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From the Principals Desk

I would like to catch you up since my last blog post. As always, it has been busy around the halls
of Floyd Dryden. We have also been preparing for a couple of events that will occur the week of
October 24-28. On Wednesday, October 26th, we will have our 3rd Annual Dads and Donuts event.
This is always a great time with our adult males that are playing a positive role in our students
lives. We have been able to meet goals of parent outreach with this event. We will also have our
March with Moms event in the spring.
Secondly, on October 27th our 8th grade students will present their work in Digital Storytelling to
parents at our Voices of the Land potluck and video showcase. This event is for parents of 8th
graders. All of our 8th grade students participated in this event that was sponsored by Sealaska
Heritage. We are excited about the creativity our 8th graders have shown. If you are the parent of
an 8th grader, please come and support our students. The event will start at 6 pm in the commons
with a video presentation from students, this will be followed by an appetizer potluck. Please
bring a small item to share. Sam Davis and Jeannette Sleppy deserve a lot of credit for the
tremendous work the students have done. Also, I would like to thank Rosey Robards, our guestteacher, for her expertise and instruction in videography.
On October 28th we will start the 16th Annual Outdoor Skills Program with the 6th grade students.
I would like to specifically thank Jesse Kiehl, Jeff Jemison, and Malin Babcock for all their efforts
in organizing volunteers to teach our students how to be safer while enjoying the outdoors.
I would also like to thank our PTO volunteers for organizing the PTO Magazine Fundraiser.
Jennifer Christensen and Katie Foster spent numerous hours organizing the collections of the
fundraisers and making sure the students who sold items were recognized. Thank you, ladies!
Here is a synopsis of the last three weeks:
Soccer and Cross Country Season Ends, PTO Magazine Sale Fundraiser Basketball Season
Started, Voices of the Land Prime Time, AVID 8th graders College Day, Student Council Elected
Prime Time, Staff Inservice Grinder Training, and First Quarter Grades - sent home on
October 20th .
In closing, there are many opportunities coming up for parents to stay connected to Floyd Dryden
Middle School. I am always encouraged by the level of support we get from our parents and our
community. This week is another example that we truly are a community supporting our students.
I sincerely thank you for your encouragement and dedication to your student and our school.
Take care,

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Did you know...

Parent Teacher Conferences
The professionals at Floyd Dryden are committed to
building on the academic strengths of all students.
November 9th & 10th are days dedicated to meeting
with parents and students to discuss the areas of
student strengths while also acknowledging room
form academic growth. Parental input is vital in
these conversations. I have added a couple of
questions that parents may find appropriate to use
during our Parent Teacher Conferences.

Here are some suggested questions for your Parent/

Teacher conference:

What do you think my student is particularly

*I have added a new tab to the blog that identifies

after school support programs.*

I would also like to take a moment and remind us of

events in November. (More specific events are
updated weekly in the Dryden Dispatch)

November 9th & 10th Parent/Teacher

Conferences (Students not in school)

November 11th No School Veterans Day

November 26th & 27th Thanksgiving Break

(No school)

good at?

In what areas does my student need

No School


How is my student doing socially?

Please note that there is no student attendance on the

following days:

Is my student performing on grade level?

Nov 9th & 10th Parent Teacher Conferences (no

school for students)

How do we know?

Is my student doing his/her best?

How can I help?

How can I contact my students team of


Nov 11th Veterans Day (no school for students and


How can my student get extra help?

Nov 24/25 Thanksgiving Holiday (no school for

students and staff

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Battle of the Books

The books are in! If your child is interested in participating in Battle of the Books this
year, please have him/her stop by the library and check out a book and start reading!
The Dryden Battle of the Book contest will be held on Tuesday February 7th, the
District Battle on Thursday February 16th and the Statewide Battle will be on
Wednesday, March 1st. Battle of the Books is a statewide Alaskan reading motivation
and comprehension program sponsored by the Alaska Association of School Librarians.
Battle of the Books has been around since the 1940s and in 1981 Alaska hosted its first
Battle of the Book competition. Thank you for encouraging your child to be a part of this
long standing and fun tradition. Please contact Mrs. Degener for more information.

2016/2017 Battle of the Books List

THANK YOU for supporting the Dryden Library

Dark Life by Kat Falls

Hidden Talents by David Lubar
Hitler's Canary by Sandi Toksvig
I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
Ice Dogs by Terry Johnson
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Magyk by Angie Sage
Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
Schwa was here by Neal Shusterman
Wildwood by Colin Meloy

Id like to thank those who generously donated books to the

Dryden library by visiting the online book donation web site. If
you havent checked it out, you can go to the Floyd Dryden web
page, go to the LINKS section and click on the Dryden Library
Donation Link. Thanks again for your support!

Dryden Library Themes

Every few weeks the library promotes different reading/writing
focused themes throughout the building. We started off the year
with What Staff Read Over the Summer and just finished
Banned Books Week. We are currently celebrating Alaska
Book Week in the library by encouraging students to read books
about Alaska or books written by Alaskan authors. Ask your
student throughout the school year about the current library theme.

Teen Advisory Board

grade students discussing books theyve

read over the summer with public librarian

Amelia Jenkins during lunch on September

6th, 7th and 8th grade students are meeting in the Dryden library
the 3rd Tuesday of every month during their lunch hour with
public librarian Amelia Jenkins. Lively discussions
have included topics such as newly released books, favorite series,
favorite authors, etc.

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Body and Mind (BAM!) After School Activities

This year has started off well for the
BAM! program. At this moment, we
have 4 activities being held and more
starting soon! So far, we have had over
80 students participate in a BAM!
We have already held activities such
as: HerSpace, Breakfast Club, and
Back to School Crafts. Current
activities include: Outdoor Leaders by
Discovery Southeast, Tlagay
xaygangs (Weaving Our World) by
Sealaska Heritage and Safe Sitter
Training by Bartlett Regional Hospital.
Junior Police Academy by the Juneau
Police Department is starting on
October 25th ! Upcoming activities
include computer coding,
Formline Design, cooking classes, and
board and card games.
As always, BAM! benefits and
depends on volunteers. Volunteers
allow us to hold new and fun activities
and reach more students. If you like
cooking, crafts, games, art, writing,
music or anything then please consider
volunteering with BAM!
If you or someone you know is
interested in volunteering please
contact BAM! at either:
Theresa Reynolds:
C.Allen Truitt:

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Notes from the Nurse

Dear Families:
One of the benefits of having a school nurse is having the option to safely administer medications
during the school day. Both long term and short-term medications can be provided. Most medications
can be given either before or after school, but, sometimes, medications need to be given during the day.
This is especially true with antibiotics and some pain medications. Often times, students can return to
school but need medicine for a period of time afterwards. This can present a challenge to parents.
If your child needs medicine during the school day, please call me to discuss your needs. There are a
few important guidelines we need to follow but the process itself is very simple:
1) Prescription and Non-prescription medication that will be taken during the school hours
MUST be delivered to school by the parent in the original container.
2) Written permission from the parent/guardian MUST be completed for any student who will
be taking medication during the school day.
3) Prescription medication such as insulin, inhalers, or ADHD medications require
authorization from the Physician.
4) Parents should request duplicate bottles from pharmacies: one for home and one for school.
This ensures that both of us have a properly labeled bottle.
5) No medication may be brought in plastic bags/envelopes.
6) Consent forms can be emailed or faxed to you prior to starting the medications. A short visit
from you (no more than ten minutes) will speed the process. I can obtain MD signatures if I
have the labeled medication bottle I do need your signed consent before I can give or authorize
medications. Short term medications such as antibiotics do not require a physician signature.
Please call me at 796-5378 with questions about medications or other topics. My email address is Thank you!
Lisa Petersen, MSN, RN Floyd Dryden/DHMS School Nurse

Feeding Juneaus Future

Feeding Juneaus Future provides a weekend supply of food for children who need to replace the
school meals that they miss during their weekend or extended breaks from school. If you would like
your child to get a weekend food bag please contact our school counselor or tell your child to stop by
the counselor's office every Friday after school for a food bag!
Check out our school counselor's blog/website for the current happenings in the school and community!

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Oct 26th 3rd Annual Dads and Donuts Dads arrive at 7:40 am and pass out donuts at 7:45 am
Oct 27th Voices of the Land Prime Time (for students) and Potluck (for parents and students)
Oct 28th, 31st, & November 1st 16th Annual Outdoor Skills Program for 6th Graders
Nov 6th Daylight Savings Ends (move your clocks back one hour)
Nov 9th & 10th Parent Teacher Conferences (no school for students)
Nov 11th Veterans Day (no school for students and staff)
Nov 24/25 Thanksgiving Holiday (no school for students and staff)


Attendance Hotline
If your child is ill or has an
appointment and will not
be attending school please
call the attendance hotline
at 796-5350. This number
is available 24 hours a day.


10014 Crazy Horse Dr.

Juneau, AK 99801

3800 Mendenhall Loop Rd.

Juneau, AK

(907) 463-1850

(907) 463-1828

Jim Thompson

Haifa Sadighi
Visit us on the Web!

Page 6

Kindness Crew
I am excited to announce that Floyd Dryden Middle School will be participating in a yearlong innovative positive
character and culture building program what will inspire Kindness within the school, the community and the
world, throughout the year.
FDMS is forming their first ever Kindness Crew student team that will issue unique, fun and outside the box
Kindness Challenges to the entire student body each month. Every Kindness challenge is centered around a life
skill, such as integrity, respect, or helpfulness. Each month FDMS will receive videos, posters, announcements
and banners that will promote each Kindness challenge and life skill of the month.
Together, we hope to create a positive and kinder school culture within Floyd Dryden.

Kelly Hansen
Kindness Crew Advisor/FD School Counselor


Join the FDMS CHOIR!
When: Fridays, (After School)
Time: 3.10 4.15pm
Where: Ms. Smyths Room #100
Who Can Join? Open to All students
Program: Vocal training, music reading, songs in different languages, cultures & from different time periods.
Contact Information: Ms. Smyth
(907) 463.1850 Ext 5376

Take Note: Orchestra

"Practice Makes Better" 15 minutes of daily practice is better than playing 'catch-up' just before a performance
with lots of practice to make up for missed time; your music muscles will be screaming for relief.
Please mark your calendars. The 'Holiday Concert' is Wednesday, December 14th.
Viva La Musica!

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