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(Mayor Dan Reiman Soe RE Se Dear Friend: ‘The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 8th , 2016. Many residents are looking to participate in the election process and are taking advantage of the ability to register to vote using this voter registration form. If you are not registered to vote and want to participate in this election, you must return your registration form as soon as possible, the deadline is before Tuesday, October 18th, 2016. 1am also writing to you today to ask that you join me and many of your neighbors in support of Councilmen Vinnie Bellino, Jorge Diaz, and AJ Johal as they run for reelection under the Column B Democratic team. They will continue working with my administration to build a better Carteret. ‘As you know the Board of Education election is also in November, and I am asking that you join us in support of: #1 Patricia Golino, #4 Mary Murray, #5 Debra Weaver (for the 3-year term), and #3 Hardyal Singh Johal for the 1 year unexpired term. ‘These four dedicated citizens will champion better schools for the children of Carteret. Education is one of my most important priorities and giving the best for our children starts with a strong team in charge of education, ‘This year we as voters have a unique opportunity to ensure that we hold the School System accountable. Vote YES on our local public school question in support of better schools. In addition to your vote, many of you have helped us in the past by allowing a Team Reiman campaign lawn sign to be placed on front of your house. If you would like to request one for this year, or if you would like to vote by mail, please call us at 1-888- 541-3367 or email Again, thank you for your continued support. Together, we can keep Carteret on the right track. ‘Truly, WwW wt ian Es. Dor oe 6 FOR BETTER 888-541-DEMS (3367) vot PUBLIC SCHOOLS

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