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Marlayna Verenna

Personal Narrative
Honors English pd. 8
I remember it as though it was yesterday, standing in the main aisle of High
Acres barn. The smell of horses filled the air and I loved it. When I was little, the barn
was like a second home to me. I lead Arby out of his stall and began to saddle him up.
Once I finished, I unhooked his reins from the wall and with a simple, Come on Arby,
he allowed me to lead him to the outdoor track.
This was the first day that I would accelerate from the speed of a canter to a
gallop. I latched on my helmet and mounted my horse. I was nervous at first, but I was
quickly comforted by Arby who always remained calm. We slowly worked our way up
from a walk to a trot, then a trot to a canter. Finally, Arby began to gallop and it was a
breathtaking experience. My hair was blowing and the brisk wind pierced my face. In
that moment I felt so connected to my horse. We were moving so fast, I felt like I was
flying around the track. After a while it was time to leave, so I dismounted and led Arby
back to the barn. As I was unsaddling Arby, my dad came in and asked me how my ride
was and I responded, It was awesome! I led Arby back into his stall, locked the gate,
and left the barn. Unfortunately, I no longer ride horses and I miss the experiences it
gave me, but Ill never forget the memories it gave me as a kid.

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