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John mcleod, beginning Postcolonialism (2010)

Gayatri Spivak, Homi Bhabha, Edward Said, Routledge, Frantz Fanon

Identity and trauma,

Theatricality and trauma
East is mimicking the west
Theory of mimicry, if youre not western, youre not a full person. But the whites
never let them become FULLY western, so theyre never FULLY people. IDENTITY.
Nationalism/mimicry, perfomring the nation after traumatic events (Flags go up
everywhere) ((Bhabha)
Orientalism- Edward Said, talks about that the orient was a construction of the
west (the Occident), how we construct the OTHER----Saids Diaspora chapter for
Essays or interviews by the authors

Chagezs buildup of his identity as a Westerner, but hi

WHA IS THE DEFINITION OF A FUNDAMENTALIST-find that outSaids definitions

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