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Education Foundation Biology GE Engage Unit 4, Outcome 2: Effects of human intervention transformation and tran: Bact enic organisms: ‘Transformation ‘Transformation involves inserting a piece of DNA into a bacterium so it can be replicated, extracted and later Purified for use. These genes can be used to make proteins for treatments of diseases such as type 1 diabetes through the production of insulin. This results in increasing numbers of individuals with diabetes surviving, affecting the frequency of the alleles responsible for the disease in the gene pool ‘Transgenic organisms (or genetically modified organisms) = Organisms that carry and express a gene that has been inserted from another species often to gain a desirable trait (such as disease resistance). - _Asa.consequence allele frequencies in the gene pool are affected, leading to decreased biodiversity ‘Transgenic organisms also increase the selective pressures on non transgenic organisms leading to their eciine in the population. Cloning Cloning involves the production of a new organism that has derived from a cell, a single nucleus or by asexual means and consequently is genetically identical tothe parent organism. ‘There are two types of cloning; reproductive which is intended to produce a new organism and therapeutic used to produce stem cells to be used in treatment. Reproductive cloning of animals is achieved through the replacement of an egg cell with the nucleus of a somatic cell of another individual, whichis later stimulated to divide to produce a new individual as was achieved with the creation of Dolly (cloned sheep). Consequences include loss of biodiversity possibly resulting in vulnerabilty of species if unfavourable environmental conditions of arise. Furthermore, ethical issues arise through the use of therapeutic cloning, Genetic technology interventions Genetic screening = Technique that through blood and tissue samples can assess whether or not an individual is a carrier of a particular genetic disease or evaluate the likelinood of an embryo being bom with a genetic disorder or developing one later in lite. ~ Consequences include affecting the gene pool, termination of pregnancies or deliberate choices not to conceive due to genetic disease predispositions. Gene therapy - Technique involving the insertion of genes into inlviduals with a genetic disorder to induce the production Cf a protein that the individual fails to produce normally, due to a genetic disease. - Aconsequence is the alteration of the gene pool due to the increased number of individuals with genetic c pluripotent {cells from blastocyst}>multipotent (adult somatic cells) - Potential uses include the replacement of tissues due to injury and diseases such as arthritis, type 1 Diabetes and Parkinson's disease. - Ethical consequences arise from use of embryonic stem cells due to whole lines of embryos being destroyed in the process of obtaining stem cals, which many people consider to be murder, as the embryo does not proceed ‘on with if. Exceptional Teachers, Notes and Results. Engages VCE Lectures, ust $68 - Page 2

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