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Introduction to the Humanities by Richard Jewell was by far my favorite

summation/article about the humanities. It was very straight forward and to

the point. I really enjoyed the fact that he gave us the reasoning behind why
we should learn about the humanities and how it can be applied.
I agree with the fact that everyone can always improve upon themselves.
While studying the humanities, we are able to become better people, realize
our potential (along with others), and learn more about ourselves. Im also
very happy that Jewell included ways that we can dive deeper into the
humanities by attending a play, looking at paintings, or even just going to a
museum. Everyone is able to start somewhere, whether that is through
religion, history, philosophy, or culture.
My favorite part of this article was when Jewell described that the humanities
are what lights the fire inside every human being. What we explore through
the humanities can motivate us to no end and help learn to discover new
ideas. Whenever I need motivation I watch the movie Men of Honor. That
movie always shows me that if Cuba Gooding Jr. can walk those twelve steps
in a three hundred-pound suit with a prosthetic leg in order to prove his
worth to the Navy, I can achieve my goal of becoming a percussion professor
at a university.
I was also a big fan of Chomskys addition to our curriculum. The greatest
thing he acknowledged was the fact that anyone can do anything they want
to do. Anyone can read and think deeply about what they are learning.
There are no special talents involved; only hard work is required to succeed
in this world. As long as you stop to think, reflect, and find a context, you
will be able to further yourself.

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