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Septembar 2011

1. US supported Britain in Boer war. True/False

2. Indians performed rituals of greetings that Europeans saw as _______. act of
3. The first American art movement and its representatives.
4. Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner. T/F
5. Francis Fukuyamas book was a result of which historical event?cold war
6. According to Huntington, the world is becoming more modernised, biut less ____
7. State two reasons why there were no socialism nor communism in the USA?good
standard of living,incompability with American core vales,great diversity
8. In colonial America, womens virtue was seen as_hard work____. It resided in what?
9. Satus of Native American women. (tako nesto)
10. American revolution changed womens position in society. T/F
11. What is NOW? ( National Oraganization for Women)
12. Third wave feminism challenged the second wave essentialist definitions of
femininity. Why?it doesnt have a goal
13. What is a creole?
14. Name one of the religious explanations that justified slavery. Bible doesnt represent
slavery as wrong there are lots of examples of slave owners
16. In what contradictory ways did Europeans see Indian women?
17. Which important historical event precedes Francis Fukuyamas The End of History?
cold war
18. Did both Americans and Canadians change the system of measurement to metric?no
only canadians
19. What is the origin of the word hippie?
20. Name two major Beat writers and their works.
21. Did Australian silver medalist Peter Norman oppose to the black power salute at the
1968 Olympics?
22. Characteristics of post-classical Hollywood cinema?
23. Hitchcocks most commercially successful movie?
24. What is the first American art movement to exert major influence internationally?
25. What are the characteristics f Warhols movie Chelsea girls?
26. What does SCUM stand for?
27. IN geographical terms, where did psychedelic rock take off and what are the major
28. what is the name of the novel and the author related to grunge?
29. Who is jester figure in Don McLeans American pie?
30. Name two songs that are related to drugs in the Velvet Underground 1st album?
31. what is the name of the most influential scholar?
32. How did Ronald Reagan describe a hippie protester?

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