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12 Obesity Awareness ‘SUN DOY STOR, 23 OCTOBER 2016 Biogrow HPF-5's high protein-fibre powder provides your body with plant protein, digestive fibre, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3. Role of protein in tissue repair PROTEIN is an important nutrient required for the building and repair of body tissues as well as growth and development. It provides amino acids that are necessary for the synthesis of structural protein such as collagen, keratin and elastin in the body. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, active individuals and growing children have higher protein requirements. As these groups require additional calories, increased protein needs can he easily met through a larger daily intake of food. However, overconsumption of energy or calories can easily take place and lead to weight gain if the main dietary protein comes from animal sources such as red meat, eggs and dairy products as these foods are packaged with high amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol but lite fibre. Protein is considered the most satiating macronutzient and, when combined with fibre, could provide a dual-mechanistic action that results in greater satiety than either on its own. A diet high in both protein and fibre can have a positive result in long-term weight management. The right type and amount According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States and World Health Organization, plant protein eaten in the right combination canbe as good as animal protein in terms of digestibility and absorption in the human body. v and peas make good alternatives for those who are lactose intolerant or seeking non-animal sources of protein in their diet. Soy is also a complete protein with a high concentration of branched-chain amino acids, which are required for muscle development and growth. Age-related changes in bone mass, muscle mass and physical strength are Closely inked to the intensity of physical activity, dietary protein intake and level of protein in the body. Calcium and protein intake interact constructively to affect hone health. Therefore, intakes of both protein and calcium must be adequate for optimal bone health. ‘The Furopean Food Safety Authority states dietary proteins are as essential as calcium and vitamin D for bone health and osteoporosis prevention. Catered to all ages Biogrow HPF-5’s high protein-fibre powder is a unique blend of plant protein and digestive fibre, with additional bone minerals such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3. The five major ingredients in the high protein-fihre powder are imported from the United States, France, Japan, Germany and Switzerland to make it a high-quality drink suitable for alll ages. One daily serving contains more than 61% plant protein, nine essential amino acids, and a unique blend of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3 for bone health. It is lactose free, cholesterol free and low in calories and fat. The addition of the soluble fibre dextrin has also been approved by the Health Ministry for use among constipated individuals for the maintenance of good colon health. Practising an active lifestyle and replacing one or two servings of meat protein with plant protein can make a hig difference to your health. This article is brought to you by Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. ™ For more information, call 03-7956 2220 or e-mail info@biogrow.commy. 7 Did you know? Amino acids can be synthesised hy the body or ingested through food. There are 20 types of amino acids but our body can only make 11 of them. The nine essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce, must be obtained from our diet. by

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