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ReConnect v1.5.

This program is release as freeware by Free for personal, corporate,

or academic use and distribution.
Improvements and suggestions are welcome.
1. Removing the startup text:
This can be accomplished in the settings. It will remove the text for the next t
ime you open ReConnect, and the text will not be seen again. It is recommended
that you take a look at the site mentioned in the text: It i
s a multiplayer funny captions game and comes highly recommended.
v1.0: Initial release.
v1.1: Improvement in method of shutting down Windows XP (with the timing feature
v1.2: Windows shutdown allowed while app is running.
v1.3: There was an error with the fact that if you shutdown or restart Windows w
hile ReConnect is open, it will always shutdown Windows regardless of which you
choose (i.e a restart).
v1.4: If you would like to shutdown windows with ReConnect still open, this pose
s no problem now.
You can now select whether you want ReConnect to always remain on top of other w
indows, or not - having it behave like a usual window. This is accomplished in t
he settings: 'Always on top'.
v1.5: On Windows startup, ReConnect will minimize to the system tray when connec
ted, rather than the taskbar.

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