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Localized Partitioning of Three Lattices

Note that nodes 1, 2 and 3 are all connected to the common node C.
This means that each node doesnt have to know to which node(s) it
is connected. This makes the formulation of each lattice completely
free and localized. If the classical method were used, then to which
each node(s) a node is connected must be specified, thus leading to
global formulation.

When a beam impacts a block, Newtons 3rd law states that
the reaction forces are equal and opposite. However, in computation
this can lead to the coupling of very stiff and very soft interactions,
thus making the accurate computing of the reaction force
computtionally challenging. Localized formulation can regularize
this mismatch as the reaction forces are independently defined.

Contact Impact Problem of Non-Matching Interface Grids

Contact frame concept that
comes from the common node
idea allows the introduction of
independent interfaces for
non-matching interfaces.

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