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Programming Assignment 7

Pokedex with Interfaces

For this PA you will need to start with the sample code on Piazza and extend the application as follows:

Implement an ICloneable interface with a Clone method

Implement an IDisplayable interface with a GetDisplay method
The .Clone method should perform a deep copy of the data
The GetDisplay method should display the Name, HP, Type and corresponding values on a separate line as
illustrated in the example above.
The user will select the desired pokemon to clone in the top datagridview using the selectedrow
The user will select the number of clones to add using the up down numeric control and press the Clone
The interface will create X number of clones and add to the list of Pokemon and bind that to the datagrid on
the bottom

***Note: Due to the number of requirements on all further programming assignments, a limited number of items may
be selected at random from the list of requirements to be tested for the grade on the application.
Other Logistics:
At the top of your application code, make sure you include your name and MIS220-xxx where xxx is your section number. (001 for the
3:30pm class and 320 for the 5:00pm class.)
Name your zip file submission in the following format: PA<#>_<LastName>_<FirstName>.zip where <#> is the number for the
application, and <LastName> is your last name and <FirstName> is your first name. If your name is John Roberts and this is
assignment 7 then the filename would be:
This assignment is due on 10/25/2016 BEFORE 11:59AM CST. Submit this assignment on BlackBoard as a zip file containing your
complete solution and all required files.

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