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A Cursed Gift

Murky. Fuzzy. Foggy. I was on my knees, with nowhere to go and nothing to see.
Except my destiny. Or fate, as some would say.
Meanwhile, in the supernatural world
I must now find someone. The only step left. All my planning. It will finally end. I
will be free at last. He walked over to his computer, with an alarming red button placed
right next to it. He slowly lifted the glass cover, that made a Plink! sound as the cover
reached the table. Despite the DO NOT TOUCH sign, He put his hand on the button,
and pressed it with a mighty force. The computer screen went off rapidly, as if it were
glitching. Moments later, the screen suddenly stopped on an image. The image. He
bended over to get a closer look, with an evil grin plastered on his face.
Tori. Tori Skye, he read, perfect. He exited the room, as the image slowly
fades away.
In the real world
That morning, I walk into school with my head held down low, for I dont want
anyone to notice me. After all, I am that loser chick everyone refers to me as. I see my
best friends Claudia and Brooke at their lockers, and smile at the sight of them. Theyre
the only people that bring a smile to my face at school.
Happy 18th! they greet me. I thank the both of them, and tell them to not make
a big deal about it. I told them about my parents, who had already embarrassed me
enough, taking pictures while I was asleep.
BBBRRIINNGG! the bell rings, as loud as Brookes shrieks. And her shrieks are
indeed very, very loud. We run to class, just because were the goody-two-shoes, who
follow school rules, like arriving to class on time. We sit down in our sits just as the
loudspeaker turns on for announcements. Of course, the school president, or spoiled
brat Mackenzie Pente comes on. She blabbers on about
several clubs and activities. After what seems like decades,
shes finally done. But not before one final announcement.
Oh yeah, so um one last thing! Yeah, Im having a
party at my place and its gonna be lit! Everyones invited, but
lol not really. Only come if youre popular, and dont waste my
time if youre not. Ill text you all the deets! The sound of her
annoying, high-pitched voice soon faded as we heard the
principal snatch the microphone away from her hands.
Back in the supernatural world

I must prepare, it is soon. I need it gone and I need to get rid of it now, He says.
He walks over to the dusty leather box in the corner of the room, and slowly opens it.
There lay a sword, so shiny it could blind. He opens the bottle in his hand, and slathers
a liquid chemical onto the sword, one that was the color of snot and looked utterly
As soon as school ends, we hear Mackenzie go on and on about her party of the
century. I roll my eyes as we walk by her, and into Brookes car to her house. We head
upstairs and quickly finish our homework, to talk about my birthday plans after.
Hey, what do you guys think about heading to Mackenzies party? Brooke asks
with no shame.
Are you delusional? Do you have a fever? I ask in response.
No, I just think it could boost our reputations a bit. You know how disliked we
are. She seems really cool, maybe we could be friends. Brooke replies.
Yeah, boost our reputations? More like completely make a fool of ourselves. No
way. I say.
Claudia? Brooke asks as she turns her head to Claudia to get an opinion.
Well, there are two sides, I dunno. Claudia says.
Youre eighteen Tori. You are old enough to make your own decisions, and you
should let Mackenzies thoughts about you change how you live your life. Brooke tells
me. We argue back and forth, and I had to give in, for the sake of my voice. We pile into
Brookes car, and off we go.
In the supernatural world
He was in the car and ready to go, with the leather box placed on top of his legs.
He signaled for the chauffeur to go.
In the real world
I was having the time of my life! Who
knew Brooke wouldve been right about a
party? We managed to avoid Mackenzie the
whole time. That is, until she caught me on
the front lawn. She drags us all to the door,
and kicks us out. We were all drunk, and
soon, knocked out. I awoke soon after, but
Claudia and Brooke were nowhere me. I
crawl away, in search of shelter, for my head was

A masked figure suddenly appeared. He was blurry, as my vision wasnt focused,

and I could make out his face. Drool from my mouth fell to the dry ground, as he got
closer and closer. I saw the sword in his hands, and had no reaction, for I was drunk
after all. He looked up at the sky, and murmured a chant, I believe. He looked me right
in the eyes.
Happy Birthday, sweetie. His voice was haunting, and smelled of deep fried
onions. The raspy voice floated in my mind, right as he stabbed me. In the heart. And
left. As he walked away, I heard him say something about adamantium? Or
carbonadium? My hand flew to my chest, as the pain got deeper and deeper. Thoughts
in my mind circled around, as I was confused. I had no control of myself whatsoever,
and rolled over to my side, falling into a deep sleep.
I woke up, and found myself at home and in bed. Claudia was napping besides
me, and I had no clue where Brooke was. Claudia woke, to the movement of me on the
bed. I was alarmed, because I vaguely remembered that I had been stabbed in the
heart. I grabbed the collars of my shirt and looked down. And nothing was there. Not a
wound, not a scar, nothing. Claudia was in a state of confusion, but not more than I was.
She asked me what was wrong, and I told her straight up that I had been stabbed in the
heart. We both laughed after all, as we thought hallucination took over us. Nothing more
was thought of it.
Claudia left to go home, so I took my lazy self to make breakfast. As I walked to
the kitchen, I fell on the slippery floor, and hit my leg against the corner of the table. I
grimaced in pain, and saw the bloody scar that formed. Sighing, I got myself to the
cabinet for a band aid. As I was about to apply it, but the wound magically disappeared!
I could not believe my eyes. But everything soon came back to me. I healed from the
stab. I quickly went to find a piece of paper, and gave myself a papercut. I watched the
cut form, but a few seconds later, it magically disappeared. I had read many articles
about the human body healing itself, but never to this extent. Or something about some
self healing plant? Superheroes like Deadpool and Wolverine who heal themselves?
No, that couldnt be true. After all, Marvel was fake right? And so were superheroes.
Still confused, I went to my brothers room, watching him play airplane. He
jumped off his bed to the floor, as I waited because I just knew there was going to be an
accident. He fell, and like I predicted, scraped his knee, forming a bloody scar. I
examined the wound, then put my hand over it, hoping it wouldnt catch bacteria. A few
seconds later, it healed. My jaw dropped into the widest O. I was in shock, but he didnt
think much of it, and continued to play. From that point on, I knew that I was indeed
stabbed by the sword, and it had done something to me. I had healing powers.

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