of oxygen in the water most likely to be the highest? mountains agricultural and 2 power station 176 7 39 The diagram shows a crop growing near a lake. Which substance, when applied to the crop, increases both the crop yield and the growth of plants in the lake? A. fertiliser B herbicide C pesticide D water 40. The graph shows the activity of honey bees during a 24-hour period. activity 0600 1200 1800 2400 oon time of day/hours What is the best time of day to spray crops with pesticide in order to prevent harming the bees? A 0600hours © B 1000hours © G_=«*1400hours §= sD 2000 hours, 177 International Ger I Certificate of Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Tuesday 9 NOVEMBER 1999 Afternoon 45 minutes ‘Acdtional matte: ‘Multplo aloe answer sheot Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB Is recommended) TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer shee unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the Instructions on the answer sheet. the spaces provided INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. 178 50 (ow) oxsa80214 ‘SUCLES 1999 [Turn over 9510 1 9510 2 ‘Some yeast, sugar and water are mixed in a test-tube. The diagrams show the test-tube at the start and after one hour. bubbles of gas yeast, sugar and water at start after one hour Which process causes this change? A growth B irritability © reproduction D respiration The diagram shows a flower. Use the key to identify the flower. 1 Petals four. Petals five.. 2 Ovary above the petals Ovary below the petal: 3 Stamens less than five... ‘Stamens more than five 179 3 3 The diagram shows an effector (motor) neurone. Which structure is also found in white blood cells, but not in red blood cells? 4 The table shows features possessed by living cells. Which features identify a liver cell? convalvacvoto | HoroPasts | twat A v v v B v v x c x x v D x x x 5 Whyis the epidermis of a leaf an example of a tissue? A B c D 9510 The cells all have a similar structure and function. The calls allow light to pass through. ‘The cells allow water to enter them by osmosis. The calls are covered by a waxy cuticle. key v = feature present X = feature absent 180 [Turn over 4 6 The diagram shows some blood vessels in the human body. The blood vessels shown are all parts of the same A. call, organ. B © organ system. D tissue. 7 The diagram shows a section through a leaf. a How do gases move from X to Y in the leat? A bydiffusion B_ byosmosis © byttranstocation D by transpiration a corer 181 5 8 The diagram shows a plant cell that has been placed in sugar solution for 30 minutes. fully permeable cell watl Which substance is found at X? A air B cell sap cytoplasm D sugar solution 9 Which substance is an enzyme? A. bile B fibrinogen © lipase D_ maltose 10. An experiment is carried out to study the effect of temperature on the time taken for food to be digested by an enzyme. The table shows the results. temperature/*C observation 25 4 hours for complete digestion 37 2 hours for complete digestion | 45 1.5 hours for complete digestion 55 no digestion takes place From these results, at which temperature does the enzyme work best? A 25°C B 37°C c 45°C D 55°C 182 9510 ‘06107 89 [Turn over 6 11 During photosynthesis in a leaf, water molecules enter the ... X ... cells, where they combine with .» ¥ ... to form glucose: Which words complete the sentence? x Y A | epidermal | carbon dioxide B | epidermal oxygen ¢ | palisade | carbon dioxide D | palisade oxygen 12 The bar chart shows the rate of photosynthesis of a green plant when it is placed in light of different colours. coo 9510 blue and red green and blue orange and red yellow and green rate of photosynthesis, 3 blue green yellow orange colour of light used In which colours of light is the rate of photosynthesis the fastest? 183 7 13. Adestarched plant is placed in light with black paper over part of one leaf, as shown. black paper over | “a both sides of leaf ‘hole cut in paper After 8 hours, the leaf is tested for starch. ‘Which diagram shows the appearance of the leaf after this test? key A B c D starch o present LIE —— LY Gp LP Lp = no starch present 14 In humans, where does most absorption of digested food take place? A colon B kidney c D__ small intestine 15. Nutrients are made up of basic units and can be identified by food tests. Which nutrient is a protein? basic units food test A amino acids biuret test B | fatty acids and glycerol | ethanol emulsion test c sugars Benedict's test D sugars loaine test | 184 9510 onran we [Turn over 8 16 The diagram shows the double circulatory system in a human. — | xk heart rest of body < Which blood vessels contain oxygenated blood? A tand2 B tand4 © 2and3 D Sand4 17 The table shows the deficiency symptoms that result from a lack of some substances in the human diet. Which substance is iron? deficiency symptom anaemia (haemoglobin deficiency) scurvy soft teeth voa> rickets 185 9510 onion wae 9 18 From the graph, when did the person begin a period of vigorous exercise after resting? 4 breathing rate/ breaths per minute 9 EF 0 time/minutes 19 What Is produced by human cell respiration? fooe (need water A x Vv Vv key B| v x v v = produced ce v v x x = not produced D v v v 20 Which process gets rid of the waste products of metabolism? A. absorption B_ digestion © excretion D ingestion 21. What shows the correct levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide and urea in the blood, after they have passed through the liver? i cxygon | Garton urea | A less ‘more less t B less more more i Cc | more less less { D | more less more I 9510 ovr 186 10 22 The diagram shows a section through a human eye. ens suspensory. ligament What happens when the eye views an object that is very close? “gement fons A | slackens | becomes fatter B | tightens becomes fatter ¢ | slackens | becomes thinner D | tightens | becomes thinner | 23 Which of the following is not a simple reflex action? A blinking B_ sneezing © swallowing D walking 24 The diagram shows a vertical section through a flower. Which structure produces female sex cells? oo o> 9510 187 " 25 What is the main function of a flower? A B c D to produce nectar to produce scent to produce seeds to produce spores 26 The graph shows the average level of sex hormones In the blood of females and males. 4 levels of ‘sex hormones In the blood female ,/ SS 2 4 6 8 101214161820 age/years ‘What are the hormones? vom> hormones in female | hormones in male adrenaline oestrogen oestrogen testosterane progesterone adrenaline testosterone progesterone 27 What must always be present for seeds to germinate? A B c D 910 chlorophyll light soil water 188 care wn [Turn over 12 28 Which graph shows the change in the number of cells from the germination of a seed until the start of photosynthesis? A B c D number of cells number of cells number of cells number of cells time time 8 time time 29° Which terms describe the nucleus in the garnetes and the zygote of a human? gametes | zygote diploid | diploid diploid | haploid haploid | diploid vooaDr haploid | haploid 30 The diagram shows a sperm cell. Which part contains genes? 31 A female fruit fly with short wings mates with a male with long wings. All the offspring are long- winged. Two of these offspring mate with each other. What percentage of their offspring will have long wings? A 25% B 50% Cc 75% D 100% 189 9510 corm we 13 32 The diagram shows a simple food chain. \ 2s — qt — 33 35 9510 What is the source of energy for this food chain? A B c D carbon dioxide minerals. ‘Sun water ‘The diagram shows a food chain, cabbage =| greenies | ladybirds Which organism is a producer? A cabbage B greently CC insect-eating bird D ladybird From which food chain is least energy lost? A B c D com—> hens —> humans grass —> dairy cows —+ humans potatoes —> humans water plants — small fish —> large fish —> humans Which process is not a part of the carbon cycle? A B c D combustion: photosynthesis respiration transpiration 190 4 96 The diagram shows the natural cycle of a substance. What is the substance? A carbon dioxide B nitrogen © oxygen D_ water 37 Which graph shows the growth of a population where there are no limiting factors? A B c D e @ 8 2 g g g g 3 3 3 3 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ g£ gs g 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Z - 8 g g = (0 ime °o ime °o ime time 38 What may result from nuclear fall out and the release of sulphur dioxide from factories? genetic acid mutations rain A x v key B v v v =present c * x X = absent D v x 191 9510 cons wos 15 39 What is reduced when untreated sewage is released into rivers? A B c D the amount of nitrate the concentration of carbon dioxide the level of oxygen the number of bacteria 40 The map shows an area of uncultivated land with four habitats. In each habitat there is a population of a different species of rare insect, Which species is most at risk of extinction if this land is used for building? 9510 ‘species B population on site = 100 population worldwide species A Sand Population on site = 30 population worldwide = 4000000 species D population on site = 110 population worldwide = 800000 species C population on site = 80 population worldwide = 6000000 192 corer [Turn over international General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice MAY/JUNE SESSION 2000 45 minutes ‘Aon mates: Mulple Chole answer shoot Soll elaan arasor ‘Soll panal (lypo 8 or HB Is racommondod) {TIME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. ‘Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet In the spaces providuct unless this has already been done for you, - There are forty questions In this paper, Answer all questions, For each question, there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in salt pencil on the separate answer shaet. Read vory carefully the Instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer, ‘Any rough working should be done In this booklet, ' i | “This question paper consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank pago. 493 se (ov oFossos cies 2000 [Turn over 2 | ‘1 Which feature of vertebrates is present in fish and reptiles? A fins hair legs soe scales 2 The diagram shows a mammal. Use the key to identify this animal. 1 fail thin... 3° ears upright. Hl ears fattene 194 ‘ona soo | Questions 3 and 4 refer to the diagram of the plant cell Which structure contains the genetia.information of the call? A B c D 3 chloroplast cytoplasm nucleus vacuole In which structure are simple sugars produced? A B c D cell wall chloroplast cytoplasm vacuole At which level of organisation Is an artery? ° acell an organ ‘an organ system atissuo 195 {Turn over 4 6 The diagram shows the structure of a plant cell, How Is the cell adapted for maximum water absorption? A tthas a coll wall. B Ithas a large surface area, C Ithas a nucleus, D Ithas no chloroplasts. By which process does carbon dioxide pass from the blood into the alveoli of the lungs? A. diffusion B osmosis © respiration D transpiration 196 enn soo 5 The diagram shows a plant call before it was put Into a concentrated sugar solution, Gi 9 The diagram shows how a starch molecule Is broken down Into smaller sugar molecules with the help of substance X. starch molecule —Q~O-O—-O-O-O- | substance X sugar molecules O-O O-O O-O What Is substance X? A acarbohydrate ‘a hormone 8 © avitamin : 197 an enzyme ; a eawison [Turn aver 6 10 The graph shows the effect of pH on the activity of a digestive enzyme. 40 95 30 time taken for | tgofsubstrate 2 tobo completely 20 digested i | (rinutes) | | 10 5 ss 7 ea a8 pH In which part of the human alimentary canal would the enzyme work best? A mouth B stomach © large Intestine D_ small intestine 11 The experiment shown Is set up using leaves on the ‘same destarched plant: light fight \ A clip lip black plastic, clear plastic leaf X leaf Y | | | Both leaves are left to photosynthasise for six hours. Which set of results Is likely to be obtained after testing both leaves for starch? leat X leat ¥ all blue-black all blue-black all blue-black | partly blue-black partly blue-black | all blue-biack partly blye-black | parlly blue-black eo 198 oo u> | 42. Hows magnesium used in a plant? A 8 c D ‘to make auxin to make celiftose to make chlorophyll to make protein 13. The diagram shows a cross section through part of a leaf, from —> to. atw x ts fel y 2 oj z ow 14. ‘The diagram shows part of tho human digestive system, ‘Nhere Is glucose changed to glycogen? 199 ‘er 500 [Tum over 8 415. The chart shows the teeth in a person's upper and lower jaws, key 7 [@] tooth fited | [0] tooth decayed tooth missing upper How many of the molar teeth are filled? | Al BO4 © 5 D6 16 What describes the blood in the pulmonary artery?” | direction of blood flow] oxygen content A | away trom the heart high | | B | away from the heart low | | ¢ | towards the hoart high D towards the heart low 200 a so 9 1 17 The dlagram shows a palr of guard cells at two different times during the day. What causes the change from P to Q? guard calls A. high humidity B__ high light intensity © low oxygen concentration D_ lowtemperature 148 Which substance in tobacco smoke combines with haemoglobin, preventing It from carrying oxygen? A. carbon dioxide B_ carbon monoxide ¢ nicotine D tar 201 \ setae Tum over 10 19. The diagram shows three types of cells. In which cell does respiration take place? A B c o P only Pand Q only Gand R only P,QandR ' 20 Ahealthy person eats a high-protein meal on a hot day. | What describes his urine after this meal? coup quantity | concentration of urea large high large tow ‘small high small low 202 co 9 " 21. The diagram shows a kidney and its blood supply. ureter: What describes the carbon dioxide and urea content of tha blood In vessel X compared with the blood in vessel ¥? ‘carbon dioxide | urea Inx nx x less Toss B more less | c loss moro \ D more, more. 22 Apotted plant is moved from a garden and placed near a window in a house. Alter a few days, the stem of the plant begins to grow towards the window. ‘What is this growth response? A negative geotropism ' B__ negative phototropism positive geotropism D__poshive phototropism 23, What happens to the ciliary muscle and the lens in the eye when it focuses on an approaching object? Gllary muscio | __lens 7 | coniracis | becomes falter B | contracts | becomes thinner © | relaxes | becomes fatter D | relaxes | becomes thinner 203 ono 0 [urn over 12 24 Which torm describes the fusion of an egg and a sperm? A 8 c D fertilisation Implantation menstruation ‘ovulation 25 The diagram shows the carpel of a flower just alter pollination, stigma ‘tube X style ovary fot What passes along tube X? A B c D amale gamete an ovule a polien grain aseod 204 13, | 26 Tho level of obstrogen In the blood of a woman changes during'a normal menstrual cycle, ‘Which graph shows these changes? A B level of oestrogen evel of oestrogen T T 4 28 14 20 time (days) time (days) c D level of oestrogen level of oestrogen T 1 | 1 4 28 1 4 28 time (days) time (days) 205 uot 50 [Turn over 4 27 The diagrams show four stages In the development of a potato plant. During which stage does an increase In mass occur? soil soil A | surface surface 4 soll surface | 28 All humans have a ‘growth spurt’ (when the rate of growth Is high). ‘The diagram shows the range of ages across which the growth spurt usually occurs in boys ancl in girls. ago In yoars (a) eel eau 7 jo 11 12 «#13 «14 «15 «(16 OT key boys E_growth spurts girls Which conclusion can be drawn from the diagram? A. Boys are usually taller han girls, Boys usually grow faster than girls. | | The growth spurt usually occurs later in boys. D__ The growth spurt usually lasts longer In boys. 206 ont co i | 15 29. The diagram shows a type of nuclear division, key F pair of chromosomes J single chromosome ‘What is the process called? | A. melosis B_ mitosis mutation D variation 30 Which statement about mitosis Is true? A {tocours only in animals. B Moccurs only In plants. | © It results in the growth of an organism. D__Itresuits in tho formation of gametes. 31 Ina species of plant, tho allele for tall is ¢’2minant to the allele tor short. A tall plant, P, Is crossed | with a short plant, Q. The offspring of this cross consist of 87 tall plants and 79 short plants. What are the genotypes of P and Q? Q tt Tt t t vom >| aadaddje 207 ont son [Turn over j 16 32. The diagram shows a food ch in found in Lake Victoria in Africa. microscopic orga: isms— tilapia fish —- lung-fish—+ crocodiles Which population changes ws uld occur it all the crocodiles are killed by hunters? voa> microscople organism: | tilapia fish | lung-fish decrease Increase | Increase Increase decrease | Increase Increase Increase | decrease Increase Increase } Increase 39° What does not flow in a cycl.. through biological systems? A B c D carbon energy nitrogen water | 34 An example of a food chain is shown, wat sr plants —» small ish —» large fish ‘What is the source of energ: for the water plants in this food chain? ' A B I | E mineral salts small fish sunlight water 208 7 35 The diagram shows the water cycle. Which arrows represent water that ha: just evaporated? | EX ae SB — / | “ ey M l P,QandA P,QandS: P,RandS Q,Rands soap 36 What changes ammonium compoun« s in the soll into nitrates? ‘A decomposing bacteria B_ denitrifying bacteria C nitrogen-tixing bacteria D_ nltifying bacteria 37 The table shows factors affecting the size of population in four countries. | | Which country has the greatest rate { population increase? cy] RES! | SunBt Senn neg} onan thousand | thousand QUI Pat rene A 15 16 6 9 B 15 7 9 6 c 16 15 7 7 D 17 15 9 7 209 coro sn0 [Tum over 28 39 40 18 Nitrate leaks into a pond at time X, Which graph shows the effect of nitrate pc iution on the number of plants in the pond? yoo? a, y ° 3 3 3 : : IPN i i : x lime : x time x time x time ‘Which of the following Is an alr pollutant ti at damages plants? A “fertiisers B insecticides © sewage D sulphur dioxide The diagram shows a food web, To protect young plants a farmer sprays ! . Insects with Insecticide. ‘Which animals are likely to contain most secticlde in thelr bodies a few weeks later? Ahawks: B small birds mice D pigeons Insects _C earthworms NN PS >< plant ~ seeds ted 210 International General Certifice .e of Secondary Education | UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDG : LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Thursday 9 NOVEMBE: : 2000 Afternoon, 45 minutes Additional matedats: ‘Multiple Choice answer shect Soll clean eraser Soft pencil (lype B or HB is recomm: snded) TIME — 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candic ite number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided uniess this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. A iswer all questions. For each question there are four | possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer shect. Read very carefully the instructions on th answer sheet. ik FORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. An ark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this boc «let. This question paper consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages. 97] $B (SLC) Oxors65/4 OUCLES 2000 [Turn over oste 2 What is the process by which carbon c-o) le is removed from living organisms? A excretion B irritability © nutrition} Ds respiration ‘The diagram shows a newly discovere ! species. Which gombination of features shows at this animal is a reptile? A scales, two eyes B scales, fourlegs © tail, two eyes D tail, four legs The diagram shows a plant cell. ‘Which part contains cell sap? 212 4 0510 The diagrams show different types of c Ils. Which structures do all these cells have ? cell membrane and nucleus cell membrane and cell wall chloroplast and cell wall chloroplast and nucleus The heart is an example of ooo acell, an organ. an organ system. a tissue. The diagram shows four different cells. Which two col are modified to increase absorption? A B c D PandQ QandR RandS Sanda 213 0101 Rao [Turn over 4 7 The diagram shows a section through : n alveolus and through a capillary passing round it. wall of alveolus. : il red ie blood cells , blood | capillary ' - high —~ \ oxygen concentration | tow oxygen concentration | How does oxygen move from X to ¥? A. by diffusion B__ by osmosis 1 | | © bytranstocation D by transpiration & The diagrams show an experiment to ir vestigate osmosis. = liquid X | pa tially permeable —| ‘membrane | —— = liquid ¥ at the beginning after half an hour What are liquids X and Y? | liquid x liqui-. A water 10% sucros 2 solution | B | 5% sucrose solution wator | | | © | 10% sucrbse solution wat D | 10% sucrose solution | 5% sucros : solution 214 oso roe 10 Which substance catalyses the breakdot 1 of starch to sugar? A B c D adrenaline} amylase insulin protease 5 The diagram shows an experiment on tr 2 digestion of the protein in egg albumen. The protease was taken from a human stomach. In which test-tube will the protein be dige sted most quickly? By which process are dissolved amino ax ds moved through a plant? A B c D egg albumen egg al + protease hydrochloric | ydrochloric absorption osmosis transpiratio A B + acid A translocation c bumen_¢ 3g albumen egg albumen + acid + + protease boiled protease |_— water bath 12. To show that a green plant releases carb a dioxide, in which condition must it be placed and why? | me condition reason A| dark | to prevent photosynthesi: Bl dark to prevent respiration C] fight | to allow photosynthesis D| light to allow respiration | | ont too 215, (Turn over 6 13 Different surfaces of three soft, green leav 's are covered with waterproof jelly and are kept at 25°C. | Their appearances after four days are sho min the table. | | surface cover: J | appearance of leaf ,ofod uppe only dry and brown lower only | soft and green both soft and green neither dry and brown What is the correct explanation for these r: sults? A The lower surface has more stomata an the upper surface. B The upper surface has more stomata han the lower surface. The upper and lower surfaces do not’ ave stomata. ° The upper and tower surfaces have th» same number of stomata, 14 A plant with variegated leaves was compl: tely destarched by placing it in a dark cupboard for 48 | hours. Slack paper was then fixed on one leaf as chown and the plant was exposed to the light. { | After 24 hours, oe region of the leaf co: tained starch? green central region white outer reg on black paper 01 ' both sides of le sf 216 a 1 Noa | | / | : 7 \. The diagram shows part of the human alimentary canal. In which part does fat digestion begin? 146 Which of the following shows the structure f a fat? A -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-€« — od —O- =glucose / Boro L010 Ot - -A- zamino acid Jos KX 1. =atvcerat [D DRA ADD = | VW fatty acid 0510 ‘eo lotions 217 [Turn over 7 8 The diagram shows a plan of the human blood system. right side left side organs Which sequence correctly describes the flow of blood? A P3Q5R58 P3Q39S5AR PoR>S3aQ P>R2Q58 vo 101 Noo 218 9 1€ The diagram shows the blood supply to a group of cells. At which point is the blood at the highest pressure? A B c D direction of blood flow 19. The equations for four different processes are shown, each involving an energy change. Which process releases the most energy? | | [process equation ‘A | carbon dioxide + water — sugar + oxygen sugar — lactic acid fe | c | sugar —» alcohol + carbon dioxide or sugar + oxygen — carbon dioxide + water \ 219 510 2101 Hoo [Turn over 2 00 10 ‘An experiment is set up as shown. test-tube X test-tube Y ‘small animal eed Gauze platform— | > red ———_ indicator YU ‘The red indicator turns yellow when the amount of carbon dioxide increases. After several hours, the indicator in test-tube X turns yellow. The indicator in test-tube Y remains red. Which process caused the colour change? A digestion B respiration C sweating D__ transpiration Which organ breaks down heroin and alcohol? A. brain B kidney Cc iiver D_ pancreas 220 " \ 22 The diagram shows a capillary loop in the skin of a mammal. capillary loop | 23. The diagram shows a section through a human eye. What are X, Y, and Z? | } x Y Z [A] choroid | retina | sclerotic retina | choroid | sclerotic B | retina | sclerotic | choroid o sclerotic | choroid | retina i 221 | oc eo tum over 12 fiagram shows a maize seedling which is placed horizontally in damp soil in a dark room. radio! plumule What will the seedling look like after a few days? A 25 Which statement is true for every pollen grain? A Itcontains a male nucleus. B itis carried by insects. © Itis carried by wind. Itis diploid. o | 222 o5t0 5101 nooo 13 '26 The diagram shows a section through a flower. | ttpolten is transferred from X to Y, which process has occurred? | A cross-fertilisation B self-fertilisation € cross-pollination D__ selt-pollination 27 The diagrams show three methods of birth control. vO Y Which methods are illustrated? A mechanical and chemical mechanical and surgical natural and mechanical soo natural and surgical 7 223 a 4 (Turn over 1 4 28 During the germination of a seed when only the radicle (root) has started to grow, there is an increase in mass. iy What causes this increase? | A absorption of water B photosynthesis @ | © respiration D storage of starch 29 The graph shows how human height changes with age. 200: height (em) 100{—}~|—- 1 0. 0 2 4 6 8B 1012 14 16 18 20 22 | age (years) In which age range is growth most ra | a 02 year B 12-14 years C 16-18 years D 20-22 years 224 osio 6104 ninco 15 3) The nucleus of a cell contains two pairs of chromosomes. Which two nuclei are produced after mitosis? OO) a) c D j Oo@ O@ 31 The diagram shows a diploid cell and alleles R and r on one pair of chromosomes. nucleus. cytoplasm. | When this cell divides by mitosis, which daughter cells will be produced? | (7 [[etromosome number | _ genotype A loid heterozygous iB diploid homozygous c haploid heterozygous lb haploid homozygous 225 ost: sro on [Turn over 16 3% Ina particular breed of dog, black coat colour is due to a dominant allele B and golden colour is due to its recessive allele b. | | Ablack dog, whose father was golden, is mated with a black bitch whose mother was golden. What is the likelihood of one of their puppies being heterozygous? A nil Boing Cc. tine D tint 3 The diagram shows the flow of energy in a food chain. atmosphere i ti m - @ Q ‘2. producer R—+ primary R———* secondary consumer consumer What are the types of energy P, Q and R? P Q R ' A | chemical | light heat B| heat | chemical | light | { | ©] tight heat | chemical D solar chemical heat i 3° Which organism would be a producer in a food chain? A 08:0 8101 noo 7 35 By which process does carbon enter a food chain? combustion |B ingestion ' © _ photosynthesis | j P cespication 36 The diagram shows part of the nitrogen cycle. When is decomposition occurring? tein nitrogen gas 2 nitrate animal protein 37, The graphs show the number of herbivores in a habitat over a period of time. At time X the carnivores are r4moved from the habitat. ipl Which graph shows the effect of this on the number of herbivores? | A B c D : =3l 38 3 38 Bs g2 Bs Be es es Es ES 53 53 53 53 \ 22 22 22 es & time k time X time % time 38| Whats the result of cutting down trees in a forest? Aa decrease in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere | 3 adecrease in transpiration o an increase in rainfall 2 anincrease in sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere 227 0510 ‘610 tHe [Turn over 18 22. The graph shows how untreated sewage affects a river. sewage enters river number of organisms \ number or concentration ‘concentration of dissolved oxygen distance downstream | | Which type of organisms are referred to in the graph? A bacteria B fish © floating plants D rooted plants 49 Acertain pollutant causes the loss of colour from a type of green plant. How will this pollutant affect this type of plant over a long period of time? | A Colourless mutants will survive. B Larger leaves will be produced. | © The plants will die. D_ There will be no long-lasting effects. 228 05.0 a1 Noon | Internatlc ral General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERS TY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE | | BIOLOC Y 0610/1 t ‘ PAPER © Multiple Choice ” MAY/JU! © SESSION 2001 45 minutes Additional a terials: Multiple holce answer shoot Solt cle: orasor Solt per. 1 (\ype B or HB is rocommonded) ' TME 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO C \NDIDATES. Eo not open this boo! ‘et untll you are told to do so. Virite your name, Cent. 2 number and candidate number on the answer sheat In the epacos provided unless this has already »een done for you. ‘There are forty quest! sns‘in thls paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four | possible answers, A, B Cand D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your cholce In soft Panell on the separate .nswor sheet. Fead very carefully th . Instructions on tho answer sheet. 1 | \ IFORMATION FDR C. NDIDATES Each correct answer wil. score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer, / ny rough working shot: be done in this booklet. 229 $B (SLESLC) OF 102960 UCLES 2001 [Turn over This quer 2n paper consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank page. 2 Which list includes only activities that are carried out by all living things? A excreting, growing, reproducing, respiring B__ excreting, moving, reproducing, sleeping © growing, moving, respiring, thinking D growing, respiring, swimming, thinking The classification table identifies a particular animal. ald P feathers ay wings curved beak fe clawed feet a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) ‘To which groups, used in classification, do P and Q refer? P Q class genus class species genus class, comp species _genus Which part of a cell contains cellulose? A. cell wall B chloroplast C cytoplasm D_ vacuole 230 +The diagram shows parts of a palisade coll. ew cytoplasm vacuole Ld ' What are found In the labelled regions? In the cytoplasm | In the vacuole A chloroplasts nucleus B | chloroplasts and nucleus sap . ce nucleus chloroplasts } | D sap chloroplasts and nuclous | | 5 The table shbws functions that are carried out by some cells, Which cell is most accurately described? call ‘absorption | conduction | transport | contraction | A| muscle cell x v x v B | red blood cell v x v x ¢ | root hair call v x x v D | xylem vessel x v x v ° 231 1] ase [Turn over ‘The diagram shows a section through a leaf. Pp s Which structure is an organ and which structure Is a tissue? organ | tissue Al P| Ss | si aja c R P i | joj] s Q By which process does oxygen move into the cytoplasm of a,root hair cell? A. diffusion B osmosis C photosynthesis D transpiration 232 3 Apotato is cut into four pieces. The four pieces are weighed and then each one Is placed in a different sugar solution, After four hours, the pieces are taken out of the solutions, dried, and re-weighed. ‘The masses of the pieces at the start and after four hours are shown In the table below, Which solution Is the most dilute? ‘mass aftor four hours (9) solution | mass at start (9) A 24 22 B 25 34 c * 28 23 \ | D 32 35 | rato of activity rate of activity ° A 37 temperature (°C) c 0 a7 temperature (°C) coronas rato of activity rate of activity | 9 Which graph shows the change in the rate of activity of an enzyme with temperature? B 37 temperature (°C) D 0 37 tomporaturo (°C) 233 [urn over 10 The diagram shows part of a starch molecule, —O-O-O0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-— Which diagrkm shows the effect of the enzyme amylase on this molecule? © SEIS ch &A A oo oO oOo P 00 00 00 11 The diagram shows a palisade call rom a leat, In which structure are there large amounts of a substance containing magnesium? coves 234 7 12 When a plant shoot is placed In a solution of dye, the dye moves up the stem. Under which conditions will the dye move fastest? voD > temperature | humidity high’ high high low tow high low low | | {3 Abbox lies on some grass for a week. yellow. A B c D This is caused by a lack of carbon dioxide, light. oxygen. water. When the box is lifted, the grass underneath has turned 14 The diagram shows the human alimentary canal. ‘The main function of which part is to absorb wator? 235 oxrorausos (Turn over | 8 15. The diagram shows blood vessel P which carrles digested food from the small intestine to the liver. | : g | liver blood vessel small intestine \ What describes the level of glucose in blood vessel P and the level of glycogen in the liver, shortly after a meal containing carbohydrates? ‘glucose in blood vessel P | glycogen In liver A high docroasing B high Increasing c low decreasing { D low Increasing | [= ‘What describes the direction of blood flow and the oxygen content of the blood In the pulmonary artery? 1 direction of blood flow | oxygan content of the blood | ‘A | away from the heart low | B | away from the heart high | towards the heart low D } towards the heart high 47 Which substance in cigarette smoke may cause lung cancer? 1A carbon dioxide B carbon monoxide © nicotine D tar ' 236 conrad 9 18 The table shows differences in the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide In alr brwathed inandin 1 air breathed out. gas Percentage volume | percentage volume \ in air breathed in| in air breathed out | ‘oxygen 21.00 16.00 carbon dioxide. 0.04 4.00 | Whats the reason for these differences? A Carbon dioxide is used up by body cells during aerobic respiration. B Carbon dioxide is used up by body cells during anaerobic respiration, © Oxygen is used up by body cells during aerobic respiration. D Oxygen is used up by body cells during anaerobic respiration. ‘The diagram shows the plan of part of the human circulatory system. In which blood vessel are the breakdown products of alcohol first found? | lungs heart D | A | liver | | ¢ gut B kidney 237 ss [Turn over 10 20 What will be the effect of strenuous exercise on the amount of water lost through the skin and the kidneys? amount of water lost | amount of water lost through the skin _| through the kidneys A decreases decreases B decreases increases re increases decreases : i) increases increases 21 Aboy accidentally touches a very hot object and immediately takes his hand away. In this reflex action, what Is the effector? Aa heat receptor in his hand B a motor neurone © amuscle in his arm D_ the spinal cord 22 The tip is removed from a growing plant shoot 2.8.m tall and on one side only is replaced by a block of agar containing auxin. Which diagram shows the rosult after four days? A B c D O block of agar containing auxin - 238 " 23 The diagram shows the human female reproductive system. Where are sperms released during sexual Intercourse? 24 The graph shows changes in the thickness of the fining of the uterus wall, during a menstrual cycle. 4 thickness of uterus lining days in June On which date in this cycle does menstruation begin? A B c D June 1% June 7” June 14” June 21% contains T T 1st 7th 14th 2st 28th . 239 [Turn over 12 25 The diagram shows a pollen grain germinating after pollination. pollen | grain pollen tube Which structure surrounds the pollen tube? A anther B filament stigma D_ style ©6 Which part of a seed grows Into the root system of a plant? A. cotyledon B_ micropyle C plumule Dradicle ~ 240 i ‘ 13 27 Four samples of cress seeds were allowed to germinate in different conditions af temperature and light, as shown In the table. | sample | temperature (°C) | light 1 5 absent | 2 5 present y 3 20 absent 4 20 present Atypical soodiing from each sample was removed after soven days. Which seedling was from sample 2? A B D c yellow: groon | “y mf 28 Which name Is given to the observable features of an organism? \ | A. allolob B genes | © genotype D phenotype 241 [Turn over lat 14 The diagram shows a family tree. Squares represent males and circles represent females. Normal individuals are indicated by white symbols. Individuals who show a genetically-controlled defect are indicated by black symbols. grandparents a—+—-9 o—o ae ho 5 Oe children. a ° a O° b Which statement is true of the grandparonts? A Each carries two recessive alleles for this defect. B Each carries only one recessive allele for this defect, C Only the grandmothers are hotdrozygous. D Only the grandfathers are heterozygous. In a plant species, the allele for red flowers (R) is dominant to the allele for white flowers (F). Homozygous red-flowered plants (RR) are crossed with homozygous white-flowered plants (rr). What is the colour of the flowers produced by the offspring? A. allred B_ allwhite © equal numbers of red and white D three red to one white Which of the following, found In an area of grassland, forms an ecosystem? A. atamily of lions a herd of butfalo all the animals and all the plants all the animals, all the plants and the complete environment in which they live voo 242 onto 15 , 32 The diagram represents a food web in a forest. birds of prey small birds woodpeckers _ spiders squirrels caterpillars beetles’ aphids ae t trees Which of the following Is a food chain from this web? | A B c D trees —> aphids —> spiders —> small birds trees —> beetles — spiders —> squirrels trees — caterpillars —> woodpeckers trees —> squirrels —> birds of prey | 33 The siegrap shows energy flowing through a system. energy energy energy sugar cano——» sucrove + aleohol_—= combustion Which process releases energy from the sucrose? A B c D aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration ‘evaporation photosynthesis 243 34 The diagram shows the carbon cycle. | x ! t photosynthesis//. ation decay respiration PLANTS death __,{DECOMPOSERS| | nutrition What is substance X? A. carbon dioxide oxygen starch vog water Which arrows represent transpiration? ‘death ANIMALS The diagram shows part of the water cycle, onto 244 Ww 36. Tho oxygen concentration in this aquarium was measured over a period of time. It increased during daylight and decreased at night. Which processes caused these results? ‘oxygen Increase (day) | oxygen decrease (night) A animal nutrition decay B decay animal nutrition c movement photosynthesis | D photosynthesis resplration 37 What will lead to an increase in the human population? A docreased food production B__ improved treatment of disease © increased air pollution D Increased use of contraception 245 esroranos [Turn ov 38 39 18 The diagram shows part of the nitrogen cycle, here does human sewage enter the cycle? lightning nitrogen gas and rain in atmosphere A | B ce nitrogen-containing compounds in soil |—»| and water nitrogen-containing ‘compounds in plants nitrogen-containing compounds in animals _ The table records the levels of radioactive substances for a lake into which waste radioactive substances wore discharged. ‘sample taken from | concentration of radioactive | substances (arbitrary unite) water 1 mud 20 water plants 300 small fish 1000 large fish 3000 The table shows that the concentration of radioactivity A decreased along a food chain. increased along a food chain, was higher in producers than in consumers. vow was the same in producers and consumers. onroiagsor 246 19 ) The bar chart shows the percentage of mammal species and bird specios that are threatened with extinction in four habitats. 50 key 1 mammal species 1 bird species 40: percentage 30 of threatened species in habitat = 20 10 In which habitat is a lower percentage of mammal species than bird species threatened with extinction? A coasts and estuaries B_ deserts _ mountains D_ tropical forests 247 contonausor International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SESSION 2001 45 minutes ‘Additional materials: ‘Multiple Choice answer sheet Soft clean eraser , Solt pencil (\ype B or HB is recommended) ‘IME 45 minutes NSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 30 not open this booklet until you are told to do so. ‘ite your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four sossible answers, A, B, C and D, Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft -aneil on the separate answer sheet. zead very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. | “FORMATION FOR CANDIDATES | ach correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. ay rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consisis of 16 printed pages. 248 3 (ews) sozaza “LES 2001 [Turn over 1 Which kind of skin do amphibians have? ' A drywithout scales B dry with scales | | © moist without scales D moist with scales Respiration is the release of energy from food. ‘Where does respiration occur in the animal and in the plant shown? A Wonly B_ Wand X only © W,Xand ¥ only D W.XYandz 249 3 | 3 The diagram shows the structure of a cell X from a living organism. cell X The key identifies 4 cell types. Use the key to identify cell X. 1 plant cell with a cell wall animal cell with no cell wall. 2 cell contains chloroplasts .. | cell lacks chloroplasts 3° cell with a nucleus .. cell without a nucleus 4 The diagram shows a plant cell. A biologist wishes to find out whether this cell is haploid or diploid. Which labelled part should be examined more closely? vom > 250 cetononer [Turn over Tho diagram shows three plant colls. (not drawn to scale) Which features do the three cells have in common? A chloroplasts and cell wall B cell wall and nucleus © nucleus and large vacuole D__ large vacuole and chloroplasts How is a red blood cell modified for oxygen transport? A thas a cell wall. Ithas a large vacuole. thas a nucleus. vow Ithas haemoglobin, 251 5 7’ The diagram sts a structure found in the human body. This is an example of A anorgan. 3 an organism. o an organ system. D atissue. 8 red blood cell is placed in a concentrated salt golution. ‘hy does its appearance change? Salt enters the cell. y 3. Salt leaves the cell. 2 Water enters the cell, 2 Water leaves the cell. 9 The diagram shows the movement of dissolved gases between the blood and body cells. blood flowing through -- a capillary arrows show movement of dissolved gases body cells 3y which process do the dissolved gases move? 4 absorption 3 diffusion | © osmosis 2 respiration 252 cen: [Turn over | 10 Protease was taken from the stomach of a mammal and used in an experiment. In which test-tube would the block of protein be digested? i | A B c D 7 boiled unboiled unboiled| | unboiled | protease protease protease protease and and and and acid acid water alkali block of protein block of protein 41 Six test-tubes were set up at different temperatures. Each contained identical starch-amylase mixtures. The table shows the time taken for the reactions to finish in each test-tube. ' temperature (°C) | 15 | 25 | 35 | 45 | 55 | 65 time (seconds) | 35 | 22] 13 | 5 | 35 | 66 At which temperature does the amylase work best? | A 15°C B 35°C Cc 45°C D 65°C 2 What will happen toa green plant grown in sil that des not contin much nitrogen? A. twill have large leaves and good root growth. B [twill have purple leaves and poor root growth. C Itwill have small leaves and a thin stent. D__Itwill have white leaves and a thick stem. 13. Why do flowering plants need light? A. to absorb water to help produce food to make enzymes work vou to reduce water loss 253 | | 7 14 Tie diagrams show cross-sections though a stem and a root of a flowering plant. stem root P Q u aD R v w @ s Which pair of letters indicates similar tissues? ' A PandT B QandU Cc Randv D SandW 15 Waatis the function of blood platelets? A. They destroy bacteria. B_ They destroy damaged body cells. ; © They help in blood clotting. | D_ They transport oxygen. \ | 16 | Tr 2 diagram shows a section through the coronary artery of a person who died of a heart attack, artery wall blood channel ‘Th: appearance of the artery is most likely to be due to a diet high in A. carbohydrates. B fats. Cc fibre. D protein, 254 cerononen [Turn over 18 19 20 a Which of the following should be added to the diet of a person who has too few red blood cells? v:og Yeast is placed inside a container of glucose solution. Which word equation summarises the process that takes place inside the container? ooo calcium iron magnesium vitamin C glucose — ethanol + carbon glucose — lactic acid glucose + oxygen — carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen + ethanol Compared with the 2ir breathed in, how are the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen different in the air that is breathed out? carbon dioxide | oxygen A | decreased decreased B | decreased increased c | increased decreased D | increased increased What is a function of the kidneys? voo brealaiown of hormones formation of urea remoral of excess water secrefon of bile How does sweating cool the body? o ‘Sweating causes vasodilation. ‘Sweafing decreases the water content of the blood, Urea and salt are lost from the body in sweat. Waterin sweat evaporates from the skin, ceso10N01 255 22 Which diagram shows a motor neurone? 23 The diagrams show the same eye at two different times. time 1 time 2 | | What happens between time 1 and time 2? ‘A. Abright light is shone into the eye. B_ The eye closes and then opens. C The eye focuses on a more distant object. D_ The person walks into a dark room. 256 61anv0M01 [Turn over 10 j 24 The diagrams show a male at different ages, aged 8 years aged 20 years Which hormone causes the changes between age 8 and age 20? insulin o oestrogen | © progesterone D testosterone ! 25 ‘The diagram showd four different fruits. fl Q R s T \ The seeds of which fruits are dispersed by the wind? | A Ronly B Tony © QandT D Rands 257 " 2¢ The diagram shows the average birth welghts of bables bom to smoking and non-smoking mothers. [Z baties of mothers who smoked average ‘ ; birth weight babies of mothers who did not smoke aby gis baby boys On average, which group of babies is heaviest? A. boys of mothers who did not smoke B__ boys of mothers who smoked C girls of mothers who did not smoke 1 1 | D- gids of thothers who smoked 27. Which process results in an increase in dry mass of a plant? i A. germination B__ photosynthesis © respiration D translocation 28 The table shows the conditions in which four samples of seeds were kept. | Which sample germinated? sample | temperature water oxygen A 0c present absent : B 10°C. absent absent c 20°C present present D 40°C absent present 258 sous [Turn over "29 “Which shows the sex chromosomes in the body cells and In the sex cells ina man? | | 30 Ir fruit flies, the allele for grey body (G) is dominant over the allele for black body (9). body cells | sex cells A XxX x B xXx xx c xy XorY D xy xy 12 ‘The result of a mating between two flies is shown, parents: _grey-bodied tly x black-bodied fly offspring: A Ggxgg B GgxGg ‘Waat were the genotypes of the parents? © Gaxgg 33 grey-bouied flies + 38 black-bodied fies D GGxGg al Avihite streak in dark hair is caused by the presence of a dominant allele. The diagram shows how this white streak was inherited in a family. O O oo (Whe! is the chance that G will inherit the white streak? A % B 25% Cc 75% D 100% key B Oo person with white streak person without white streak 32 Whiciis a food chain made up of a producer, a herbivore and a camivore? A B bee ~ bee-eater ben + rat > owl — hawk maize + mouse ~ cagle €un — grass — sheep oxouonees 259 13 33. The diagram shows organisms in an ecosystem, Which arrow represents energy input from the Sun? A decomposers producers 34 A generalised food chain may be shown as follows. producer > primary consumer -» secondary consumer — tertiary consumer Which labelled organisms in the food web below are both secondary and tertiary consumers? foxes carnivorous ! insects spiders ia voles a ee { a vegetation 260 cxroaroees [Turn over A. absorption condensation 86 Trs diagram shows the move: cnt of two gases during the cay and during the night. 1 during the d curing the night | | ; oe Nae “ GC) dioxide? a7 are no lim'''ag factors. is likely to be consumed by predato. % develop cisease. © increase ir size. D run gut of food, 261 Tha raza shews the average ickness of eggshells of birds of prey betveen 1900 and 1970, cide DDT was first used. \ thickness of eggshell (001910 1929 1920 1940}1950 1960 1970 time (years) ‘DDT affactec! the eggshe! DDT had no zifect on the + ickness of eggshells. r & DDT made eggshelts thinr , DB Eggshells were becoming “rinner before DDT was first used. shows the numbers °f fish in a dor dow: ic water into the river fr. i9¢0, amr of @ factory that started to release 3 8 1s0| 65 | 0 | c¢ | 560{ 30 | 26 ‘got cia the het water k's on the fish? the nur asoh bor! species | 8 adscrease in the total nun der of fish c a 7022 in the numer! species an increase in the © er of fish 262 onenct [Turn over 1 diagram si;ows three us wind - clout oo farmland rte ‘Which pollutant is likely to be & herbicide 5B ir rganic waste © pestici’e ound in the rain at X? exrenent 263 artificate of Second=ry Edi:zation TONAL, NS 0610/1 ! MAY/JUNE SESSION 2002 45 minutes Additonal materials: ‘Multise Choice ansvrer s' cet Soft eloan erasor Soft pencil (ype 8 or HE ‘= recommended) 15 rainutes | re tok to do so. candicate number on the e: swer sheet in the spaces provided en dons fe you. per. Answer all questions. “or each question, there are four ose the on you consider cevect and record your choice in soft newer sheet, rk. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer, nis booklet. 264 paper consists of 76 prinid pages. i j Unwversrrvof Camaros Local Exarsinations Syadicate [Turn over 2 “ities are carried out 2y all living th: cereting, growing, reprod: sing, respiring ing, moving, reprodt ‘ng, sleeping { growing, moving, respiring shinking D growing, respiring, swimmig, thinking 2 An crganism has a segmented “ody, pairs of jointed legs anc a hard exoskeleton (outer covering). To which group does it belong? A annelids | arthropods fogs prosent ... jegs absent 2 fvep airs of legs four pelts OF 12S sainsnnees | 3 woody sei ections cetonnusoe 265 i 3 & Which parts are both in . ant end in animal cells? cell memtrgne, chloroplas . vacuole a> cell m: rane, cytoplesm™ nucleus ° ‘The diagram 266 i 4 { coro [Turn over 4 Bioad ost sperm cell root hair cell muscle cell | Which calls provide a large sur’ ce ares for absorption? { A tend2 B lands © 2and4 D 3and4 efore and e’ter being placed in a sugar solution for ten minutes. ow hen es the concentrat'’ : of the suger solution compe ed with that of the cell sap, and the tyge heart attack? ‘. blocked coronary arte: 8 cietlacking in vitamins C a: 4D. © infection by microorganisms D regular exercise ' 48 ‘The ctaph shows a person's hee ‘t rate before, during and after a period of exercise, | At which point did the period of cercise stop? ‘ AB c D y heart rate \ | | t (a time 270 erate [Turn over yeast used in breadr cing? A to produce alcoho! B wo produce carbon dioxi¢ S tours up oxygen D_ touse up sugar 20 Ths graph shows the rate anr “epth of breathing in a person before exercise. 25-| | volume of air in 2.07 Jungs dur: +g breathing dm? 4.5 10+ 0 4 8 time/s. Wich grep’ shows the rate ¢ -d depth of breathing of the seme person immediately after a period B 257, 254 : | / volume of zirin > 91 | png ues DAMA 154 breathing/ im? « } \ \ 164 10-7 oO 3 oO 4 8 uns time/s D | al 2.5- volume of airin 2.04 { | [\ volume of arin 2.0-1 SA. fungs dering \ \ lungs during ~* breath \ | breathing/en® 1.54 “ . —— 8 10-5 0 4 8 tin o/s time/s 271 \ 21 Wich of these deseribes exer. fon? A ‘id of undigested : od 5 9 energy from foo: © removing waste products «’ metabolis~s a ‘transporting carbon dioxid: in the blood ‘pens to hormones ar, to urea in the liver? urea broken dow: broken dow formed formed Di 5 After a meal, the concentration »f blood clucose increases. Which organ removes this bloor qlucose anc converts i* into ¢ storage compound? A Yidney ze seedling: ropism? Otight a, = gravity gravity 272 esac [Turn over 25 The ciagram shows the malz rey oductive system. semen rele2se x Y FA a 273 14 betw: en these two flowers? m |p len transferred to ee 4 3 4 ulegram shows changes in te thickness of the uterus lining of a woman, { wa HY time/weeks, menstruation slation 274 stan {Turn over 12 22 ; By doafinition, what increases du ‘ng growth? 4 A ‘BB scymass © height D sumber of parts 29° The diagram shows the early g: owth of a gresn plant. What is ozcurring? laemceearl | mitosis development al v v key i e f ¥ = occurs le ein | a X = does not ocour 1 oyet poy x | tx | onronauuoe 43 2) Wn thelife cycle of an amal, v. vat describes the eggs or spe:ms and the cells of the embryo? diplo'd | helold 31 Whe" is always ‘ound in female ~ametes ancl may be found in male gametes? one X chromesorie Sone Y chromosome © two X chromosomes D cre X chromosome and ons Y chromosome nies of plant, the allele fred ‘lowers is dominant to the allele for white flowers. . orogs between @ heterozygous red-tlowered plant and a white- id and home: cous red sierorygous red and home: ygous white “gous red only nozycous white or'y sents 2 pyre! of biomes within an ecosystem. 1 carnivores 1 i herbivores prericers, eee Which shows the cirect'on of ener. y flow througa the pyramid? > c D boaso¢ i a aLED) 276 vstotnuce [Turn over 4 34 The diagram shows a food chair produces —+ herbivores -—» carnivores —+ top carnivores trophic level: 1 2 3 4 | Ifthe carnivores in trophis fevel 3 suddenly die out as a result of disease, in which trophic levels : will the number of organisms be ‘ikely to decrease? A Vand2 B iand4 Cc 2only D 2and4 3¢ Whic' process fs net pert of the -arbon cycle? © respiration — tanspiration 277 | oaicimuce 1 15 87 The graph shows the birth rate ina country. 50 40 \ per srousand 30 \ of population 25 10- o- ee ga aera Tiguan Torn neem nearer 1.35 1905 1925 1945 1965 1985 year During which year is the popule ‘on likely to be increasing at i's lowest rate? A 1885 B 1925 © 1935 "Dp 1985 20° Why is it that pesticides sprayec’ in low concentrations may increase the yield of a crop, but may also be harmful to wildlife? A Pesticides cause acid rain. Pesticides enter the food cl: © Sasticides increase the nitrc‘es in soil, D Pesticides kill other plants. 278 Turn over 16 39 The table shows the amount of sarben dioxide in the atmosphere in three different years, year 1930 | 1980 | 1990 carvon dioxide / | par sper milion | £00 | 980 | 970 | ‘hat is the most likely cause o° ‘his change? 2, destruciicn of rainforests narenced use of fertilisers -ontaining nitrogen S pollution of air by sulphur ¢ oxide D tise in the sea level 42 The diagram shows part of the ‘ater cycle, Atwhish stage does the use of “rate fertilisers in agriculture cause the greatest pollution? /—> ater vapour \ Al sca | iand }® of plants lesa 279 stonnaace International Gener: Certificai: of Secondary Education CANBRIDGE INTEP JATIONAL EXAMINATIONS BIOLOGY 0610/1 PAPER 1 Multipie Choice OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SESSION 2002 45 minutes Additional materials: Muliplo Choice answe- sheet Soft clean erasor ‘Sott poncit (type 8 or #3 is recommended) TIME 45 minutes hstaUcTiONs Td CANDIDATE > Do not open this booklet until y: 4 are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number nd candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been donc ‘or you. There are forty questions in thie paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. ‘Shoose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sh: et. Read very carefully the instruct’ 97s on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATE'S Each correct answer will score ons mark, A ma: Any rough working should be don: in this boo! vail not be deducted for a wrong answer This question pap + consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank page. 280 cowiys) sarscers QB Unwensrry of Cammairce [Turn over’ 2 Local Examinations Syndicate What are chavpoterstis of ¢ ‘organisms? ®—egestion and esretion A and nutrition egesti © excretion and nutrition © nutrition and photosynth 2sis Tae table shows some chara Which vertebrate is a mamm I? istic features of four vertebrates. { feature vertebrate 1 scales | lay: eggs| feathers | wings | _ hair A Vv ” x x x B x ’ x x x c x “ v v | x key w feature present X feature absent Wich information is needed ‘hen classifying a frog using the binomial system? A class: mphidian genus : Rana 1 kingdom : enimel phyk ao vertebrate ostononne 281 3a Use this diagram of the plant c’ i to answer questions 4 and 5. Which two parts are also found in liver celis? A WandXx B Wandz G Yandx B Yandz In waich part of the cell do cart 20 dioxide and water combine to form glucose? Aw BX DZ 282 carasenvee [Turn over 6 4 The diagram shows the fema’s reproductive system. | uterus organ tissue tissue organ osrenonioe ‘ovum, uterus 283 What are structures X and Y? A organs in an organ system 'B organs ina tissue © organ systems in an organ D_ tissues in an organ 284 [Turn over 6 8 Which shows the changes in appearance of a plant cell cs it remains in a concentrated sugar solution for thirty minutes? By which prozess does oxygen ove into the cytoplasm of a ‘oot hair cell? A. diffusion |B transpiration) h statoment about enzyme is correct? A Enzymes are carbohydrate: B Enzymes are catalysts. © Zhzymes are not affected b pH 5 Enzymes are not effected b’’ temperature, 285 7 11 The graph shows the results of : 1 investigation into enzyme activity. rate of an enzyme-controll: 1 reaction How should the horizontal axis ¢. the graph be labelled? A pH |B temperature © time D volume 42 What are the features of a xyler. vessel? je wall | end wall | —— | thick absent thick | present ) thin | absent resent in ee 7% Which two substances are the ¢ aducts of photosynthesis? A carbon dioxide and sugar carbon dioxide and water ‘oxygen and carbon dioxide vou oxygen and sugar cxravonvce 286 [Turn over 14 The diagram shows a sect. -n through a ‘af. Between which two poinis ¢ » direction of blood flow? A Blood enters P directly fr Blood enters § direc ty fr Blood passes directly fro von Blood passes direct! fro m the lungs. m the lungs. rQtoP. 1 Q to the lungs. csranonuee 288 [Turn over 10 22. The double circulation of ‘he | 20d means that, for every complete circuit of the body, A atria and ventricles contr. ct alternately. B__ blood flows through *4e 2 ‘eries and veins. © blood flows through atria nd ventricles, D__ blood flows twice thraugh ‘he heart. 19 Which air sample has jus: bec + breathed out? air | percentage of | percentage of | percentago sample ‘oxygen carbon dioxide humidity | 21 | 0.04 20 i | B 16 | 4.04 100 | Cc 4 | 0.40 80 : | D : 20 | 4.00 60 29. nan experiment to invest gate ‘he anaerobic respiration of yeast, two bottles are set up in a warm roorn. P a - balloon balloon gar, yeast ‘yeast and water aod water What describes the appeacanc of the balloons after one day? ' | balloon P | balloonc | inflated | inflated | inflated | no chang no change | inflated no change | no cian | 289 W 21. The diagram shows a clan «f part of the human circulatory system. In which vessel are the bre: huma’ © potatoes — humars D_ - water plants — small fic 1 — large fish > humans 35 The diagram represents the ~arbon cycle. _—® | carbon dioxide in air i decomposing material fossil fuels in soil —— | green plants | — Wihich process is represente 4 by arrow X? A combustion B decay © photosynthesis D respiration 296 eiovonee [Turn over Il 18 36 The diagram shows part of th: water cycle, water vapou int 2 alr —~ Pp compounds in liy'ng plants /. cor pounds in living animals | which process is responsible» returning water vapour tot!» air at P? A combustion | 8 condensation © photosynthesis D respiration 87 Which graph shows the growtt fa population where there 2:2 no limiting factors? A B c D & ff & & 5 | 5 - 5 sg 3g sg | EL é time time tims time 297 corovonea 19 38. A farmer put some fertiliser or his field. Soon afterwards, tr 2re was a heavy storm and some of the fertiliser drained into ¢ lake land with fertiliser ~~ lake plants What is the effect of the fertilis ron the growth of the crop p. ants in the field and the plants in the lake? crop plants | {ake slants | a | decrease decease hs c | increase | dec-ease D | increase ine ease 39 The concentration of a pestici 2 in the tissues of the organ’ sms in the following food chain was measured. plants ——— smat fish > large fish ——> iid of prey Which organism on the ber ch: tis the larg: ‘ish? | | 08- 0.4- pesticide 9. Z concentra on Ao intiscues 024 [A YY 4 Z 7 AYA AB ot AY A B c D organism 40 Which aotivity will be leas like: to lead to the extinction of s A conservation B deforestation © use of herbicides D 298 use of pesticides coroner

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