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Sleeps dog

(lagaas de perro)
My granny tells me, when she was young her mother told her, what she has a
godson who die his mom and lives alone, he missed his mom and on the eve of
Day of the Dead someone told at child if you take the sleeps dog and you put in
your eyes you can see dead when they return.
The child enthusiastic decides to get the sleeps dog and the day of dead he
prepared an offering for his mother, darkness fell he was watching the offering with
the sleeps dog in his eyes. He waits and waits to see at his mom but he was
sleepy and obviously sleep but he never woke up.
my great-grandmother noticed the absence of the child and went to visit at his
house, but she only sees the bodys child with a smile lifeless.
What the people said is what he more than see at his mom he right now stays with

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