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Ancient History Homework

Greeks vs Persians
Due: 10/05/16

1. Assess the effectiveness of Greek and Persian strategy during the

Persian Wars. (15 marks)
The Persians and Greeks had very different perspectives on war, and this
could be mostly pointed towards the fact that the Greek army was
comprised of multiple Greek states that otherwise were quite competitive
with each other in terms of economical and social standing. Because it
was an army of multiple cities their tactics were not as agreed on as that
of the Persians, who were more united. The Persians also had the set tactic
of brute force as well as experience on sea and land battles. Greece had to
deal with the contrasting views of city-state leaders, such as Themistocles
and Eurybiades. The Athenian and Spartan leaders were not always on par
with the others choices; Eurybiades was not as enthusiastic to attack the
Persians as what Themistocles was until the Persians advances proved
that they had no choice if they were to protect their land.
Physical strategy within the war was expressed by both parties, through
ancient tactics.
3. Account for the Greek Victory in the Persian War of 480-479BCE
(10 marks)
4. Account for the Greek defeat in the Persian War of 480479BCE (10

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